
  1. MDA Hydrochloride Synthesis From Amine. Part 3 of 3.

    MDA Hydrochloride Synthesis From Amine. Part 3 of 3.

    MDA HCl Synthesis from α-Methyl-1,3-benzodixole-5-propanamide.
  2. J

    Ketamine hcl to powder?

    I have 10ml vial of 50mg/ml ketamine hydrochloride pharmacy grade. now i want to make powder form of it can anybody help with the procedures?
  3. Ephedrine Hydrochloride Synthesis

    Ephedrine Hydrochloride Synthesis

    Ephedrine Hydrochloride Synthesis Via NaBH4 From Ephedrone Hydrochloride https://bbgate.com/threads/synthesis-of-ephedrine-hydrochloride-and-chemical-analysis.9537/
  4. Methcathinone HCl Synthesis From Propiophenone

    Methcathinone HCl Synthesis From Propiophenone

    Stage one: 1-Phenylpropan-1-one Bromination Stage two: Preparation and Washing of Methcathinone Hydrochloride Stage three: Methcathinone Hydrochloride Formation Edit: 6:20 - 125 ml of ethyl acetate
  5. Mr Good Cat

    Hydrochloride crystallization issue - water trapped in crystals

    Normally I crystallize "stuff" in oversaturated water solution, and crystallization takes around 48 hours. I allways control exact weight of "stuff", solution and water. It means, when crystals are ready, final yeld, including the yeld from water leftovers fits with initial "stuff" weight minus...
  6. DOB synthesis & recrystallization

    DOB synthesis & recrystallization

    4-Bromo-2,5-dimethoxyamphetamine synthesis. https://bbgate.com/threads/dox-phenethylamines-series-dob-dom-doi-doc-syntheses.1697/