
  1. I

    4mmc, is it mandatory to crystaliz it?

    (4mmc) After acidification and filtration process and Washing with dry actone, we get meph powder. Can we consume that powder after drying? Or we have to crystal it? Like is it mandatory? I know it makes our product pure? But what if we skip crystallization?
  2. armanimani

    Looking for a supplier of Mephedrone to Serbia.

    Looking for a vendor 
    Hello forum users. Im looking for a vendor who can supply me good quality and high purity 4mmc to Serbia, with safe delivery and good stealth skills. Thank you
  3. K

    Failed 4mmc synthesis, need help

    Please give it a read and help me First i did 4mp -> 2b4mp Chemical i used 4-methylpropiophenone Hydrogen bromide 46-48% Hydrogen peroxide 37% Sodium bicarbonate (I followed this synthesis - ) How i did it -...
  4. K

    Equipment and glassware check 4mmc

    do i have everything to synthesis 4mmc? I'm going to follow "madre" synthesis And also i need someone who can help me between synthesis so i dont mess up Please is there any one who could help? Half of the stuff got delivered


    And so, this post is designed more for new users. the purpose of this post is to get rid of small mistakes during the preparation of methylamine. if you already know everything and this article is not new to you, then please just put a bold "Like" and you can add your experience in the comments...
  6. D

    Mephedrone Simplest Recipe

    Looking for a vendor 
    Does someone sell some kind of kit for Mephedrone with these: 2b4mp* - 100g Benzene - 200ml Methylamine 40% - 140ml Hydrochloric acid - 40ml Acetone - 600ml Or should I buy bigger quantity of these? And which vendor will y all recommend?

    Mephedrone synthesis (4-MMC) A to Z

    Sit back, my dear reader, and be patient for a fascinating story about how to make everyone's favorite 4 mmc.🥰 Let's figure out what and how in moles will be to our favorite reagents and reactions. So, what we know about them, and what we get (check the calculations yourself). 1...
  8. K-Cyanide

    Mephedrone (4-MMC) synthesis; easy to perform- high yielding

    Introduction: In the following, forum members will be presented with a synthesis that is very easy to perform, does not take much time, and gives an exceptionally high yield. The method is a result of many years of experience and inputs from various sources that go back to the times of the...
  9. mejdubulok

    Мethylamine hydrochloride

    greetings, friends;). Tell us how to work with methylamine hydrochloride?:unsure: Is it necessary to dissolve it or can it be put directly into the reactor? thanks.
  10. S

    Do you think it was Mephedrone?

    Hello everyone, I’m living in iran About 2 years ago some dealer gave me some brown powder and I think I have some G of cocaine ( today in iran call it OD) , with smell of dior perfume and it’s feels like best experience I have ever had (also every one who snorted it fall in love with it) Just...
  11. E

    Equipment for mephedrone hydrochloric

    Hi everyone , I 'm going to make mephedrone according to the recipe from the video , but I need to do 20 kilos a day , or 150 kilograms a week . Who can tell me which equipment I need to use for the first time? Maybe there will be additional tips