
  1. OrgUnikum

    Fake P2NP

    According to TLC on several samples of yellow crystals sold as P2NP there is a lot of completely or partially faked P2NP sold lately. Well it is just too easy, plain nitrostyrene made from Benzaldehyde and Nitromethane looks pretty much identical, smells identical and just does not produce Amph...
  2. HewHiSt

    Fraud on the forum

    Hey, is it allowed to talk about fraud on the forum or not ?
  3. P

    Telegram Breaking Bad Forum is legitim vendor?

    Looking for a vendor 
    Searching on Telegram, I came across the user @BBGates, on a page called @BBGateMenu, where there are a series of vendors and I would like to know how legitimate it is.
  4. B

    I want to break bad

    Hi guys. I'm reading and looking around the darkweb for quite some time now, but i've got the feeling, that I'm not really getting into this rabbithole. Ok, here i found many things linked to drugs, but due to my origin, i'm more into financial frauds etc. Can someone give me a hint were to...