
  1. DeadEye

    How to create methcathinone from pseudoephedrine?

    I got Lorinase-D pills which contains Loratadine and Pseudoephedrine, i will crush it to powder then wash it with ethanol then filter it then wash with water then filter it to have a good % of pseudoephedrine. Then I will add Potassium Permanganate to the pseudoephedrine to do the following...
  2. calmcatfather

    Waxy substances when extracting PSE free base (with pictures)

    Hello again friends. I tried to extract PSE free base using the "Universal Extraction Technique: Straight to Bee" method. I will write in detail here with pictures. At the end I get a waxy substance. Thanks in advance to those who have information on the subject. First, let's start with the...
  3. A

    PSE Sulfat (Clarinase)

    Can someone help me with extracting these non over the counter pills?? they contain a lot of waxes, povidone...! it's just for own scale. there must be a simple and successful technique with afterwards rp/I or hp/I reduction possible… there was people which did 2 jears ago but I have no more...