
  1. Paracelsus

    Enantiomers of stimulants. Part 2. Methamphetamine

    In the previous part, we talked about what enantiomers are in general and using the example of amphetamine. I will not stop at explaining the terms, all the necessary definitions have been given in that topic. Today we will talk about the mirror twins of methamphetamine. And here the situation...
  2. Paracelsus

    Enantiomers of stimulants. Part 1. Basics. Amphetamine

    Let's talk about what enantiomerism is and how it affects substances, pharmacology of the substance and the body. To begin with, what are isomers. Isomers are chemicals with the same formula, but different structures. A particular atom can attach to a molecule in different places - this is how...
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