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Don't buy from me
May 13, 2024
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High as fuck, was told to try and be active on the forum, and a little paranoia about what people might think about it thrown in for good measure has me writing this post!

I was a fat kid, my drug was sugar. Then one day, a D.A.R.E. officer came to our class. He gave out stickers of that sweet-ass logo, did a worksheet or two with us, and then he showed us a bunch of drugs.

Before that day I had never thought about using 'a drug'. From that day on however my curiosity blossomed in to a wonderful drug tree.

I have D.A.R.E. to thank for me being here on this site today and I wanted to express my thanks through my avatar.

Thank you D.A.R.E. for teaching fat kids that there are other drugs out there! 💊


Don't buy from me
Mar 1, 2024
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thats so real, i literally got into drugs because when i was very young my dad told me about his drug use and how i should NEVER do drugs, but because i was a retarded child, all i got out of it was "if you do acid you can see pretty colors" and i was dead set on doing drugs since then. only got the chance when i was in high school, though

i started smoking cigarettes in middle school in an attempt to look cool, but quit in high school because ew i dont want 2 get lung cancer + i started doing stims and smoking weed which are way better


Don't buy from me
May 13, 2024
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thats so real, i literally got into drugs because when i was very young my dad told me about his drug use and how i should NEVER do drugs, but because i was a retarded child, all i got out of it was "if you do acid you can see pretty colors" and i was dead set on doing drugs since then. only got the chance when i was in high school, though

i started smoking cigarettes in middle school in an attempt to look cool, but quit in high school because ew i dont want 2 get lung cancer + i started doing stims and smoking weed which are way better
fidelislol you escaped the tobacco beast, sadly for me, weed and tobacco are just too damn good together.

Kids are strange, perceptive as fuck, but also act completely retarded most of the time

I'd heard the 'don't do drugs' mantra many times up to that point in life. D.A.R.E. was that first time I 'saw' my someday close friends, and the way they were explained to us was very confusing for a little fat me: 'Drugs are great and amazing BUT they make you a lazy asshole! don't do them! Now here's how long you can expect an acid trip to last (if you get accidentally dosed)'

The internet has opened many doors, TOR is opening many more, get you some drugs!! ;)
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Don't buy from me
Mar 1, 2024
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lol you escaped the tobacco beast, sadly for me, weed and tobacco are just too damn good together.

Kids are strange, perceptive as fuck, but also act completely retarded most of the time

I'd heard the 'don't do drugs' mantra many times up to that point in life. D.A.R.E. was that first time I 'saw' my someday close friends, and the way they were explained to us was very confusing for a little fat me: 'Drugs are great and amazing BUT they make you a lazy asshole! don't do them! Now here's how long you can expect an acid trip to last (if you get accidentally dosed)'

The internet has opened many doors, TOR is opening many more, get you some drugs!! ;)
KurtV989yeah, the way drugs r explained 2 kids is horrible. telling them "dont do drugs kids" just makes them curious. explain the drugs, explain the effects, let them make the decision on their own. telling them to do one thing or another will influence them either way. information and harm reduction is important and more effective than just telling them not to do drugs

and agreed, the internet is a magical place where anything is possible ;)


Don't buy from me
Dec 21, 2023
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yeah, the way drugs r explained 2 kids is horrible. telling them "dont do drugs kids" just makes them curious. explain the drugs, explain the effects, let them make the decision on their own. telling them to do one thing or another will influence them either way. information and harm reduction is important and more effective than just telling them not to do drugs

and agreed, the internet is a magical place where anything is possible ;)
fidelisYou two are an example of when being teens at risk and you get more school info of drug effects, you get more interested in doing drugs. Well I was also a bit at risk then but I think broadly. 1, I was not so keen on doing drugs because of the obvious downsides and the penalty was the most repelling to me. 2. I was more interested in making it rich (besides educating me to the world and stamina) and then doing all I want, and being a drugdealer was a very exciting job and get my chem girls. 3. There is a big drugproblem with very much bad people doing evil crime for business or addiction. 4... You gotta get it legalized to get schooled with lots of drug effects info.But doing much drugs at a young age is not the best choice when growing up to be contributing. Most druggies are lowbrows paying dearly for street junk. If they are open on their hard drug use - they are burned in most eyes, and seen as criminals. Drugs make their behaviour rather ruthless yes they are on an ego feeling ride and decieve you. Those dominating scum set the drug scene of a social war and scare off normies. That's why humanity not evcen in the best of countries is ready for real freedom🗽libertarianizm for transhumanizm🚀


Don't buy from me
May 13, 2024
Reaction score
You two are an example of when being teens at risk and you get more school info of drug effects, you get more interested in doing drugs. Well I was also a bit at risk then but I think broadly. 1, I was not so keen on doing drugs because of the obvious downsides and the penalty was the most repelling to me. 2. I was more interested in making it rich (besides educating me to the world and stamina) and then doing all I want, and being a drugdealer was a very exciting job and get my chem girls. 3. There is a big drugproblem with very much bad people doing evil crime for business or addiction. 4... You gotta get it legalized to get schooled with lots of drug effects info.But doing much drugs at a young age is not the best choice when growing up to be contributing. Most druggies are lowbrows paying dearly for street junk. If they are open on their hard drug use - they are burned in most eyes, and seen as criminals. Drugs make their behaviour rather ruthless yes they are on an ego feeling ride and decieve you. Those dominating scum set the drug scene of a social war and scare off normies. That's why humanity not evcen in the best of countries is ready for real freedom🗽libertarianizm for transhumanizm🚀
visI agree there was a 'flipping point': "drugs are bad? mm'kay?" -I believe them "drugs make you a horrible person" -me- "oh I better stay away then" -I go off and have the career, try to make it as I become more and more a society drone. At this point in life is when the 'drugs are bad' mantra is finally questioned: "are they really THAT bad?" I think the answer is no, the 'sledge-hammer' theory of just telling everyone it's evil and we should never talk about it just makes us more curious.
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