

Overview Donations

Sorry it's so little. As I grow I will donate more.
What you/we are doing here is simply amazing and quite bold.
Fight the power. Flow like water.
Donate it because bb is the best!!
Thanks for your work
for willD hopefully busy man can reply soon :) appreciate your efforts team
Thanks to your forum I have already met a lot of people about the world. As a result, I donate a monthly amount as a thank you..

Grtz Peaks
Thanks lads
for William D
up up site
A show of gratitude. Thank you all. William You really helped me partner!
Thanks to Mr. Heisenberg and Mr. G. Patton And my crazy first Escrow customer. for their help and support, We haven't been here very long., but through BBgate forum we have been able to build trust with our clients and securely close our first escrow transaction.
We hope that our noids precursor business can be developed in this forum, we promise to provide the best noids precursor in China, the most authentic Chinese factory!
Also hope everyone and the forum gets better and better, and good luck before Christmas comes!
Best wishes from
Original name: 2C-B-Lab
Today, I changed my name.

Thank you brothers for your long-term trust, and thank you to the forum for helping me.

Remember my name.My name is:Klein
Great work guys!
Thank you to William Dampier.
Thanks to the complete team off BB.
Small first donation of one
Good luck with BB getting better and better.
Thanks to the complete team off BB.
This information helped me a lot.
I hope in the future all stay stabile.
Thanks to G.Patton for your patience and thanks to Heisenberg for your knowledge sharing also.

Thanks from
We Know we GOOD!

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