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Event Hanoi Jane's cafe.

Osmosis Vanderwaal

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
Reaction score
I was just rfeshing my memory on the rules, as I periodically do, and I thought to myself, "with the drug market moving off site, now would be a grat time to kick in the traders market" he rules of trading are te rules of the site. If you are trading , no dollars are exchanging hands and escrow is not required, so there is no fee. I do encourage you to use the escrow for any transactions that involve petro-dollars and I thiink the escrow service on this site is a convienient way to layout a contractual swap of items. You can lay it all out and the other person can sign or press the button, confirming thier agreance, thereby making a pseudoenforceable cotract. I alwatys have stuff laying around that I don't NEED because I'm a hoarder. We should probably adhere toa policy of offering mostly ON-TOPIC items, those dealing with chemistry, drugs, and drug chemistry. For example, you probably shouldn't post your baseball card collection for trade, but it's perfectly fine to OFFER your baseball card collection IN a trade. What I mean isyou can buy(effedtively) something with baseball cards, but you shouldn't sell baseball cards here. I'll start us off. Here are some things I have that someone might have more use for than I.
  • 1L Proprionic acid. Reagent grade, from a major chemical supplier, sealed, never opened, in original box. I think I paid about $20+shipping, so I think it has a trade value of around $20 +-
  • approx. 490g of B-phenylethylamine hcl. I think I got it from GNC. It's been opened but it has been left opened. I'm going to say I value it at about $20 trade value.
  • Recreational marijuana. I don't wish to procure it for anyone, but I'll procure it to use in a trade. About 100 cultivars available or more. This is the analog of money, I'm not selling it, trade only
  • Chloroform. Raw, distilled once, twice three timem mylady, if you prefer. Made to your specs, 10ml-10,000ml. Value varies depending on customizations trade value $5-$$$$
  • Acetone, distilled, driedDistilled twice, 3 times if you like. I'm going to call 500ml distilled once stored over molecular seive, about $10 TV
  • Lab glass. Your afrraid of a paper trail? If they're keeping tabs, I'm beyond fucked, so I would surmise they aren't looking very hard. I will buy it, recieve it, slap a new shipping label on it and forward it to you. Starting at $5 tv per box (plus the extra shipping, of course) The utility of this feature being you didn't buy a 3-neck flask and you didn't have it delivered to your house. You just have it and only you and I know and I ain't telling, fuck I already forgot what we were even talking about
  • Methylamine HCL. aka methylammonium chloride. I'll buy the formaldahyde. I'll produce it and send it to you with no documentation and no batch # or any other identifying features.value will be figured on the basis of bulk. whast I make is better than what the Chinese sell. I also have maybe 500g of chinese stuff
  • PID controller, with 17mm coil, for an e-dab rig. works 100% little wear. I think I paid $100 new, and so I think it's worth a solid $50 ot more in trade value
    • I garauntee everything I trade, to be as advertised and free of defects. I'll put an agreed equivical dollar amount in escrow as surety, at your request. I'll expect you to meet your own standards (if you want me to put up surity, i want you to) If you have something I want badly enough, I will get the thing you want with virtually no limit. There is standing room only, in my entire house, because I am a hoarder. I have 100+ other items to trade, 19v wall adaptor? I got 3 and 4-12 volters and 2-21 volters. I have 10 sets of wireless earbuds. You need a left Ipod pro 2? I Got it. a 0.34" phosphore bronze guitar string? Got it.An alice in wonderland sticker? I got 100. 10mm deep well socket? Pittsburg, craftsman or snap-on?
    • What am I looking for?
    • Box of sinus pills
    • cocaine
    • A.pvp
    • 500VA torroidal transformer (or what size you got?)
    • tree bark (various species)
    • small amounts of reaagents/reactants
    • mosfets, jfets
    • ferrofluid
    • THF , DCM
    • capacitors oer 450v or 1 farad
    • crystals, minerals
    • voodoo shit
    • soxlet appaeratus
    • Dean Stark or Kip.
    • peltier chips
    • Shiny things
    • Chip amps
    • I'll know it when I hear it.
  • As far as I can tell, this post doesn't break any rules.

Osmosis Vanderwaal

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
Reaction score
I didn't post illicit drugs because that isn't exactly a good look when everyone else has to make an add with pictures and whatnot, but I keep a lot around. wold I trade you a couple of grams of meth for a cool crystal? Yes I have a 3d printer and a cricut and I'd trade you a one of shirt that said whatever you wanted or vinyl stickers of your design I have so much stuff. Sewing machine, leather working tools electronics equipment woodworking tools and you would be shocked at my skill. I can't get more specific because it's art and 1 of a kind. To post a picture would be to dox myself. You need 7 crystal skulls? 1", 2", 3" or 5"? you want them to be botles? np, led lights and a watch battery for treasure chest? Casket? Mushrooms? your name in glow in the dark blue?eyes? got ya.
I guess I can show you these, never before touched by eyes, my weed tray and my old weed tray. Would I swap this for a irs 2092 amp? no, but for two I would. how about a tda7498? shoot it through. Got a old tesla coil? sure fuk it trade up/ down I don't care I'm just bored

Osmosis Vanderwaal

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
Reaction score
I really need to get rid of some things I got laying around, that I don't need laying around. I would love to give them to you, butI would hate to pay rthe shipping, I'll send them to Members or residents for the shipping and not a cent more and I''ll try to do the escrow if I can afford it
1, L proprionic acid this , i'm scared to even mail it to someone. I think its probab;y worse than sulfuric or hydrochloric acid if the bottle leaks. It's never been opened and I don't have a believable story of what the fuck I was planning to do with it.
I large bag of B phenylethylamine hcl. I reckon its a kilo. I know of one thing you can do with it, but we can't talk about it here. With an MAOI A it;'s a decent stim I have a bit of Harmaline hcl also. Together, they do a thing, not unlike oral dmt and an MAOI A, but with a stim instead of a psychedelic
165 gross grams of Methylammonium chloride. Yep. That one. Net I'm guessing its 125g or something. It's Chinese. You might have to trade me something for this, it's just toooo tasty, but it has gort to fucking go! Can you have this? FUCK NO, it's the top of the list of suspicious shit, you are not allowed to own it
There's some other shit laying around, mostly slightly more "allowed" a couple of these items are seriously freedom threatening. I hope I don't need to say these are not fucking toys and will hurt you in ways that you can not hide if you fuck up.