Sometimes I find that homemade methamphetamine makes me drowsy and tired.
Have any of you experienced something similar?
Is it really just a mental thing?
Or is there a mistake in the synthesis from MA via Pseudophedrine (from Pills), red Phosphor, Iodine...
The particular segment in question starts at about 28:00 minutes into the episode.
I regret not being able to provide a shorter clip, but for anyone interested, this was from the methamphetamine episode of Hamiltons Pharmacopeia.
This is another rough outline of a procedure which is not provided...
"What would you write if you got to retire tomorrow?"
"Number one, there'd be a new version of my Cooking Crank with Uncle Fester video updated with what materials you can obtain on hardware store shelves now".
"Hmmm... What if this is the new version?...."
Hello dear community
we have Ice in Japan I wanted to ask if there is general interest and I would like to talk to someone about current market prices
I want to make meth but I want to use nail polisher instead of acetone to do two things:
First to extract pseudoephedrine from sudafed medicine
Second, as an organic dissolvent for the metamphetamine base
Will that work?
I am new here and Im sorry if general questions like this are unwelcome here. What I am asking in this thread is what NEP feels like. I know it's cathinone but I am asking is it like a-pvp/meth, primarily dopaminergic stim or is it like mdma/jeff/drone - an entactogen type stim?
Thanks in advance.
I'm fairly new to producing methamphetamine from Pseudoephedrine and i must admit this forum has helped a lot understand the chemistry behind it, I've been studying it for a few days and this is what I've managed to learn, Feel free to correct me if I'm missing anything!
Hey there! Im searching for a vendor anywhere in austria preferably in vienna that can deaddrop same day as payment or arrange hand to hand (cash for drugs) deals. Desperately. Anything smokeable off foil or a pipe like nep, meth, a-pvp/a-php/a-pihp, mdpihp/mdphp, etc. and also other stuff would...
HI ! I'm max(nick name) and I'm a beginner drug maker! and I want to make meth but I dont have PURE ephedrine medication.
the qestion is ! does it couse a problem if a medicine contains more than just ephedrine, like iboprofen ???
thanks for the help
by.: MaxX_999
Hi i first want to apologise if this is a stupid question as i am new here on bb but have been reading a lot
i’m not sure if there is a simple solution
but i was wondering how would a person in australia obtain the main chemicals for methamphetamine due to tight drug controls ( things like...
Hello, i read about a cold cooking methode for amphetamines. It sounds intresting because you dont have to cook some an its real good for the secretly synthesis. I want to know if anybody can tell me, is it real or just a mythos. Anyone who knows more?
so mind you I dont have a lab I have a kitchen and its the only way I can make anything, what can I do with 50 tabs of ephedrine as a simple house recipe like super easy for a newbie
enjoy this "meth"od hehe :b original synth here, but i would suggest just sticking with my ver because i made a lot of grammar corrections
this is how fzr96 does push and pull: i use generic 60 mg sudafeds from walgreens. i throw them in a blender, then i throw in some denatured alcohol...
So I've never seen anyone post specifically about what I'm about to here.
A friend of mine is dealing with some clients who are trying to get way more than what it's worth out of him for a ridiculously cheap price. They repeatedly complain as if it's his fault and not theirs for trying to punk...