Discussion: Ketamine & Tramadol

dangerous combination


Jun 24, 2021
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Ketamine & Tramadol
Ketamine is a medication that is used for anesthesia, sedation, and pain relief. It works by blocking a specific type of receptor in the brain called NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptor.

NMDA receptors are involved in the transmission of pain signals, as well as the regulation of mood, cognition, and learning. When ketamine blocks these receptors, it can reduce pain perception, alter mood and cognition, cause problems with movements, coherence of thoughts, and perception, and create a special dissociative state.

Ketamine also affects the dopamine system. The increase in dopaminergic neurotransmission in the brain by ketamine is not due to dopamine reuptake inhibition, as previously believed. Instead, this effect may be caused by indirect or downstream mechanisms, specifically through the antagonism of the NMDA receptor. This finding suggests that ketamine may have a different mechanism of action in the brain than previously thought. By blocking the NMDA receptor, ketamine may increase dopamine release, resulting in its dopaminergic effects. Further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms of ketamine action on dopaminergic neurotransmission in the brain.

Additionally, ketamine has been shown to stimulate the growth of new neural connections in the brain, a process called neuroplasticity. This may explain its potential antidepressant effects, as depression has been linked to reduced neural connectivity in certain brain regions.

Tramadol is a medication that is used to manage moderate to severe pain. It works by binding to mu-opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord, which are responsible for regulating pain sensation. By binding to these receptors, tramadol can reduce the transmission of pain signals and decrease the perception of pain.

In addition to its effects on opioid receptors, tramadol also inhibits the reuptake of two neurotransmitters, serotonin and norepinephrine. This results in increased levels of these neurotransmitters in the brain, which can contribute to tramadol's pain-relieving effects and also affect mood.

The combination of ketamine and tramadol can lead to an increased risk of side effects and dangers, such as hypotension, increased sedation, loss of consciousness, unexpected falls, injuries, convulsive seizures, breathing problems, comatose state. This is because both medications have a depressant effect on the central nervous system.

And if the problem of reducing and stopping breathing in this combination may manifest itself mostly at high dosages. Then the problem of reducing the convulsive threshold and the development of a seizure in a semi-conscious state is poorly predictable and is the main risk in this combination in our opinion

It's important to note that, in terms of using it for recreation, this combination is essentially pointless and does not justify the associated risks at all.

All things considered, we recommend avoiding this combination under any conditions.
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Oct 30, 2021
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Muscle weakness, impaired coordination, falls, loss of consciousness, vomiting that can lead to suffocation and loss of consciousness
400 mg tramadol. After 3 hours, 20-30 mg ketamine (can be repeated every 20 minutes).
The most perfect combination if you need to stop feeling severe pain. The duration of the combination is more than ten hours.
I haven't found the best recipe for a tattoo session in the last 10 years.


Nov 23, 2021
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400 mg tramadol. After 3 hours, 20-30 mg ketamine (can be repeated every 20 minutes).
The most perfect combination if you need to stop feeling severe pain. The duration of the combination is more than ten hours.
I haven't found the best recipe for a tattoo session in the last 10 years.
NovatorYou describe a situation when you used a combination for medical purposes with a fairly long gap between the intake of substances. This option is acceptable. However, the dosage of Tramadol in your case is quite high. Whereas Ketamine is quite small. I can assume that this is not the first time you have used Tramadol. Unfortunately, such a recommendation cannot be safely extended to everyone, but is only a special case of use.


Oct 30, 2021
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You describe a situation when you used a combination for medical purposes with a fairly long gap between the intake of substances. This option is acceptable. However, the dosage of Tramadol in your case is quite high. Whereas Ketamine is quite small. I can assume that this is not the first time you have used Tramadol. Unfortunately, such a recommendation cannot be safely extended to everyone, but is only a special case of use.
ParacelsusThe action of Tramadol is about 24 hours. So 3 hours is a short break (I waited for the Tramadol to take full effect). I also note the lack of tolerance to Tramadol. But I agree that this combination cannot be recommended as safe. Only if you know what you're doing. And only if you have Naloxone (antidote to opiates and Ketamine).
Sequential type of drug combination. There is no point in combining at the same time. Ketamine will stop working before Tramadol starts working.
I will test the combination on other people for medical purposes.
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