First, please double check me, as it's been a little while since I've reviewed this actively.
SR17018 seems to do two things, help prevent withdrawals, and also actively reduce tolerance. So like a sort of different acting methadone (helps prevent withdrawal symptoms and cravings) and seems to reduce tolerance over time (a faster reduction in tolerance than other methods). Seemingly very helpful with addiction to ultra potent opioids like fentanyl
I don't believe it prevents tolerance builf up actually, but I'm still investigating. Seems to prevent withdrawal, and reduce tolerance.
NMDA Antagonists
DXM, and other such drugs, seem to help reduce the build up of tolerance. So if you would increase your dose say 10% after one week of using, you might only need to do so at say 7%. Numbers are only to demonstrate the idea, not exact. Doesnt stop it, just slows it down.
I forget the mechanism, but dxm is a common nmda antagonist that is relatively cheap, and very available. Other drugs do the same thing, like memantine, but are prescription drugs.
Ultra Low Dose Naltrexone.
ULDN seems to slow tolerance build up as well, and might require less doses of the drug for the same effect. The tolerance build up is slowed down, and it seems ot make lowering your dose more comfortable. This was tested for analgesia, no recreational effects, and it made one dose of morphine as effective as a lower dose, again analgesia only.
Seems that twice a day dosing is best, but the exact dosing is forgotten, like 20 to 50 microgrsms a day maybe? Very very very low. One could buy some naltrexone pills, do some math for liquid suspension, and be set for years if dissolved in grain alcohol and keeping in freezer.
Together, I think one could really help keep opioid addiciton under control better. Tolerance would be managed better, and the sr17018 would help reduce tolerance comfortably when you need to take a break.