Dead Drops

Dead drops is the safest way to sell something to a buyer in your city or neighborhood. The seller hides the item in a discreet location in advance, takes a photo of that location, marks it on a map and uploads on Bazaar.

A buyer finds a sales advertisement in a nearby area, pays for an item, and get detailed instructions on how to retrieve the item from a hiding place. A DD description for a customer usually consists of a photo with a graphic mark and most accurate coordinates, and a short text message from a courier on recommendations for direct success in the off-line part of common treasure hunting.

50.0443359,14.4974569 white pack between the curb stones, hidden by grass


An additional close-up photo always makes the search easier.


The buyer has a certain amount of time to search, during which they can open a dispute if the item is not found or is has a poor quality. A representative of the marketplace Bazaar (moderator) will carefully review facts and make a decision. If there are no complaints, the seller receives a BTC/XMR to his Bazaar-wallet (link).

Thus, a seller and buyer know nothing about each other, and the possibility of tracking a seller is excluded completely. You will not meet with cops!

But for a successful trading, you need to follow certain rules. In short:

Be careful and play fair

You need to:
  • Pack an item well so that a cargo doesn't get wet in the rain or snow, even if it stays there for a long time.
  • Choose the right location, somewhere is not too crowded, but not completely secluded either.
  • Take two or three high quality pictures with coordinates and markings on them.
  • Post an advertisement on Bazaar
We can teach you how to do everything correctly, how to achieve a 100% success rate in having an item found by the buyer, and to avoid any complaints.

We show packaging in detail in a special video

DD packaging differs from a regular packaging for postal shipments. We always make the packaging airtight, but DD packaging needs to be more reliable. Sometimes the packaging includes a magnet. A magnet is put under the outer layer of the packaging and allowed to securely attach a drop in a most unusual places like on stair railings, on road barriers, on traffic signs, and other metal structures, which are spread commonly in every city. The packaging has to withstand prolonged wet conditions, keeping your stuff dry. Sometimes, the packaging needs to be bright, and sometimes, it should be camouflaging. It depends on where and how you hide an item.


You have to give to a buyer the same understandable picture as Google maps.


The second picture should be taken closer and contain a label where the drop is located. On a magnet at the base of iron, it should be written under this picture.

There are many ways to make a drop, and here are the main ones:

Trash Masked Drop

A cargo is placed into a crumpled cigarette box, torn chocolate bar packaging, or sealed with a poly clay in a bottle cap. The trash with a cargo is hidden in grass or bushes, in a place where other trash is found. And another hundred methods, depending on part of the world where you are. A buyer gets a picture and description of where is his ordered cargo hidden and in a what it is hidden in. The advantage is that your stash is noticeable during a searching but is out of interest to anyone. Keep in mind that sometimes city services conduct clean-ups, and a dead drop may disappear.

Magnet Drop

This type of dead drop is convenient because it holds well in places where nothing else can be secured. Magnet drops are easy to make and easy to pick-up. Buyers love them because a retrieval takes just two seconds. During a walking around your city, pay attention to steel structures.


Imagine where you can place a magnet drop. Your drop should not be visible from the outside but can be easily felt by hand.

Shallow Drop

A small layer of soil on a top of a stash perfectly hides it from prying eyes. Try to choose a unique location for creating a shallow drop. A buyer, who came to a location on coordinates, has two such pictures as in examples below, instantly determines the location of a shallow drop. In order to make an accurate explanation, you need to sign it as follows: „In the gap, sprinkled with leaves, red packaging“


The first picture shows the overall location, allows the buyer to navigate the locations.


The second picture shows an immediate place where the shallow drop is made. Both pictures should have coordinates and marks. Place small shallow drop no more than 2-5 cm underground and make them bright. Take a good picture with an exact mark and warn a buyer that they will need to dig a little. A buyer should have something for digging, like a knife, sushi-restaurant food sticks, or keys. Such stashes are reliable and can safely be stored for a long time, but the packaging must be airtight.

Bright Drop Thrown into Grass or Bushes

Not the best option, but the simplest way. By making a such dead drop, you rely on an assumption that no one will be interested in this item and will skip it as a rubbish. It’s simple but not very reliable. If you make several such drops nearby each other, a buyer may take his ordered dead drop and then find the others. It's possible if a buyer walks and carefully examines around.

Drop Type Stealth

The outer packaging is made in a such way that no one would think that it’s a stash. A stick, stone, piece of cement, or even pet waste can be used to disguise a dead drop as anything if you have the time and desire. It can be placed in a flowerbed, on a lawn in low grass, by a path in the park, in a clearing, by a shore, but no one will even notice or think that something valuable is hidden inside. Someday, we will release a video tutorial on stealth drops creation.

Deeply Drop

This is like a pirates' treasure. Do this if you are hiding something large, expensive, and plan to hide it for a long time. Such stashes are made in a forest or another quiet place. The depth can be 20-30 cm, and its packaging has to withstand moisture for a long time. Both, you and a buyer will need time, and an absence of unnecessary witnesses. Take more pictures to help a buyer. You can even take a picture of a cargo in a pit before it will be covered with soil. After you leave, there should be no traces of your work at the site, no fresh soil, no uprooted grass. Everything should be very neat.
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Don't buy from me
Dec 1, 2024
Reaction score
I found it but it's not working properly


PR manager
Sep 6, 2022
Reaction score
What do you mean? Any problems?


Don't buy from me
Dec 1, 2024
Reaction score
I just saw only a vendor, nothing more