Acidification in a 304 stainless steel container or will it work as a last resort? Is it possible to animate with Toluene / DCM in HDPE?


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Nov 13, 2022
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Hello, can I carry out acidification in a container made of stainless steel AISI 304? Steel, as we know, is defenseless against hydrochloric acid, but when acidizing with even concentrated hydrochloric acid in water, its % content relative to the total volume of the liquid will be negligible. Can something bad happen within, say, an hour (the duration of the acidification along with the cooling of more at once) and through the reaction of hydrochloric acid with the solid the whole product will go to waste?

A question from another barrel. Can I keep DCM, Toluene, Ethyl acetate in HDPE? Because in the tables they say that HDPE is not resistant to DCM or Toluene at least.
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