Attempts at the one-pot Helional to helionamide process, without successful results.
Issues seem to be the same some people encountered, so if you can give some hindsight it’d be greatly appreciated:
- 13,5g hidroxilamine are added to 175ml DMSO, heating and stirring until it’s dissolved...
Stage 1. α-methyl-1,3-benzodixole-5-propanal oxime
The process way presented on Scheme 1.
Scheme 1
Starting reagents and materials:
260 g Helional or Ocean propanal (3-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-methylpropanal CAS 1205-17-0)
400 ml EtOH (Ethanol 88%)
300-350 ml Na2CO3 (107 g Na2CO3 in 300-350...
Helional [CAS 1205-17-0] is rather interesting substance, which can serve as MDA precursor in the represented simple synthesis. In addition, it has opportunity to become a new MDMA precursor in case MDA conversion to MDMA. BB Forum team are working on this issue after recent China's...
A certain vendor online (that shall not be named) appears to be suggesting a "novel" route to phenethylamines.
The reaction from aldehyde to amine occurs in 3 distinct steps:
1) A Baylis-Hillman reaction is first used to couple an aryl aldehyde with acrylamide using a tertiary...