Produce Hash manually


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Oct 13, 2023
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Hello 🙂 friend i need help 🙏
I'm trying to produce hash but i'm facing a problem
What can I do to make it smell like real hash?
I can't find hop extract or hop pellets in my country 🥺
Any idea? (The smell is important)


Don't buy from me
Jul 2, 2023
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Hello 🙂 friend i need help 🙏
I'm trying to produce hash but i'm facing a problem
What can I do to make it smell like real hash?
I can't find hop extract or hop pellets in my country 🥺
Any idea? (The smell is important)
gus.fringUse fake or even better real terpenes. For example Afghani or no floweryterpenes which is super sweet jruity of tastes.


Don't buy from me
Oct 13, 2023
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Use fake or even better real terpenes. For example Afghani or no floweryterpenes which is super sweet jruity of tastes.
1019erThanx for help 🙏😻 but That'll make it smell like it, too? Not just the taste?
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Don't buy from me
Jul 2, 2023
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Thanx for help 🙏😻 but That'll make it smell like it, too? Not just the taste?
gus.fringOf course you could also use some kind of pine taste/smell but in my opinion you will great results for your money with fake terpenes. Better smell them before buying but if u got the right taste/smell it's pretty ĥbi


Don't buy from me
Oct 13, 2023
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Of course you could also use some kind of pine taste/smell but in my opinion you will great results for your money with fake terpenes. Better smell them before buying but if u got the right taste/smell it's pretty ĥbi
1019erThanks for help 🙏☺️


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Jan 6, 2024
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Why on God's earth would you make fake hash? What's the point? Please, I beg, even those who know, don't share it with him. It's obvious his intent is malicious, intending to make money for himself. Dude, from the bottom of my heart, put some seeds in pots, provide light (LED or HPS); the closer to the sun's range or light spectrum you come, the better the result. Give them minimal nutrients; don't overfeed the plants, as they need far fewer nutrients than common literature and people lead you to believe.

In the last week of flowering (8 days, I know it's not a real week), on day one of 8, flush them really well—5-8 times the volume of soil; only give plain water until day 5, then no water. The last two days (7-8), turn off all lights and keep them in a dark room (NO lights at all, and no water regardless of how dry the soil is; the plant will still have lots of water). This is to stimulate a hormone that breaks apart the green parts (chlorophyll, chemically speaking). Cut the whole plant with the stem as close to the soil as you can, dry the plant slowly upside down (hang it by the bottom branch) with all leaves and everything still on, and dry for over 2 weeks in cold and humidity control—optimally speaking, at 15 degrees Celsius and around 50-60% air humidity. Buy a dehumidifier if needed. Trim after 2 weeks of hanging, put it in plastic bags, gently close them, wait one day, open and let the bag stay open for 30 minutes, close the bag, and repeat until you have about 45% humidity left in the flower buds. Then gently put it in a glass jar and let it rest for about 60 days with a humidity controller inside to keep track (avoid mold).

Do this simple thing, and you will bring forth aromas and flavors you could not imagine. Growing is easy. Just do the right thing; you make more money that way also because people want to buy it again, not hunt you down and stab you. One last tip: let the plant dry a little before each watering; this is to stimulate roots to grow small hairs, thus giving a larger surface area and overall providing stronger and more efficient roots. If you bother to buy some bacteria, there is a variety of mycorrhizae that forms symbiosis with the roots, and this is immensely beneficial for the plant. Growing is easy, cheap, and an imbecile can do it, so then you can too.

If you must have hash, skip all the drying and curing. Just cut off all the tops (don't trim) and toss them into a plastic bag. Place the bag in the freezer and cool it to -18 degrees Celsius; this makes the buds brittle. Then, find a bucket of an appropriate size, depending on the crop size. There's a good chance you'll need to do this in several steps, not all at once – not a problem. Add ice cubes, and occasionally take out the bag to empty the trichomes at the bottom. If it accumulates too much, they get all mushed, making it look unappealing and clogging the bag's pores.

Use a 240-micron bag that has the same size as the bucket or bigger. Insert the bag, add ice cubes so the ice is inside the bag, and fill it with as cold water as possible, wait a few minutes and add some more icecubes Then, toss in the chopped-up frozen buds and vigorously shake the bag while in the water (shake it as if I want to shake you for asking how to make fake hash). I promise you will extract every trichome that was on the plant material..
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