Testosteron propionat (AAS) (STEROIDI)


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Nov 10, 2022
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Predmet testiranja je propionat. Običajno se ta spojina običajno odmerja po 100 mg na ml. Zdaj moramo za razlago tega homrona najprej priznati, da je glavna razlika v tej spojini ester, večina teh steroidov ima ester, ki je pritrjen na hormon ester je čas sproščanja hormona v telesu. Testni propionat ima tridnevno razpolovno dobo, tako da boste v bistvu v 24 urah začeli imeti hormon, ki se pripenja na vaše receptorje, zdaj testni prop ima malo bolečine po injiciranju nič, kar je dibilitativno, počutilo se bo kot čebelje pike za 48 ure, vendar je to tudi, kako boste vedeli, da je bil pravilno sintetiziran in da je steroid pravi. Test prop se uporablja predvsem za hitro prednjo obremenitev, medtem ko čakate, da se drugi steroidi začnejo uporabljati, uporablja se tudi pri številnih športnih športnikih, ki se testirajo zaradi kratke razpolovne dobe. Zdaj je druga dobra stvar pri testnem propu minimalno zadrževanje vode, ki ga boste pridobili. včasih z daljšimi esterskimi steroidi, zlasti s testom cyp, testom enth in nekaterimi nelderoni, kot sta deca in dbol. ill se v to v drugi epizodi, v zaključku test prop je odlična alternativa za peopl, občutljiv na zadrževanje vode in za ljudi, ki so testirani za steroide, najboljši odmerki za ta steroid so 300mg do 1000mg lahko greste višje, če želite. Ne boste morali skrbeti za neželene učinke estrogena ethier, kar pomeni, da gyno in nizek libido ne bosta zaskrbljujoča s to obliko testa. Naslednji predmet decca durobolin.


Jul 5, 2021
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Pozdravljeni, hvala za objavo. Priporočam vam, da zaradi boljše berljivosti uporabljate polna imena zdravil. Veliko ljudi ne ve, kaj je test cyp ali test enth in tako naprej. Prav tako lahko dodate kakšno zanimivo sliko, da bo vaša objava bolj privlačna in informativna.


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Nov 10, 2022
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Hvala za opozorilo. Ill bo Brewing tukaj v nekaj dneh bo objavil slike in ect za prikaz procesov. še enkrat hvala za pomoč in podporo moji niti.


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Dec 7, 2024
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First thing, testosterone propionate dosen't have 3 days half life. This is mistake that have been repeated from many years. All research shows that half life of testosterone propionate is something around 20h. When injection of this steroid is made every 48h level in blood is fluctuated (look at graphic). Second thing, AROMARISATION- conversion some anabolic steroids to estrogen, thats depends of many factors: body fat level, genetic predispositions, steroid level in body. In natural state part of estrogens, something about 50% (estrogens is group of sex hormone that include most strong of them- 17 beta estradiol) is produced in testicles and rest in pheripheral tissues. When testosterone is exegenous (provides from outside) your testicles stops producing endogenous testosterone and estrogens. All estrogens is produced in pheripherial tissues. At this point increased aromatisation strongly depends on individual characteristics. Testosterone is always testosterone! No matter propionate, enathate, cypionate or decanoate. The only difference beetwen esters is weight of ester and half life in body. For example testosterone propionate have 84% of testosterone and the rest is weight of ester. Testosterone enanthate have 72% of testosterone and 4.5 days half life. Knowledge about anabolic steroids is much more broader than repeated articles in internet without references. Taking steroids is not only making injection from testosterone. This is not fun for children! This is knowledge about: hypothalamic pituarity axis and negative feedback during taking anabolic steroid, Leyding cells degradation and testicular atrophy, influence of estrogens on your mind body especially prostate enlargment, increase level of red blood cells, why should use and how much HCG during taking steroids, when and what aromatase inhibitor is needed, what is the best protocol to restore your natural hormone balance and much more other things. The last thing, testosterone is best know anabolic steroid, for me is king of kings! Nandrolone, dianabol, drostanolone, boldenone, trenbolone are much less know and often their character is diffrent from testosterone. For example nandrolone (decanoate ester is better know as Deca) is weak androgen, good anabolic and it's binding to progesteron receptor. If you don't how to use it you can really fuck up your mind and hormonal system for month or years. Oh my ADHD loves some subjects! It's called hyperfocus😎 P.S. About the graph that I send. The points on curves means time when blood samples was taken. From left to right first was injection 0 hour, next 2h, 4h, 8h, 12h, 24h, 48h, 72h, 96h etc. Look whats happen after 3days and how 3 diffrent man subjects has diffrents level after injection of 30mg testosterone propionate. References: Detection of testosterone esters in blood. You can download whole article from https://sobraf.org


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