Wondering if anyone knows how to get it from brick to liquid/paste then reset back into brick? I’m wondering if it’s putting the coke into acetone letting it go into liquid then adding hydrochloric to cause a reaction wait for it to start going into a paste then drain it in cheese cloth then press in mould? Any help would be appreciated
Ehdotan hellävaraista lämpöä(100°C) ja tuuletinta. Jos laitat asetonia siihen, menetät jonkin verran kokaiinia ja luultavasti melkoisen määrän epäpuhtauksia, eikä se vaikuta veteen, se on edelleen siellä. Kokaiini dissosioituu helposti veteen, joten yritä olla menettämättä yhtään vettä.
Laita se tuulettimen eteen, mutta se kestää kauan. Kokeile uunissa tai mikroaaltouunissa, mutta älä pidä sitä liian kauan mikroaaltouunissa tai se palaa.
Very thin layer, maybe use a fan at the begining, but not after it is a little dry
....Or, not sure if this will work, but MAKE a dessicant chamber from a tote with a oven rack inside.
Cook a lot of plain Epsom salts at 350-400 for 2h on a dish covered in aluminum.
Allow to dry, put in the tote on plates on rack, and close the lid GENTLY.
The mgso4 should draw the moisture out.mybdriend dried mushrooms like this once
Wondering if anyone knows how to get it from brick to liquid/paste then reset back into brick? I’m wondering if it’s putting the coke into acetone letting it go into liquid then adding hydrochloric to cause a reaction wait for it to start going into a paste then drain it in cheese cloth then press in mould? Any help would be appreciated