- Origin region
- China
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5cl adb precursor
Formal name: Methyl (S)-2-(1H-indazole-3-carboxamide)-3,3-dimethylbutyrate
CAS No.: 2709672-58-0
Molecular Formula: C15H19N3O3
Molecular weight: 289.3
Purity: ≥98
Delivery time: about 15 days...
Formal name: Methyl (S)-2-(1H-indazole-3-carboxamide)-3,3-dimethylbutyrate
CAS No.: 2709672-58-0
Molecular Formula: C15H19N3O3
Molecular weight: 289.3
Purity: ≥98
Delivery time: about 15 days...
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