
  1. DirkDiggler

    Methamphetamin sometimes makes tired...WHY?

    Sometimes I find that homemade methamphetamine makes me drowsy and tired. Have any of you experienced something similar? Is it really just a mental thing? Or is there a mistake in the synthesis from MA via Pseudophedrine (from Pills), red Phosphor, Iodine...
  2. S

    i want lsd & meth

    Looking for a vendor 
    I'm from India I want to buy lsd & meth please suggest best vendors to ship my country your masterpieces
  3. SoldadoDeDrogas

    Benzaldehyde via electric oxidation ? [captions]

    The particular segment in question starts at about 28:00 minutes into the episode. I regret not being able to provide a shorter clip, but for anyone interested, this was from the methamphetamine episode of Hamiltons Pharmacopeia. This is another rough outline of a procedure which is not provided...
  4. SoldadoDeDrogas

    "updated version" of Cooking Crank with Fester [captions]

    "What would you write if you got to retire tomorrow?" "Number one, there'd be a new version of my Cooking Crank with Uncle Fester video updated with what materials you can obtain on hardware store shelves now". "Hmmm... What if this is the new version?...." * IT'S A NICE DAY IN GREEN BAY AND...
  5. Mr.MoeJoe

    ICE in Japan

    Hello dear community we have Ice in Japan I wanted to ask if there is general interest and I would like to talk to someone about current market prices Greetings
  6. C

    Using nail polisher instead of acetone for meth

    I want to make meth but I want to use nail polisher instead of acetone to do two things: First to extract pseudoephedrine from sudafed medicine Second, as an organic dissolvent for the metamphetamine base Will that work?
  7. ektor23


    Looking for a vendor 
    hello guys, have i here someone from the Czech Republic who can solve clean efedrin?
  8. NECUM

    Má niekto na predaj dlhodobo?

    Čaute zháňam spoľahlivý zdroj od ktorého sa da kúpovat dlhodobo.. Brno? Hodonín ? Niekto pri hraniciach s Sk smer Ba
  9. A

    What is NEP like?

    I am new here and Im sorry if general questions like this are unwelcome here. What I am asking in this thread is what NEP feels like. I know it's cathinone but I am asking is it like a-pvp/meth, primarily dopaminergic stim or is it like mdma/jeff/drone - an entactogen type stim? Thanks in advance.
  10. L

    New to methamphetamine production

    I'm fairly new to producing methamphetamine from Pseudoephedrine and i must admit this forum has helped a lot understand the chemistry behind it, I've been studying it for a few days and this is what I've managed to learn, Feel free to correct me if I'm missing anything! Chemicals...
  11. Haruwua

    Looking for vendor in Austria

    Question Looking for a vendor 
    Hey there! Im searching for a vendor anywhere in austria preferably in vienna that can deaddrop same day as payment or arrange hand to hand (cash for drugs) deals. Desperately. Anything smokeable off foil or a pipe like nep, meth, a-pvp/a-php/a-pihp, mdpihp/mdphp, etc. and also other stuff would...
  12. MaxX_999

    is it a problem if I use a medication that contains not only ephedrine for production of meth? (shake&bake)

    HI ! I'm max(nick name) and I'm a beginner drug maker! and I want to make meth but I dont have PURE ephedrine medication. the qestion is ! does it couse a problem if a medicine contains more than just ephedrine, like iboprofen ??? thanks for the help by.: MaxX_999
  13. ektor23

    Hledám spolupráci

    Question Looking for a vendor 
    Zkouším najít prodejce který by mohl dodávat zboží na komis zatím v menším měřítku pouze Česká Republika
  14. ektor23

    cooperation on commissions

    Question Looking for a vendor 
    any seller who would be interested in cooperation on commissions only in the Czech Republic
  15. W

    Packaging and Storage of Methamphetamine

    I have a storage problem. I want my methamphetamine to always be in the same condition as I got it the first day. Any suggestions?
  16. F

    ways to get ephedrine Aus

    Hi i first want to apologise if this is a stupid question as i am new here on bb but have been reading a lot i’m not sure if there is a simple solution but i was wondering how would a person in australia obtain the main chemicals for methamphetamine due to tight drug controls ( things like...
  17. G

    Cold Cooking Meth

    Hello, i read about a cold cooking methode for amphetamines. It sounds intresting because you dont have to cook some an its real good for the secretly synthesis. I want to know if anybody can tell me, is it real or just a mythos. Anyone who knows more?
  18. Samantha69

    I've got 50 tabs of ephedrine what can I do with them

    so mind you I dont have a lab I have a kitchen and its the only way I can make anything, what can I do with 50 tabs of ephedrine as a simple house recipe like super easy for a newbie
  19. fidelis

    push/pull method methamphetamine

    enjoy this "meth"od hehe :b original synth here, but i would suggest just sticking with my ver because i made a lot of grammar corrections this is how fzr96 does push and pull: i use generic 60 mg sudafeds from walgreens. i throw them in a blender, then i throw in some denatured alcohol...
  20. A

    Step on it!!!!

    So I've never seen anyone post specifically about what I'm about to here. A friend of mine is dealing with some clients who are trying to get way more than what it's worth out of him for a ridiculously cheap price. They repeatedly complain as if it's his fault and not theirs for trying to punk...