
  1. K


    Dead Drops 
    Adding a layer of security for Dead Droppers with a QRCODE, but how? Prepare your dead drop by following the holy tutorial from @HEISENBERG Save the coordinates of that dead drop Next, you'll have to find a website where you can upload text that has a self-burning feature like this website...
  2. primitiveintelectual

    Mrtve schranky Slovakia

    Dead Drop 
    Priklady ako vyrobiť mrtve schranky v lesoch a parkoch skuste byť kreativny, inovujte, mente miesta zapisujte suradnice, fotografujte a samozrejme davajte pozor aby vas nikto nevidel, na danych miestach sa nezdržujte dlho.
  3. cubesquare

    Dead drop XTC pills to Spain

    Question Looking for a vendor 
    Hi there. I have been chatting with a friend on another market and sent them here. Just wondering if any of the MDMA vendors at BB would do dead drops of circa 500 XTC pills per month to Spain or would that always be postage?

    Dead drops or postal delivery?

    Which is more convenient and safer for the seller and for the buyer? Give two answers (from the seller's point of view and from the buyer's point of view)