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So easy and cheap :p dont know why you use DCM to extract the ephedrine freebase the toulene or xylene polarity is better for extracting freebases and dont form side product when adding NaOH, do you know what stereoisomers of ephedrine are produced is it reacemic ?
By employing this method all four diastereoisomers will be formed in variable concentration, one chiral carbon atom (the one with the nitrogen) will have its chirality dictated by the ephedrone. The oxo(keto) reduction yields racemic alcohols with borohydride but carrot slices can do the trick and finish with a single pair of enantiomers, the tedious workup would become the problem in this case.
By employing this method all four diastereoisomers will be formed in variable concentration, one chiral carbon atom (the one with the nitrogen) will have its chirality dictated by the ephedrone. The oxo(keto) reduction yields racemic alcohols with borohydride but carrot slices can do the trick and finish with a single pair of enantiomers, the tedious workup would become the problem in this case.
I think that the best way would be make ephedrine reduction to get racemic meth and make the enantiomer resolution.
I think that the best way would be make ephedrine reduction to get racemic meth and make the enantiomer resolution.
In that case not many advantages than P2P route.
Another option could be make the enantiomer resolution to the ephedrone but not sure how it will works and you would keep the levo isomer to later process the levo ephedrine to reduce it and obtain dextro meth.
I think that the best way would be make ephedrine reduction to get racemic meth and make the enantiomer resolution.
Resolving ephedrine before reducing it to meth would be so stupid that nobody with the actual skill to resolve it would ever do it in practice. Therefore you are right.
I think the only shortcoming of this video is that it doesn't split the ephedrine because what you get is mixed ephedrine. I think no one in our forum is willing to split ephedrine and share the video. If someone does, he is a great chemist. Or a better way is to reduce it to mixed methamphetamine and then split it
I think the only shortcoming of this video is that it doesn't split the ephedrine because what you get is mixed ephedrine. I think no one in our forum is willing to split ephedrine and share the video. If someone does, he is a great chemist. Or a better way is to reduce it to mixed methamphetamine and then split it
Here is a video doing what you're talking about separation of the isomers L & Dextro...
So easy and cheap :p dont know why you use DCM to extract the ephedrine freebase the toulene or xylene polarity is better for extracting freebases and dont form side product when adding NaOH, do you know what stereoisomers of ephedrine are produced is it reacemic ?
Separation of racemate into enantiomers is a headache and many hours of work. But the fact remains that reducing a mixture of ephedrine isomers with HI in the presence of red P as a catalyst will result in a racemic mixture of methamphetamine isomers that will surpass D-methamphetamine alone in terms of taste and effects. This is just my own opinion about my experience in this matter, because, after all, discussing flavors is a waste of calories.
In that case not many advantages than P2P route.
Another option could be make the enantiomer resolution to the ephedrone but not sure how it will works and you would keep the levo isomer to later process the levo ephedrine to reduce it and obtain dextro meth.
Yeah btcboss2022 I was reading on some of the original workups, way back when they first started employing synthetic routes to (-)ephedrine, > resolved intermediate prior to reduction to E, then another rxn ( I don’t recall the catalys, they did use one though) to yield (+)PSE
I like The idea of getting the racemate isolated early then carying out rx to desired product. To bad methylamine is asymmetric.. you on to any chiral rxn from ketone? I know Hydrogenlysis shit looks a bit over My head
Yeah btcboss2022 I was reading on some of the original workups, way back when they first started employing synthetic routes to (-)ephedrine, > resolved intermediate prior to reduction to E, then another rxn ( I don’t recall the catalys, they did use one though) to yield (+)PSE
I like The idea of getting the racemate isolated early then carying out rx to desired product. To bad methylamine is asymmetric.. you on to any chiral rxn from ketone? I know Hydrogenlysis shit looks a bit over My head
you on to any chiral rxn from ketone?
I only know reductive amination with (S)-alpha-Methylbenzylamine.
When you download this video you get the Ephedrine Crystallization video not this video of Ephedrine HCl Synthesis
After the addition of the entire amount of sodium borohydride, the reaction mixture is stirred for 24 hours. Figure 4

Great chemist can we skip this 24 hours stirring of reaction mixture by heating again for 40 minutes at 40°c.
So easy and cheap :p dont know why you use DCM to extract the ephedrine freebase the toulene or xylene polarity is better for extracting freebases and dont form side product when adding NaOH, do you know what stereoisomers of ephedrine are produced is it reacemic ?
Teacher do you mean we should extract with xylene or toulene and we should add NaOH to avoid this racemic ephedrine and racemic meth
Please friends and teachers, who have use ephedrine produced in this manner for meth production, is it racemic meth or D-Meth,
You could reduce ephedrone (methcathinone) to methamphetamine with hydroiodic acid and red phosphorus if your goal is making meth. No need to turn it into ephedrine in the first place.
You could reduce ephedrone (methcathinone) to methamphetamine with hydroiodic acid and red phosphorus if your goal is making meth. No need to turn it into ephedrine in the first place.
Please, what type of meth will it produce, racemic meth or D-meth
It depends on what ephedrone you're working it. If it's L-ephedrone then D-meth should be produced (same as L-ephedrine derived from plants produces D-meth). If it's a racemic mixture then you'd obtain racemic meth.

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Synthesis of Methcathinones
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