To clean iodine crystals obtained from tincture, you can follow these steps:
Allow the tincture containing iodine to evaporate slowly in a well-ventilated area. This process will leave iodine crystals behind.
Once the solution has evaporated, you can separate the solid iodine crystals from any remaining liquid or impurities.
Carefully dry the iodine crystals to remove any remaining moisture. You can use a desiccator or a clean, dry surface for this purpose.
If you want to further purify the iodine, sublimation can be used. This involves heating the iodine crystals, and as they vaporize and then condense, it can help remove impurities. Collect the purified crystals.
Store the cleaned and dried iodine crystals in a dark, airtight container to prevent them from reacting with atmospheric moisture or other substances.