Amphetamine testing protocol


Jul 5, 2021
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You bought a fancy amphetamine product and decided to do pollution and admixture testing experiments. Then you open this article and use it as a guide for experimenting. There are list of manipulations with amphetamine product and useful information for home tests.
Amphetamine is obtained as a free base racemate (sum l- and d-isomers). After, the product transform into a salt form by acidification. For this procedure may be used sulfuric, phosphoric or hydrochloric acids to get the corresponding salt. Amphetamine hydrochloride has more pronounced effect because hydrochloric acid residue has less molecular weight.
In the same mass, for example one gram, you will have:
- 0.78 g of amphetamine and 0.23 g hydrochloric acid
- 0.73 g of amphetamine and 0.27 g sulfuric acid
- 0.58 g of amphetamine and 0.42 g phosphoric acid
There is approximately 1.3-fold difference between amphetamine hydrochloride, amphetamine sulfate with amphetamine phosphate, which accounts for the difference between the effects of different amphetamine salts, respectively. In this article «Amphetamine salts» you can find methods for determining your amphetamine salt.


Dextrorotatory amphetamine (d-amphetamine, dexamphetamine) has a half-life in the body of 9-11 hours, actively affects dopamine receptors and emotional and cognitive effects, such as euphoria, changes in libido, improved cognitive control, including a decrease in reaction time, increased resistance to fatigue and increased muscle strength. And levorotatory (l-amphetamine, levoamphetamine) has a half-life of 11-16 hours, causes impaired cognitive function, muscle tissue destruction, sleep disturbances, tremors in the limbs, sexual dysfunction, and can lead to the development of psychosis (hallucinations and paranoia). Thus, a consumer who has taken a racemate (d, l-amphetamine), for the first few hours, feels the positive effects of dexamphetamine, leveling the negative effects of levamphetamine (the d-isomer is 5-8 times more active than the left one), and after its breakdown remains with the levorotatory isomer and experiences its effects.

Possible side products and adulterant substances

Some substances that can reach the end product and pose a health hazard, such as mercury salts, phenylacetone, 1-phenyl-2-nitropropene, sulfuric/phosphorus/acetic/hydrochloric acids, nitro ethane, 1-phenylpropan-2-one oxime.
In the first place is cheap Caffeine because this substance stimulate CNS with short similar effect as amph. Far after the first place are such nootropics as Cinnarizine and Piracetam. Also, amph. (amphetamine) often can be substituted by a-PVP or Methamphetamine, which have similar stimulation effects. Since unsubstituted benzaldehyde is difficult to obtain, there are substitutions for substituted benzaldehydes, for example 2-fluoro benzaldehyde. Some medications such as noramidopyrine or metamizole sodium may also be added.

Examples of pure amphetamine

All of these amphetamine powders have 95%+ purity approved by GC-MS.
There are examples of dirty amphetamines with different colors.

Algorithm of procedures:
1. Firstly, you have to provide visual checking of your stuff. If your product has different color from white, It, probably, has some organic or inorganic syntheses side products, which can change color. The color of amphetamine depends on reactions and their quality, which was carried out. White, pearl, beige, yellow, orange, peach, pale pink, pink, grey are the "normal colors" of amphetamine. More colored means a dirtier product. Although amphetamine powder has to be clearly whitish, some sellers invent stories about «special formula or syntheses method», which give unusual paint. If amphetamine is in the hydrochloride salt, it can cause snot (a rather rare case).
What determines the color:
Rose - the product is overoxidized (part of the amphetamine salt, due to the overuse of acid, turned into decomposition products and colored the rest of the powder).
Yellow - the product is not oxidized (due to a lack of acid, not all the base was converted into salt, and its residues colored the rest of the powder).
Red - phenyl nitropropene did not react completely on amalgam, the reaction mixture was alkalized and acidified into salt, giving this color.
Green - mercury salts are contaminated with other metals, which result in color. In addition, it affects the formation of amalgam.
Brown - formation of resins during synthesis.

In general, it should be noted that a chemically pure product should always be white. For example, pharmaceutical amphetamine does not even have a hint. Also, a change in color may not only be an indicator of the correctness of the synthesis performed. Almost all synthesis impurities can be deleted by acid-alkali extraction.

2. Secondary, provide simple experiment with dissolving your product in water. Dissolve 100 mg (100 mg is enough, but more is better) of the amphetamine sample in 10 ml room temperature water. If your sample is dissolving well, it means that, probably, you have quiet pure drug. Important: grind dense lumps of powder before the experiment, small lumps may form in the sediment.
You have to interpret the results of the dissolution experiment. If your product is completely insoluble or partially dissolves, it could be caused by the addition of caffeine. There are links to simple experiments to determinate caffeine in amphetamine powder by Wagner's reagent and Nitric acid and ammonia solution.
Also, it can be MCC (microcrystalline cellulose), silicon dioxide, inorganic salts (see «Determination of impurity in synthetic PAS»).

3. Thirdly, confirm the compliance of the product with the declared amphetamine by LF tests (drug testing kits). You will receive clear result about your substance and admixtured narcotic substance (if it takes place to be) and these tests help to chpose next step.

4. Fourthly, check pH of the solution. Powder of amphetamine can be polluted by organic powdery acids (ascorbic, citric, etc.), organic powdery bases (Novocaine, Lidocaine, Caffeine, etc.). «Determination of impurity in synthetic PAS» exactly describe method of determination of them.

5. Next, if any pollutants are not found, and you are still doubt in your amphetamine or LF tests reveal admixtured narcotic substance, lead experiments with test reagents. Use «Drugs testing reagents». These methods help to determine kind of admixtures. There are manuals, which are described checking procedures and meaning, where you can find methods of reagent synthesis.
According to data from testing reagent experiments, you may compare and approve result by TLC.

For instance, you have received test result with Marquis reagent, which gave black color. Usually it means that your amph. diluted with MDMA. If the color of the drops changes to yellowish, it means that you, probably, have pure amph. Take TLC plate, polluted sample of amph., real amph. and clear MDMA (if you have), make three spots of substances and elute them, count Rf and compare results with the literature data. If your sample spots will split in two parts, which will have same level of MDMA and real amph., it means that your sample has MDMA contamination. If your s ample does not have spot in real amph. level, it means that you have MAMA with something as amphetamine, a substance with similar physical and organoleptic properties (methamphetamine).

6. In addition to determination of admixture, researcher may lead an experiment «Determination of amphetamine purity at home conditions» to measure percentage of amphetamine in a powder. However, take into account that other primary amine substances will be counted in this powder as well.


Melting point verification can be added to the second step to confirm quality compliance and to determine the degree of impurity content.
This manual allows identifying degree of impurity level, determinate contamination substances and approve results by different methods. Besides, you can measure the amount of amphetamine in your sample.
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Don't buy from me
New Member
Jan 17, 2022
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i don't know exactly why but when I am making my amphetamine - I don't make her purely white but I leave some bronze and when I do it this way - she's stronger.

I think that it works like chelating process for the micronutrients - this bronze resin in some quantities is helping our body to take and use amph from our stomach. I know that no matter what - your product should always be on the +7PH side. If your product will be acetic - you can get injured because your stomach can only produce more acid and cannot produce base so you can easily burn yourself from inside. If the product will be basic than no worry - stomach will produce acid to balance it - only the particles of product shouldn't be too big (the big ones can damage your body when they will glue to one place).


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Dec 27, 2021
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Hi Patton, perhaps you know the answer to this question which I have never managed to fully understand. What is exactly amphetamine paste? Many vendors sell this online, and they do have some effect, but sometimes the effect is somewhat lost when I tried to purify e.g. drying out then acetone wash. And of course most of it is lost too. From the synthesis methods here usually you get dry amphetamine sulphate in the end, which is a powder, you just filter it and evaporate any residual solvent (e.g. petroleum ether), but usually vacuum filtration leaves it almost dry. Is paste just amphetamine sulphate with some solven left, or is it amphetamine base (fully or part)? If it contains amphetamine base, then it has not been sulphated fully and should probably be purified differently. What is your recommendation?


Jul 5, 2021
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If it contains amphetamine base, then it has not been sulphated fully
diogenesYou have to check it, maybe this product doesn't contain amphetamine. Also, u can measure quantity of amph in product at home conditions as described there.
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Don't buy from me
New Member
May 4, 2022
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Hey there g. Patton. I did find a article you commented on earlier and I can't find if again... just wondered if you could pm me I'm after the process of turning
psudeoephedrine into a dry solid form. Thanks


Jul 5, 2021
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Hey there g. Patton. I did find a article you commented on earlier and I can't find if again... just wondered if you could pm me I'm after the process of turning
psudeoephedrine into a dry solid form. Thanks


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Jun 13, 2023
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Hello, Barton. I would like to ask, there are amphetamines in the form of hydrochloride, sulfate, and phosphate salts, but are there amphetamines in the form of oxalate salt?


Jul 5, 2021
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Hello, Barton. I would like to ask, there are amphetamines in the form of hydrochloride, sulfate, and phosphate salts, but are there amphetamines in the form of oxalate salt?
smdoukeyiHi, who is Barton? =)
I have heard about amphetamine saccharate but haven't heard about oxalate salt.
View previous replies…


Don't buy from me
Jun 13, 2023
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Hi, who is Barton? =)
I have heard about amphetamine saccharate but haven't heard about oxalate salt.
G.Pattonsorry patton ,I am a beginner, and my experimental level is at a home kitchen level, so I don't have access to many materials. That's why I wanted to know if oxalate can be obtained in the form of oxalate salt during the final crystallization. Recently, I have conducted several experiments, and most of them have been unsuccessful, which is quite frustrating.


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Jan 1, 2024
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sorry patton ,I am a beginner, and my experimental level is at a home kitchen level, so I don't have access to many materials. That's why I wanted to know if oxalate can be obtained in the form of oxalate salt during the final crystallization. Recently, I have conducted several experiments, and most of them have been unsuccessful, which is quite frustrating.
smdoukeyiIf you neutralise amphetamine with oxalic acid, you get amphetamine oxalate. However, this is not recommended as oxalates can lead to kidney stones.


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Feb 22, 2023
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If you neutralise amphetamine with oxalic acid, you get amphetamine oxalate. However, this is not recommended as oxalates can lead to kidney stones.
TheCookA single carrot contains more oxalic acid then several grams of amphetamine oxalate would, so thats not a real but a theoretical problem. More a problem is that the oxalate is unpleasant to snort, it stuffs up the nose.
Oxalate is though a good way to get a salt from any amine due to the nice solubility properties it inherits from oxalic acid, say they are well soluble in hot and warm water but almost insoluble in water below 10 °C making it one of the few salts which can be made in and crashed out of water. And this comes often very handy.


Don't buy from me
May 22, 2023
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You bought a fancy amphetamine product and decided to do pollution and admixture testing experiments. Then you open this article and use it as a guide for experimenting. There are list of manipulations with amphetamine product and useful information for home tests.
Amphetamine is obtained as a free base racemate (sum l- and d-isomers). After, the product transform into a salt form by acidification. For this procedure may be used sulfuric, phosphoric or hydrochloric acids to get the corresponding salt. Amphetamine hydrochloride has more pronounced effect because hydrochloric acid residue has less molecular weight.
In the same mass, for example one gram, you will have:
- 0.78 g of amphetamine and 0.23 g hydrochloric acid
- 0.73 g of amphetamine and 0.27 g sulfuric acid
- 0.58 g of amphetamine and 0.42 g phosphoric acid
There is approximately 1.3-fold difference between amphetamine hydrochloride, amphetamine sulfate with amphetamine phosphate, which accounts for the difference between the effects of different amphetamine salts, respectively. In this article «Amphetamine salts» you can find methods for determining your amphetamine salt.


Dextrorotatory amphetamine (d-amphetamine, dexamphetamine) has a half-life in the body of 9-11 hours, actively affects dopamine receptors and emotional and cognitive effects, such as euphoria, changes in libido, improved cognitive control, including a decrease in reaction time, increased resistance to fatigue and increased muscle strength. And levorotatory (l-amphetamine, levoamphetamine) has a half-life of 11-16 hours, causes impaired cognitive function, muscle tissue destruction, sleep disturbances, tremors in the limbs, sexual dysfunction, and can lead to the development of psychosis (hallucinations and paranoia). Thus, a consumer who has taken a racemate (d, l-amphetamine), for the first few hours, feels the positive effects of dexamphetamine, leveling the negative effects of levamphetamine (the d-isomer is 5-8 times more active than the left one), and after its breakdown remains with the levorotatory isomer and experiences its effects.

Possible side products and adulterant substances

Some substances that can reach the end product and pose a health hazard, such as mercury salts, phenylacetone, 1-phenyl-2-nitropropene, sulfuric/phosphorus/acetic/hydrochloric acids, nitro ethane, 1-phenylpropan-2-one oxime.
In the first place is cheap Caffeine because this substance stimulate CNS with short similar effect as amph. Far after the first place are such nootropics as Cinnarizine and Piracetam. Also, amph. (amphetamine) often can be substituted by a-PVP or Methamphetamine, which have similar stimulation effects. Since unsubstituted benzaldehyde is difficult to obtain, there are substitutions for substituted benzaldehydes, for example 2-fluoro benzaldehyde. Some medications such as noramidopyrine or metamizole sodium may also be added.

Examples of pure amphetamine

All of these amphetamine powders have 95%+ purity approved by GC-MS.
There are examples of dirty amphetamines with different colors.
Algorithm of procedures:
1. Firstly, you have to provide visual checking of your stuff. If your product has different color from white, It, probably, has some organic or inorganic syntheses side products, which can change color. The color of amphetamine depends on reactions and their quality, which was carried out. White, pearl, beige, yellow, orange, peach, pale pink, pink, grey are the "normal colors" of amphetamine. More colored means a dirtier product. Although amphetamine powder has to be clearly whitish, some sellers invent stories about «special formula or syntheses method», which give unusual paint. If amphetamine is in the hydrochloride salt, it can cause snot (a rather rare case).
What determines the color:
Rose - the product is overoxidized (part of the amphetamine salt, due to the overuse of acid, turned into decomposition products and colored the rest of the powder).
Yellow - the product is not oxidized (due to a lack of acid, not all the base was converted into salt, and its residues colored the rest of the powder).
Red - phenyl nitropropene did not react completely on amalgam, the reaction mixture was alkalized and acidified into salt, giving this color.
Green - mercury salts are contaminated with other metals, which result in color. In addition, it affects the formation of amalgam.
Brown - formation of resins during synthesis.

In general, it should be noted that a chemically pure product should always be white. For example, pharmaceutical amphetamine does not even have a hint. Also, a change in color may not only be an indicator of the correctness of the synthesis performed. Almost all synthesis impurities can be deleted by acid-alkali extraction.

2. Secondary, provide simple experiment with dissolving your product in water. Dissolve 100 mg (100 mg is enough, but more is better) of the amphetamine sample in 10 ml room temperature water. If your sample is dissolving well, it means that, probably, you have quiet pure drug. Important: grind dense lumps of powder before the experiment, small lumps may form in the sediment.
You have to interpret the results of the dissolution experiment. If your product is completely insoluble or partially dissolves, it could be caused by the addition of caffeine. There are links to simple experiments to determinate caffeine in amphetamine powder by Wagner's reagent and Nitric acid and ammonia solution.
Also, it can be MCC (microcrystalline cellulose), silicon dioxide, inorganic salts (see «Determination of impurity in synthetic PAS»).

3. Thirdly, confirm the compliance of the product with the declared amphetamine by LF tests (drug testing kits). You will receive clear result about your substance and admixtured narcotic substance (if it takes place to be) and these tests help to chpose next step.

4. Fourthly, check pH of the solution. Powder of amphetamine can be polluted by organic powdery acids (ascorbic, citric, etc.), organic powdery bases (Novocaine, Lidocaine, Caffeine, etc.). «Determination of impurity in synthetic PAS» exactly describe method of determination of them.

5. Next, if any pollutants are not found, and you are still doubt in your amphetamine or LF tests reveal admixtured narcotic substance, lead experiments with test reagents. Use «Drugs testing reagents». These methods help to determine kind of admixtures. There are manuals, which are described checking procedures and meaning, where you can find methods of reagent synthesis.
According to data from testing reagent experiments, you may compare and approve result by TLC.

For instance, you have received test result with Marquis reagent, which gave black color. Usually it means that your amph. diluted with MDMA. If the color of the drops changes to yellowish, it means that you, probably, have pure amph. Take TLC plate, polluted sample of amph., real amph. and clear MDMA (if you have), make three spots of substances and elute them, count Rf and compare results with the literature data. If your sample spots will split in two parts, which will have same level of MDMA and real amph., it means that your sample has MDMA contamination. If your s ample does not have spot in real amph. level, it means that you have MAMA with something as amphetamine, a substance with similar physical and organoleptic properties (methamphetamine).

6. In addition to determination of admixture, researcher may lead an experiment «Determination of amphetamine purity at home conditions» to measure percentage of amphetamine in a powder. However, take into account that other primary amine substances will be counted in this powder as well.


Melting point verification can be added to the second step to confirm quality compliance and to determine the degree of impurity content.
This manual allows identifying degree of impurity level, determinate contamination substances and approve results by different methods. Besides, you can measure the amount of amphetamine in your sample.
G.Pattoncan i use other acids?


Don't buy from me
May 27, 2023
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My amphetamine smells very slightly like cinnamon after doing a NaBH4/CuCl2 reduction, however it looks white and a lot like the pictures under the “95%+ purity” spoiler (white and fluffy), though I’m sure the purity isn’t that high it is no slouch.

Any ideas on why there is a smell? How could I remove the smell or improve the synth to not create such a smell?


Jul 5, 2021
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My amphetamine smells very slightly like cinnamon after doing a NaBH4/CuCl2 reduction, however it looks white and a lot like the pictures under the “95%+ purity” spoiler (white and fluffy), though I’m sure the purity isn’t that high it is no slouch.

Any ideas on why there is a smell? How could I remove the smell or improve the synth to not create such a smell?
InLikeFlynnHi. This topic about testing, not about its purification. You can carry out acid-base extraction in case this smell disturb you.


Don't buy from me
Dec 7, 2023
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Amphetamine hydrochloride salts can be smoked ? And how is amphetamine free base converted to hydrochloride Salt ?
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