Amphetamine Speed paste

Jul 25, 2021
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Amphetamine is a very popular drug. Amphetamine suppliers have to be very resourceful to market their product and get ahead of the competition. Recently more and more reports have been coming in about the wonderful Amphetamine Speed Paste, which is supposedly stronger than original amphetamine. We decided to get to the bottom of it and tell you about it.

After studying the available data, it was found that amphetamine paste has no permanent composition. In the best case you will be offered a mixture of amphetamine and ethanol under the guise of paste. This combination allows amphetamine to cross the hemoencephalic barrier faster and it speeds up its effect on the brain. This gives the feeling of a stronger effect because more amphetamine gets into the bloodstream at once than during methobolism.
Also some manufacturers don't hide the fact that they add glucose to stabilize the form. Glucose also has an effect on metabolism, but it is not known how much effect its presence in the paste has. Glucose is most likely a stabilizing and binding agent, possibly prolonging the effect of the paste.

Whether the paste is with ethanol or together with it with glucose, it is still a quality product with an amphetamine sulfate content ranging from 30 to 70 percent and has no harmful substances in its composition. Such paste has a white color and smells like ethanol. The paste is consumed orally and can be added to tea or juice.


But in the worst case, unscrupulous suppliers, under the guise of Amphetamine Speed Paste will supply you with dirty amphetamine. Amphetamine that has not been properly purified and contains the remains of harmful impurities, unreacted precursors, solvents, and reaction by-products. Such product has a pungent chemical odor and can be orange, red, gray or brown in color. It is viscous and sticky non-uniform structure. This is the kind of amphetamine that is produced when the synthesis is done incorrectly. And purification of such a product will cause great losses to the mass. That's why unscrupulous suppliers try to sell it under the guise of paste.
But in fact this substance has a toxic effect along with the action of amphetamine. Consumers note the strong action of this paste, but at the same time they feel nausea and chemical taste, discomfort in the stomach, sticky chemical sweat, fog in the head. After the effects (hangover) are very pronounced and it takes time to recover.
This product is not recommended for use without proper cleaning. Otherwise you risk getting toxic poisoning.

Last edited:
Jul 25, 2021
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Who has used Amphetamine Speed Paste ?
Perhaps someone has made such a paste ?
Share your experiences.


Don't buy from me
Feb 7, 2023
Reaction score
I would like to tell you about my experience with the so-called "amphetamine paste" in our country.
The experiences I have had are exclusively in Germany, the Netherlands and Poland.
I would even go so far as to say that the myth of "good amphetamine paste" originated in these countries.
If we had amphetamine paste that "only" contained ethanol, with an amphetamine sulfate content of 30-70%, and which was then perhaps only stretched with glucose, you would not even be able to put your happiness and joy into words!!!!!.
Here in Europe the dealers are only interested in the max profit quantity before quality is the motto.
For this they invented the amphetamine paste myth and it goes like this: the wetter the product is and the more it stinks of chemicals, the better the quality!!!!
Everyone fell for it, including me for some time, most still believe the myth, unfortunately!
Basically, the dealer you trust is just a good storyteller, who himself does not know what is in the paste, let alone how it was made. Why should they, as long as people buy the snot and the profit is high.
The amphetamine paste that you can buy is produced in large quantities in some backyard!
And it goes like this: in a large barrel, the amphetamine base (Freebase as oil, BMK, PMK, APAAN) is tipped and then methanol,
everything is stirred a little bit and then sulfuric acid is added until nothing more precipitates in "amphetamine sulfate, then there is a lot of caffeine on it (usually there is about 6 - 9kg of caffeine on 1kg of produced paste!!!) and so that the whole thing stays nice and moist, IPA or ethanol is dumped on it. If something discolored by contamination e.g. pink, then it is sold as pink champagne or under any other fancy name for more money and that works, totally perverse is that.
And people buy, buy and buy it! They think that the wetter and smellier the paste is the more quality it has, very sad.
I started years ago to wash this amphetamine paste with acetone to remove the synthesis residues and to remove extenders.
and to remove the extender. But for us, the #1 extender is caffeine, so I washed the whole thing again, after the acetone wash, in
in boiling distilled water, let it cool to room temperature and then put it in the fridge for 2 hours.
Then filter the whole thing, what was left to evaporate! so one had got quite good amphetamine! The yield became less and less and less!

In the meantime I precipitate the amphetamine sulfate myself, via the Freebase (A-Oil) that is the only way to get good amphetamine.
to get. The funny thing is, if someone has the luck and can buy such an amphetamine sulfate, from me or from whoever, this is usually perceived as bad, because the huge amount of caffeine and negative side effects of synthesis residues or whatever is missing!
Often such customers also the price is too high, because quantity is put before quality! There are only a few who prefer to pay a higher price and then also get a clean product, these people also understand that, the Freebase has become extremely expensive (with unfortunately always decreasing quality of Freebase) it has also become extremely difficult in Europe to get HSO4!

So that's it
You should consider yourself lucky in my opinion with what you have described in the first section!
one can only hope that it is not someday such a snot as with us here!



Don't buy from me
New Member
Jun 16, 2023
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Hi! Thanks for your informative report! Really appreciated!

I can tell you about my experiences with speed paste made in Germany and Netherlands.

I am in the speed game since actually a good 15 years, pretty chronicle user since 5 years.

Actually a good 98% of my purchases were speed paste. You are right, it is a marketing thing here as well. People say wet speed paste is "right from the laboratory", "very pure" or "very strong". Because you can not snort that stuff (and you really shouldn't!!! - will explain later) you will get accustomed and thaught by fellow users to dry the stuff first. With being even dumber before, I thought the wet solution is added as a cutting agent. I even thought it might be added so that the sellers can add other cut junk agents to the paste and the final product will therefore be better mixed as just 2 dry powder compounds, lets say amphetamine and coffeine, which could result in "hotspots" - a term maybe better known in the fentanyl scene, where an uneven mix can even be lethal, when 1 line is significantly stronger then the next line, where you just get the cuts ....

I am just starting to explore the production process and to question the different speed outcomes ... When I buy speed paste I am sure it is solvents ... I can't tell you which ones are used, and I ask myself if the solution is indeed because the product was not dry out by the initial chemist - but I wouldn't doubt that greedy pushers put any solution on it on top, maybe isopropyl, or whatever, to give it way more wight and to get a chemical smell again, which is considered "very good" and "pure" by most buyers.

I myself dislike the form of paste, because for me this is just an unfinished product. There is nothing worse than going to a party with paste and not being able to consume your good.
Another negative point is that you never really know how much you actually pay for the speed: If you buy 1gr of paste for lets say 3 EUR, you won't know if it will be 400mg dried, or maybe just 250mg. The weight also gradually lessens with more air exposure.

Which brings me to the next point: I really pity honest dealers / re-sellers: With every access to their stash it will weight less because of the air exposure. If you don't calculate with that, it could even be that you make loss with the selling .....

If you dry out the commonly traded speed paste, there will be a good loss of maybe average 50%. But there is wet and even wetter speed paste. A recent purchase of 11gr speed paste came out at around 4gr. If you would recalculate the price now, it would become obvious that the market is so depressing right now that such prices are just unacceptable. Also your buyers would just wander off to the next dealer selling the exact same shit WITH solvents, because it is "much cheaper".

Now, to my warning! DON'T CONSUME WET SPEED IN EUROPE, if you are not 100% sure there was a smart and dedicated guy behind it like Marvin "Popcorn" Sutton. His receipe actually makes sense, and I understand why one would make paste like this, and I think Amphetamine mixed with ethanol and/or glucose should be fine.
The thing is, at least in my experience, I am very very sure the stuff sold here as paste is not ONLY amphetamine with ETHANOL, but other solvents which I am sure can be pretty hazardous to your nose and brain if not properly dried out.
If you go to parties with drug information stands/flyers, they all say to never consume wet speed, and to let it properly dry out first!!! Those are the guys who also engage in drug checking, I guess they know what they talk about and what stuff is currently circulating ....
When I get my bag for the week / month, first thing I do is rip the bag open, put it in a bowl, and let it dry for 2-3 days. That's where the price from initial 5 EUR/g is rising to something like 15 EUR with the finished product. If i were to sell speed, people would laugh and show me the finger... If I would now add enough solvents again to make it to the initial weight again, they would say fair deal... with the same amphetamine content, just more hazardous and actually in an unconsumable form. Insane!

The situation here became so depressing that I ended up here, HAHA!
Take it with a grain of salt ....

What is happening in the European speed market (at least for the end-consumer) is a DISGRACE and BLASPHEMY on all levels in my view .... I knew a guy who just KNEW what he was doing ... Amphetamine can be such a wonderful, euphoric and cheap drug/medication ... I really want to know what kind of sad and fucked up human being one has to be to take all the fun out of this substance... It is unbelievable and unacceptable what some hillibilly pushers try to pass of as speed nowadays at parties. Just like the pharma companies that charge horrendous prices for drugs where ALL THE FUN is engineered out, just take a look at this OxyNeo and slow release oxycodone shit ... and then society wonders about the evolving of the fentanyl shit show in america ... yeah.... if drugs are expensive, dangerous and don't even make fun anymore, for what's that shit then anyways? Not even worth anymore to get criminal for that trash anymore ... yeah ... play stupid games win stupid prizes, huh ....

Anyways, after all that rage from me about speed paste, I actually think Marvin "Popcorn" Sutton has a really nice approach on this. All I want to say is, please don't think that his recipe is the standard for European speed paste. It is not!
Anyways, thanks for the interesting post!!!

I have some questions for fellow readers/posters:

1) As I entered the speed game only after 2000 .... How was the speed back in the 80's, 90's, etc. in Europe? Was dry powder the standard?

I have actually heard that the old school biker meth "crank" in the US was powder instead of smokable ice crystal shards .... If I am not mistaken, I think that is also the form that Uncle Fester is making in his videos ....

Anyways, I am also interested in the forms of speed you are getting elsewhere around the globe... I actually pity the american speed situation a bit, as I presume your standard amphetamine product is either pharma adderall or clandestine methamphetamine?

Asia is drowning in crystal meth... I have tried it myself, but actually prefer normal amphetamine MUCH MUCH more! As i said, I am pretty much a chronicle speed user ... after 3 days of no sleep from normal amphetamine, I like the "spun" mind state, another re-dose doesn't work that much anymore and I pretty much prefer to smoke a joint and sleep and eat anyways by that point.

Meth is much less controllable and for daily use in my perspective ... and the biggest contra is the awful long duration and the ultra harsh comedown ... I once stayed awake for 5 days with ice, it was by far the most awful bad trip experience i had with drugs .... much much worse than lets say a difficult mushroom or LSD trip .... that WOULD NOT have happened with normal amphetamine.

Also, I know chronic amphetamine users in Europe... with tolerance, they are very able to have a normal live ... sleep, eat, work, etc. .... As I am aware that amphetamine is not healthy, they actually do not look messed up, unhealthy, anorexic, have a lot of paranoia etc ....

I know chronic methamphetamine users from asia... damn.... not every meth user will become another "faces of meth" person ... but it pretty sure has potential to lead you there if you want to or don't care!!!

2) About the coloring:
Actually, me, and a few of my fellow speed friends think, that when the paste is dried out and slightly turns yellow, it is a good sign of higher purity of speed ... I/we guess it is due to oxidation of amphetamine, which hints at a good amphetamine amount, whereas cut junk won't have much amphetamine, therefore won't oxidize, and therefore won't turn a bit yellowish ...

One of your pictures under the line of "toxic chemical poisoning" also has a yellow color ...
As a complete noob - are our assumptions right, or is speed paste turning yellow actually a sign for improper synthesis and/or byproducts?

Oh .... this got a long post ...
well, like i said ...
I am a speed enthusiast ...
Cheers!!! :p


Don't buy from me
Sep 3, 2023
Reaction score
Hi! Thanks for your informative report! Really appreciated!

I can tell you about my experiences with speed paste made in Germany and Netherlands.

I am in the speed game since actually a good 15 years, pretty chronicle user since 5 years.

Actually a good 98% of my purchases were speed paste. You are right, it is a marketing thing here as well. People say wet speed paste is "right from the laboratory", "very pure" or "very strong". Because you can not snort that stuff (and you really shouldn't!!! - will explain later) you will get accustomed and thaught by fellow users to dry the stuff first. With being even dumber before, I thought the wet solution is added as a cutting agent. I even thought it might be added so that the sellers can add other cut junk agents to the paste and the final product will therefore be better mixed as just 2 dry powder compounds, lets say amphetamine and coffeine, which could result in "hotspots" - a term maybe better known in the fentanyl scene, where an uneven mix can even be lethal, when 1 line is significantly stronger then the next line, where you just get the cuts ....

I am just starting to explore the production process and to question the different speed outcomes ... When I buy speed paste I am sure it is solvents ... I can't tell you which ones are used, and I ask myself if the solution is indeed because the product was not dry out by the initial chemist - but I wouldn't doubt that greedy pushers put any solution on it on top, maybe isopropyl, or whatever, to give it way more wight and to get a chemical smell again, which is considered "very good" and "pure" by most buyers.

I myself dislike the form of paste, because for me this is just an unfinished product. There is nothing worse than going to a party with paste and not being able to consume your good.
Another negative point is that you never really know how much you actually pay for the speed: If you buy 1gr of paste for lets say 3 EUR, you won't know if it will be 400mg dried, or maybe just 250mg. The weight also gradually lessens with more air exposure.

Which brings me to the next point: I really pity honest dealers / re-sellers: With every access to their stash it will weight less because of the air exposure. If you don't calculate with that, it could even be that you make loss with the selling .....

If you dry out the commonly traded speed paste, there will be a good loss of maybe average 50%. But there is wet and even wetter speed paste. A recent purchase of 11gr speed paste came out at around 4gr. If you would recalculate the price now, it would become obvious that the market is so depressing right now that such prices are just unacceptable. Also your buyers would just wander off to the next dealer selling the exact same shit WITH solvents, because it is "much cheaper".

Now, to my warning! DON'T CONSUME WET SPEED IN EUROPE, if you are not 100% sure there was a smart and dedicated guy behind it like Marvin "Popcorn" Sutton. His receipe actually makes sense, and I understand why one would make paste like this, and I think Amphetamine mixed with ethanol and/or glucose should be fine.
The thing is, at least in my experience, I am very very sure the stuff sold here as paste is not ONLY amphetamine with ETHANOL, but other solvents which I am sure can be pretty hazardous to your nose and brain if not properly dried out.
If you go to parties with drug information stands/flyers, they all say to never consume wet speed, and to let it properly dry out first!!! Those are the guys who also engage in drug checking, I guess they know what they talk about and what stuff is currently circulating ....
When I get my bag for the week / month, first thing I do is rip the bag open, put it in a bowl, and let it dry for 2-3 days. That's where the price from initial 5 EUR/g is rising to something like 15 EUR with the finished product. If i were to sell speed, people would laugh and show me the finger... If I would now add enough solvents again to make it to the initial weight again, they would say fair deal... with the same amphetamine content, just more hazardous and actually in an unconsumable form. Insane!

The situation here became so depressing that I ended up here, HAHA!
Take it with a grain of salt ....

What is happening in the European speed market (at least for the end-consumer) is a DISGRACE and BLASPHEMY on all levels in my view .... I knew a guy who just KNEW what he was doing ... Amphetamine can be such a wonderful, euphoric and cheap drug/medication ... I really want to know what kind of sad and fucked up human being one has to be to take all the fun out of this substance... It is unbelievable and unacceptable what some hillibilly pushers try to pass of as speed nowadays at parties. Just like the pharma companies that charge horrendous prices for drugs where ALL THE FUN is engineered out, just take a look at this OxyNeo and slow release oxycodone shit ... and then society wonders about the evolving of the fentanyl shit show in america ... yeah.... if drugs are expensive, dangerous and don't even make fun anymore, for what's that shit then anyways? Not even worth anymore to get criminal for that trash anymore ... yeah ... play stupid games win stupid prizes, huh ....

Anyways, after all that rage from me about speed paste, I actually think Marvin "Popcorn" Sutton has a really nice approach on this. All I want to say is, please don't think that his recipe is the standard for European speed paste. It is not!
Anyways, thanks for the interesting post!!!

I have some questions for fellow readers/posters:

1) As I entered the speed game only after 2000 .... How was the speed back in the 80's, 90's, etc. in Europe? Was dry powder the standard?

I have actually heard that the old school biker meth "crank" in the US was powder instead of smokable ice crystal shards .... If I am not mistaken, I think that is also the form that Uncle Fester is making in his videos ....

Anyways, I am also interested in the forms of speed you are getting elsewhere around the globe... I actually pity the american speed situation a bit, as I presume your standard amphetamine product is either pharma adderall or clandestine methamphetamine?

Asia is drowning in crystal meth... I have tried it myself, but actually prefer normal amphetamine MUCH MUCH more! As i said, I am pretty much a chronicle speed user ... after 3 days of no sleep from normal amphetamine, I like the "spun" mind state, another re-dose doesn't work that much anymore and I pretty much prefer to smoke a joint and sleep and eat anyways by that point.

Meth is much less controllable and for daily use in my perspective ... and the biggest contra is the awful long duration and the ultra harsh comedown ... I once stayed awake for 5 days with ice, it was by far the most awful bad trip experience i had with drugs .... much much worse than lets say a difficult mushroom or LSD trip .... that WOULD NOT have happened with normal amphetamine.

Also, I know chronic amphetamine users in Europe... with tolerance, they are very able to have a normal live ... sleep, eat, work, etc. .... As I am aware that amphetamine is not healthy, they actually do not look messed up, unhealthy, anorexic, have a lot of paranoia etc ....

I know chronic methamphetamine users from asia... damn.... not every meth user will become another "faces of meth" person ... but it pretty sure has potential to lead you there if you want to or don't care!!!

2) About the coloring:
Actually, me, and a few of my fellow speed friends think, that when the paste is dried out and slightly turns yellow, it is a good sign of higher purity of speed ... I/we guess it is due to oxidation of amphetamine, which hints at a good amphetamine amount, whereas cut junk won't have much amphetamine, therefore won't oxidize, and therefore won't turn a bit yellowish ...

One of your pictures under the line of "toxic chemical poisoning" also has a yellow color ...
As a complete noob - are our assumptions right, or is speed paste turning yellow actually a sign for improper synthesis and/or byproducts?

Oh .... this got a long post ...
well, like i said ...
I am a speed enthusiast ...
Cheers!!! :p
CuriousStudentIf your amphetamine is white when wet but turns a LITLLLE BIT yellow when dried is not a problem your right with that but if its dark yelllow like on the picture above you mention its just toxic shit!!!


Don't buy from me
Sep 3, 2023
Reaction score
Amphetamine is a very popular drug. Amphetamine suppliers have to be very resourceful to market their product and get ahead of the competition. Recently more and more reports have been coming in about the wonderful Amphetamine Speed Paste, which is supposedly stronger than original amphetamine. We decided to get to the bottom of it and tell you about it.

After studying the available data, it was found that amphetamine paste has no permanent composition. In the best case you will be offered a mixture of amphetamine and ethanol under the guise of paste. This combination allows amphetamine to cross the hemoencephalic barrier faster and it speeds up its effect on the brain. This gives the feeling of a stronger effect because more amphetamine gets into the bloodstream at once than during methobolism.
Also some manufacturers don't hide the fact that they add glucose to stabilize the form. Glucose also has an effect on metabolism, but it is not known how much effect its presence in the paste has. Glucose is most likely a stabilizing and binding agent, possibly prolonging the effect of the paste.

Whether the paste is with ethanol or together with it with glucose, it is still a quality product with an amphetamine sulfate content ranging from 30 to 70 percent and has no harmful substances in its composition. Such paste has a white color and smells like ethanol. The paste is consumed orally and can be added to tea or juice.

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But in the worst case, unscrupulous suppliers, under the guise of Amphetamine Speed Paste will supply you with dirty amphetamine. Amphetamine that has not been properly purified and contains the remains of harmful impurities, unreacted precursors, solvents, and reaction by-products. Such product has a pungent chemical odor and can be orange, red, gray or brown in color. It is viscous and sticky non-uniform structure. This is the kind of amphetamine that is produced when the synthesis is done incorrectly. And purification of such a product will cause great losses to the mass. That's why unscrupulous suppliers try to sell it under the guise of paste.
But in fact this substance has a toxic effect along with the action of amphetamine. Consumers note the strong action of this paste, but at the same time they feel nausea and chemical taste, discomfort in the stomach, sticky chemical sweat, fog in the head. After the effects (hangover) are very pronounced and it takes time to recover.
This product is not recommended for use without proper cleaning. Otherwise you risk getting toxic poisoning.

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Marvin Popcorn Sutton
Amphetamine is a very popular drug. Amphetamine suppliers have to be very resourceful to market their product and get ahead of the competition. Recently more and more reports have been coming in about the wonderful Amphetamine Speed Paste, which is supposedly stronger than original amphetamine. We decided to get to the bottom of it and tell you about it.

After studying the available data, it was found that amphetamine paste has no permanent composition. In the best case you will be offered a mixture of amphetamine and ethanol under the guise of paste. This combination allows amphetamine to cross the hemoencephalic barrier faster and it speeds up its effect on the brain. This gives the feeling of a stronger effect because more amphetamine gets into the bloodstream at once than during methobolism.
Also some manufacturers don't hide the fact that they add glucose to stabilize the form. Glucose also has an effect on metabolism, but it is not known how much effect its presence in the paste has. Glucose is most likely a stabilizing and binding agent, possibly prolonging the effect of the paste.

Whether the paste is with ethanol or together with it with glucose, it is still a quality product with an amphetamine sulfate content ranging from 30 to 70 percent and has no harmful substances in its composition. Such paste has a white color and smells like ethanol. The paste is consumed orally and can be added to tea or juice.

View attachment 13432 View attachment 13433 View attachment 13434
But in the worst case, unscrupulous suppliers, under the guise of Amphetamine Speed Paste will supply you with dirty amphetamine. Amphetamine that has not been properly purified and contains the remains of harmful impurities, unreacted precursors, solvents, and reaction by-products. Such product has a pungent chemical odor and can be orange, red, gray or brown in color. It is viscous and sticky non-uniform structure. This is the kind of amphetamine that is produced when the synthesis is done incorrectly. And purification of such a product will cause great losses to the mass. That's why unscrupulous suppliers try to sell it under the guise of paste.
But in fact this substance has a toxic effect along with the action of amphetamine. Consumers note the strong action of this paste, but at the same time they feel nausea and chemical taste, discomfort in the stomach, sticky chemical sweat, fog in the head. After the effects (hangover) are very pronounced and it takes time to recover.
This product is not recommended for use without proper cleaning. Otherwise you risk getting toxic poisoning.

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I live in The Netherlands and you have professional labs here who test every drug for free and 90% of the amphetamine thts tested has at least 70% caffeine but those fools don't know tht so much caffeine can be deadly but they only care about profit so i starterd buying freebase only clear as water and with the right weight and Ph and then i bought 1KG of P2NP and did the NaBH4 Synthesis it was so good that i immediately bought a 100L Double Jacketed Reactorand all the other things like steam generator for steam distallatiion of my freebase and now i make my own P2NP And i just scale it up to my 100L Reactor and i only sell to 2 friends that's it! But don't trust the "paste"!!!


Don't buy from me
New Member
Jun 4, 2024
Reaction score
have always wanted to try speed paste.
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