Purification in a chemical context is the physical separation of a chemical substance of interest from foreign or contaminating substances. The final product obtained after a successful purification process is termed an isolate. The choice of purification technique depends on the...
Hello community I am in need of some guidance. What do you mix with A-oil for steam distillation? I understand it is easier to salt first and then re covert to a base then distill the nah/water/freebase. Which is the process I use but isn’t there a way to skip those steps and just distill the...
Phenylacetone (P2P) is a key-reagent for a methamphetamine synthesis and can be used for an amphetamine manufacturing as well. Our experiments have clearly showed that P2P purity have direct impact on the methamphetamine synthesis yield and its purity [via sodium borohydride (NaBH4)...