Australian ayahuasca recipe


Jul 5, 2021
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Ayahuasca, iowaska, ayawaska, and yage all means the same thing. It is a hallucinogenic brew that contains DMT that gives people enlightening experiences that changes lives for the better. People that have taken ayahuasca tea reported astonishing positive effects such as finding out their purposes in life, cured incurable sicknesses, and finding out the truth of the universe.

Some people considered this as a drug, but we consider this as a medicine to heal the soul. The effects of this miracle tea has benefits the lives of many. One of the preparation of this plant medicine use banisteriopsis caapi and psychotria viridis. This is the traditional plant material used in ayahuasca ceremonies practiced by the Santo Daime.

Medicine is how people of South America tradition address Madre Ayahuasca. Medicine for the body, heart, and mind, through the workings of the spirit. This works by connecting you directly to the source to activate the healing process, from the core outwards. This ability to open the individual towards a dimension of shared space, with no boundary between interior and exterior, is propelling love and understanding.

All recipes must contain an MAO inhibitor as well as a source of DMT. To date, experiments have been conducted only with Banisteriopsis caapi, Banisteriopsis spp., Peganum harmala, and synthetic (pharmaceutical) MAO inhibitors. But there are other MAO inhibitors in nature, such as Tribulus terrestris. Hypericin, the primary active constituent in Hypericum spp., "has been proven to be a monoamine oxidase inhibitor". Psychotria viridis and Mimosa tenuiflora have been looked at as sources of DMT, but numerous other possibilities also exist. The dosages are determined by the alkaloid concentrations in the various admixtures. As with traditional ayahuasca, most ayahuasca analogs have a thoroughly disgusting taste and are therefore generally difficult to force down (because they are forced up again from below). Chewing sliced ginger can help counteract the often repulsive taste.

What is Ayahuasca? Ayahuasca is known as “vine of the soul.” It is revered as a gate-opener towards a reality that supports many more dimensions, whereon this image is not a personal delirium, but shared knowledge of all that have explored the side effects of Ayahuasca extract. Among aficionados, it’s almost like finding the philosopher’s stone. What is usually said about this experience, is that, in a way or another, ayahuasca is the one calling you. You just have to be aware of the signs.
Mimosa (Mimosa Hostilis): A traditional entheogen, untraditionally used in Ayahuasca brews for its N, N-DMT. Mimosa has to be brewed separately from the Caapi vine. It can be prepared in identical manner to the Caapi vine, only in a separate pot. After Mimosa decanted for 24 hours, a dark sludge should fall out; the sludge is responsible for most of the ill feelings and bad experiences related to Mimosa. Decant, filter through pantyhose/cheesecloth, and pour into a sterilized jar. Do not drink the sludge.

Potent and well-prepared, MHRB is extremely unforgiving when it comes to dosing improperly. Very little goes a long way. Less is more, and too much light will bring panic. The spirit of Mimosa is extremely vocal about global justice issues. Lots of blues, greens, and reds, in color. No “rainforest presence,” as with leaves and vine. When approached in appropriate doses, great mysteries of body, birth, and being been readily explored. Those familiar with jungle spice will find themselves very close to home.

We will be using Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark (Powdered) and Banisteriopsis Caapi (Resin). For best practice, please watch the video and read below.

Mimosa Hostilis and Banisteriopsis Caapi Recipe

Materials you will need:
  • 3-4 Pots;
  • Measuring cup;
  • Vinegar;
  • Mimosa Hostilis;
  • Banisteriopsis caapi;
  • A whole lot of time ( 5-10 hours).
The amount we will be using as an example. You need to do simple math to find out the ratio for your recipe by using the ingredients below:
  • Vinegar (60 mL x 3) = 180 mL in total;
  • Mimosa Hostilis root bark or shredded= 160 grams;
  • Banisteriopsis caapi resin= 150 grams;
  • Water (3 L x 3) = 9 Liter total;
  • A whole lot of time.


1. Put 3 liter of water in a pot. Let the water cook to 80% before boiling. Then turn it down to medium heat;
2. Put 60 ml vinegar apple or a white vinegar one (better if organic), but regular vinegar works just as good;

3. Put the plant material mimosa hostilis inside the water;
4. Mix all vinegar, mimosa, and water. Stir. Make sure that it is NOT boiling. You want it warm/hot. Cook it for 3 hours;
5. Turn off the stove, and let it get a bit cooler, and then filter all the liquid. Use coffee filter/hand towel. Press the materials till you can’t get any more liquid out;
6. Put the liquid and the left-over mimosa in different pots. Save both of them. Leave the liquid on the side(we need it) I want to point out that you will not have 3 L of mimosa as some water is evaporated. This is okay, we will be making it concentrated later anyway;
7. Take the leftover mimosa from the blanket/filter. Put it again in 3 liters water and put 60 mL of vinegar. Basically, doing step 1 – 6 again;
8. Repeat step 7;
9. Put all 3 pots of mimosa liquid together. Now you can throw away the solid shredded mimosa or any plant matter;

10. Cook it till you have around 1.5 liters. Slow cooking it to make it more concentrated;
11. Take the 1.5 Liter and put it in the fridge to let it cool down overnight;
12. Next day filter again the liquid and put the residual materials in the trash, and warm the liquid again on the stove;
13. Put in 150 grams of resin. Stir and mix it for 15-30 minutes, or until it completely dissolves;

14. You should have around 1 liter left;
This is the most common ayahuasca recipe. However, other recipes are using different ingredients, such as syrian rue or psychotria viridis.

Video manual is there

Psychotria Viridis(Chacruna) and Banisteriopsis Caapi Recipe

This recipe was probably developed in Ecuador and Northern Peru. Contains N, N-DMT. Traditionally, the vine and Chacruna are placed into a pot, in alternating layers. Normally, the ratio of Caapi vine: Chacruna is 1:1. Chacruna is a powerful catalyst of transformation. Visions have included symbols of ancient language, intense presence of the forest, complete ego-death (precluded by insanity), and actual conversations with plants. A very “green” energy. The following recipe is formulated to yield a single dose.
Materials you will need:
  • 50 grams fresh Banisteriopsis caapi vine per dosage;
  • 50 grams fresh Psychotria viridis leaves per dosage.
1. The plants should be layered. Crush both the chacruna and caapi. Bottom layer should be P. viridis leaves, middle layer should be Caapi, then cover the last layer with P. viridis leaves. Pour just enough water to cover the plants;
2. The brew should be simmered for 3-4 hours;
3. The liquid is separated and collected. Keep the liquid in a different pot;
4. Using the same plant matter, fill the pot again with fresh water, and simmer for a another 3-4 hours;
5. The liquid is separated and collected. Keep the liquid in a different pot;
6. The plant matter is now discarded;
7. Both quantities of liquid are combined and simmer to concentrate the ayahuasca brew. This step is to reduce the liquid. You can lightly heat it to let it evaporate to the amount you want to drink;
8. Make sure you do not boil and over heat. As this will cause degradation of the active ingredients.

Classic Ayahuasca Analog

The following recipe is formulated to yield a single dose.
  • 25 g Psychotria viridis leaves, dried and ground;
  • 3 g Peganum harmala seeds, crushed;
  • Juice of one lemon (to make acid environment);
  • Enough water to boil all the ingredients (approximately 200-300 ml).
Psychotria viridis leaves and Peganum harmala seeds
Place all the ingredients in a steel pot. Slowly bring to a boil, then boil rapidly for two to three minutes. Reduce the heat and simmer for approximately five more minutes. Pour off the decoction. Add some water to the herbs remaining in the pot and boil again. Pour the first decoction back into the pot. After a while, pour out the liquid once more. Add fresh water to the remaining herbs and bring to a boil again. Remove the plant remnants and compost them, if possible. Mix together the three extracts. Carefully heat the mixture to reduce the total volume. The tea should be drunk as fresh as possible (allow to cool first), although it can be stored in the refrigerator for a few days. The effects begin about forty-five minutes after ingestion. The visionary phase lasts for about an hour.

Other recipes:

Jerumahuasca or Mimosahuasca

Connoisseurs consider this ayahuasca analog to be both the most easily tolerated and the most psychoactive preparation.
  • 3 g Peganum harmala seeds, finely ground;
  • 9 g Mimosa tenuiflora root cortex;
  • Juice of one lime or lemon.
The crushed Syrian rue (P.harmala) seeds may be either swallowed in a gelatin capsule or mixed in water and drunk. The decoction of lemon juice and mimosa root cortex should be drunk fifteen minutes later.

Prairie Ayahuasca

This blend is especially popular in North America. Predominantly pleasant experiences have been reports.
  • 3-4 g Peganum harmala seeds, finely ground;
  • 30 g Desmanthus illinoensis root cortex (prairie mimosa, Illinois bundleweed, Illinois bundleflower);
  • Juice of one lemon or lime.
Prepare in the same manner as jerumahuasca (above).


This blend is especially popular in Australia and has been used with good success.
  • 3 g Peganum harmala seeds, finely ground;
  • 20 g Acacia phlebophylla leaves, ground (cf. Acacia spp.);
  • Juice of one lemon or lime.
Prepare in the same manner as jerumahuasca (above).
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eduardo salamanca

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New Member
Mar 13, 2022
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I have a question: Do the acidic ingredients delay the metabolization of the DMT? I have seen other recipes without them and they instructed to take the MAOI separately and half an hour before the DMT brew. If the acid lets the MAOI activate before the DMT has started to get metabolized, then could you add acid to other recipes and not have to take the MAOI before?


Jul 5, 2021
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I have a question: Do the acidic ingredients delay the metabolization of the DMT? I have seen other recipes without them and they instructed to take the MAOI separately and half an hour before the DMT brew. If the acid lets the MAOI activate before the DMT has started to get metabolized, then could you add acid to other recipes and not have to take the MAOI before?
eduardo salamancaHi. MAOI is monoamine oxidase inhibitor, an acidic ingredient, delay the metabolization a little bit by shifting the equilibrium of the amine oxidation reaction during digestion. The using an acidic ingredient only don't let DMT works properly.
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eduardo salamanca

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Mar 13, 2022
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Hi. MAOI is monoamine oxidase inhibitor, an acidic ingredient delay the metabolization a little bit by shifting the equilibrium of the amine oxidation reaction during digestion. The using an acidic ingredient only don't let DMT works properly.
G.PattonOk, thanks!


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Aug 4, 2022
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For the guy having trouble making it maybe you could explain to him it’s one of the few polymorphic substances on the planet so making may not always work even if you rigidly follow previous synthesis that were successful. Sorry doing the best I can if that doesn’t make any sense to anyone it’s because of have zero chemistry background but I did remember this particular point as it fascinated me at the time. It would tend to highlight ghat something in this plant is different from 99.9% of the plants on yhis planet and we are not completely sure how this happened. Or I just misunderstood what they were talking about and I just wasted ten minutes of hour life. Either way cheers.

Frit Buchner

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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When it comes to MAOIs, there are A's and B's. You need an A for this, sergeline (for example) won't work, but it does work for phentethylamine. maoi A does not work for phentethylamine


Don't buy from me
Aug 4, 2022
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Hi Frit bugging you again because I had dealt with one of the original vendors posting here for Benzos in fact maybe the very first but I can’t find it now and there’s a member I told I would find this guys diozepam ad. He was in Southern California. Do we have an archive where those would wind up after awhile where I might find it?

Frit Buchner

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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Hi Frit bugging you again because I had dealt with one of the original vendors posting here for Benzos in fact maybe the very first but I can’t find it now and there’s a member I told I would find this guys diozepam ad. He was in Southern California. Do we have an archive where those would wind up after awhile where I might find it?
TheWatermanMessages automatically delete after 30 days, so that is why you can't find it. I wouldn't bet any money that any of the benzodiazapines sold here are exactly what they claim to be unless they are sealed in original packaging. The marketplace is where you would look and filter for the US. There are probably 100 benzos out there but only 10 current prescription benzos (in the US and 45 in the history of the entire world, source )which are the ones people want because they are what they know

Frit Buchner

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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Hi Frit bugging you again because I had dealt with one of the original vendors posting here for Benzos in fact maybe the very first but I can’t find it now and there’s a member I told I would find this guys diozepam ad. He was in Southern California. Do we have an archive where those would wind up after awhile where I might find it?
TheWatermanThere is one European vendor selling expired pharma diazepam for $80 delivered to the US for 20-5mg


Don't buy from me
Aug 4, 2022
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There is one European vendor selling expired pharma diazepam for $80 delivered to the US for 20-5mg
Frit BuchnerThank you I’ll pass that on but this guy was a pharma guy and from what I saw these were his drug of choice and they were producing them for one of the pharma companies so I guess technically he was being contracted to produce pharma.

Frit Buchner

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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Messages automatically delete after 30 days, so that is why you can't find it. I wouldn't bet any money that any of the benzodiazapines sold here are exactly what they claim to be unless they are sealed in original packaging. The marketplace is where you would look and filter for the US. There are probably 100 benzos out there but only 10 current prescription benzos (in the US and 45 in the history of the entire world, source )which are the ones people want because they are what they know


Don't buy from me
Aug 4, 2022
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Messages automatically delete after 30 days, so that is why you can't find it. I wouldn't bet any money that any of the benzodiazapines sold here are exactly what they claim to be unless they are sealed in original packaging. The marketplace is where you would look and filter for the US. There are probably 100 benzos out there but only 10 current prescription benzos (in the US and 45 in the history of the entire world, source )which are the ones people want because they are what they know
Frit BuchnerThis was a posting in breaking bad store gor selling them not a message. How long do those ladt the same?

Frit Buchner

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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This was a posting in breaking bad store gor selling them not a message. How long do those ladt the same?
TheWatermanI'm not entirely sure what you're asking but if it's how long past the expiration date do they last. Then I would say it surely depends on how they are stored. But short of being left in the sun or on a source of heat, A year or more. They wouldn't just go inert in a day unless something happened to them. I'd expect them to be at least 80% or more efficacious at 2 years past the date.


Don't buy from me
Aug 4, 2022
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I'm not entirely sure what you're asking but if it's how long past the expiration date do they last. Then I would say it surely depends on how they are stored. But short of being left in the sun or on a source of heat, A year or more. They wouldn't just go inert in a day unless something happened to them. I'd expect them to be at least 80% or more efficacious at 2 years past the date.
Frit BuchnerNo I just meant that what I was searching for was an ad in the store not a message it was a page offering diazepam when they first opened store. Any idea how long it takes to be approved. For ad in the sellers.

Frit Buchner

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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I'm not entirely sure what you're asking but if it's how long past the expiration date do they last. Then I would say it surely depends on how they are stored. But short of being left in the sun or on a source of heat, A year or more. They wouldn't just go inert in a day unless something happened to them. I'd expect them to be at least 80% or more efficacious at 2 years past the date.

Frit Buchner

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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If you are assembling "Prairie Ayahuasca" (or if you're not) and you are having difficulty sourcing Harmaline or Peganum harmala seeds (Syrian rue) or if you're not, most people don't know this but there's another indigenous flower to central and Southern United States that also contains Harmaline and is also hearty. Abundant beautiful and delicious. You may want to think hard before you tell your friends, it's status is legal, it is rarely harvested, it's very pleasant and pleasurable and loose lips sink ships. Anyways, it's
Passion flower vine

Also known as Passaflora incarnata, passion fruit plant and maypop. The fruit, although tastie, has mostly air, a little pith and a lot of seeds. It has a nice taste when ripe, but there's no edible substance to speak of. The flowers and foliage contain Harmaline. I suggest the flowers. They are strikingly beautiful and pleasant smelling and tasting. They dry and store well in a mason jar in the dark with a dessicant pack ideally. As they are wild they're also widely cultivated) the alkaloid content probably varies widely for this reason I suggest smoking the flowers.about 2 dried flowers, smoked, will brighten your day nicely. When you smoke it, you get high and stop, but if you ingest it, you took what you took and that's that..
this plant contains Harmaline and other Harmal chemicals. It is a mono-amine oxidase inhibitor. It slows your bodies output of mono-amine oxidase. Many drugs and natural body amino acids are monoamines and this will increase the time it takes t to metabolize them. Research Harmaline and what not to take with it, and don't take it.
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