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  • Hello, Esteemed Forum Members and Admin,

    I currently have 5 kg of Methylamine and 5 kg of P2P, and I intend to manufacture Methamphetamine using these materials. However, I am unsure whether I can proceed with what I have or if additional resources will be required.
    practice is the main resource,... looks like! i give you little help,... first read and inform on your own. Then when you deep in the theme will come the little but most important questions. so it seems to be,... i have 2 produckts but i dont know what to do with it! better sell it!!! Meth Manuf is not an easy job. First learn then earn! :) i try but i fail!its not a-oil cristalisation to speed paste!
    I just try to top up my account twice but each time i got a new payment address. Is ot ok and normal?
    I dosent have become what i payed for 1 month ago and esscrow closed the akt what is this for an corupption?
    I need more information to solve your problem. For example, I need a link to your escrow order.
    be cool I was already using Tor , thanks for your welcome and hope can contribute positively to the site helping in making it bigger and better. Cheers fella and thanks again
    hello as I made a purchase of a product here on the forum and that user sent another liquid, and stole me,i lost several lots because I was using that liquid and it wasn't working, you close the conversation saying it had been 2 months, ok but I have proof as it wasn't real, if she doesn't send me again it's considered a scammer I lost in total thousands, Too bad to have this scammers here.
    You can make a post about your case in Scammers section for other forum members in case you have relevant proves.
    She said she was going to give me the money back, we'll see tomorrow, it may have been a mistake from the supplier and sending me another product, the problem I spent several products and missed the chemical reaction, I'll be more attentive and check before pressing the confirmed button.
    yes I have several proofs since my conversation with her and photos of the chemicals being used and the reaction it caused, pyrrolidine smells horrible impossible to be at the foot of the bottle, it pours smoke with contact with air, what she sent me I sniffed with my nose inside the bottle it doesn't smell like anything, it doesn't smoke, and it did not cause a chemical reaction.
    may you answer my questions in DM?
    Osmosis Vanderwaal
    Osmosis Vanderwaal
    Yes secretary of state Patton, a good guy and knowledgeable you should start with the mayor and go up from there. I'm not here to tell you what to do but these guys are busy with administrative functions and may not respond at all or it may take a week
    @vaas_montenegro I ignored your question about the possibility of taking the position of Brazil section moderator because you are a new user, haven't shown any activity on the forum. It's hard for me to judge whether you can or not when I don't see what you write, what you write about and how you write.
    oh,okay,I will become a more active user on the site
    Hello, I'm new here and this site looks good until I see there is a bbgate.com, how is that possible? makes me concerned as in...there shouldn't be a site like this on the WWW without being taken down by the gov...unless....it's them, what do you say?

    GordonRamsey review:The DON'T BUY FROM ME status is what every normal user has on BB. I decided to not work with the BB team anymore because their admin is not professional you little shit, please do some research.
    Ew, that's not nice. Especially after we taught him everything he knows... after we sent him all the chemicals he needed to synthesize, much of it for free. And after he apologized in person for the mistakes he made in shipping to customers. All right, he's not the first and he won't be the last. Now he will create new accounts and ask for help as if for the first time.
    Osmosis Vanderwaal
    Osmosis Vanderwaal
    "You little shit, please do some research" 🤔 are you whining about Gordon Ramsey, crying about your DON'T BUY FROM ME BANNERS or wailing about the administration ? Please you little shit, English today, speak it
    What that dude got chemicals for free , what the hell why is he being so ungrateful , I would like to have a mentor and even support at the beginning for the precurso
    Hello I would like to learn how to cook can help me where can I buy the machines and containers for production, as well as the chemicals can arrange me, but I want to do it in the category of stimulates, A_PHP, and 4F in the category cannabinoids Can you help me
    Hello how can I make a payment with BTC please
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    Reactions: Mtt123456
    Hi admin I already have the funds now how can I make the payment please
    What do you want to pay for?
    Hello everyone! What was said here by HEISENBERG was an extremely useful piece of information. The "copy" button (close to the bitcoin wallet you have to send your bitcoin to) possibly can include a space after the bitcoin address and an entire line before the bitcoin address.
    So one has to check the last digit of the address and the first, too (cancelling spaces that would make the address unreadable.)

    Thank you!
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