cas 506-59-2

  1. Winni Win

    Dimethylamine Hydrochloride CAS 506-59-2

    Product Name: Dimethylamine hydrochloride CAS NO: 506-59-2 EINECS: 208-046-5 Molecular Formula: C2H8ClN Molecular Weight: 81.54 Melting Point: 170-173 °C(lit.) Boiling Point: 95.79°C (rough estimate) Density: 0.8949 (rough estimate) Storage: Store below +30°C Appearance: White...
  2. Doris1888

    Dimethylamine Hydrochloride CAS 506-59-2

    FOB Price(for reference only): 1kg...........$70USD/kg 100kg..........$15USD/kg Product Name: Dimethylamine hydrochloride CAS NO: 506-59-2 EINECS: 208-046-5 Molecular Formula: C2H8ClN Molecular Weight: 81.54 Melting Point: 170-173 °C(lit.) Boiling Point: 95.79°C (rough estimate)...
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