Synthesis Opium/Poppy straw to Morphine base to Heroin - Detailed


Testing Squad
Oct 27, 2024
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Good luck! Your gonna need it... it's not as easy as it seems.. but this is how I have gotten it all to work and what I did to a T.. also how to get the two key chemicals that you really need to do this... I'll be trying some other synths around poppies and opium again soon..

Opium to Morphine base:

1. Slice pods everyday in the morning and collect sap in the evening after 1 week cut the pods off the poppy plant. Dry the pods out either by dehydration in the oven or just some warn air but NOT HOT!

AFTER the pods are dry go ahead and de seed but cutting each one open and just getting as many out as you can(don't have to be meticulous about it) grind them up in a blender dry!

2. Now Take your ground up pods and whatever latex you have collected and also dried out and set it in a nice clean bowl all together

Grab a nice pot depending how much plant matter and latex you have as per 1 cup of plant matter and latex put 2 cups water in a separate pot. Put your pot and fresh distilled water on the stove top and bring it to a nice simmer and then dump all that latex and ground up pods into your simmering water and bring to a boil and boil for about 15 minutes to 30 minutes it really depends how much you have!

3. Now ADD your Calcium Hydroxide, the measurement is 250 grams per kilo, make sure you get a scale and weigh what you got before boiling to deduct how much your gonna need I personally used about 20 grams for a couple of cups of raw plant matter and latex...

Bring the heat down a little and let that simmer for about 5 minutes or so... you will see some changes.. it also kind of smells...Just a warning

4. Take it off the heat and set it in the fridge to cool down for an hour and then take out of the fridge and let sit an additional 3 to 4 hours we want it to soak a bit...
5. after that take your pot with your plant matter and all and get yourself a nice sized bowl and one of those brew bags you can buy on Amazon you want it fine but not too fine by any means... pour your solution out of the pot and into the bowl with the brew bag or filter bag over as we are filtering out all those chunks of plant and crap.. after your get it all in and straining really take brew bag with all your plant material and squeeze that mother fucker as hard as you can and I mean really squeeze that bitch get all that liquid out and into your bowl! Make sure to save your bag with your plant material you can always soak it in hot water and ring it out again..

5. Take your bowl of liquid weirdness and put it into another pot... yes another one! Put it on medium heat on the stove until steaming and now add your Ammonium Chloride just add like a couple tablespoons and see if it changes color and check your pH with those pH strips you can again buy on Amazon or really any online marketplace like that and keep adding and mixing until your at a pH of like 8 or 9
As soon as you reach it and it's steaming take it off the heat and set it aside.. it really doesn't need to cook with that ammonium chloride.. again it really stinks do this in a well ventilated area please...

6. Take your pot of steaming solution and let stand overnight again you can put it in the fridge but this time it really does need to sit a while like at least 8 to 12 hours depending...

7. Return to your solution after the awaited time and take bunchner funnel and either do vacuum filtration or gravity filtration and it must be like 25 to 15 microns it is important and actually if you really want it to go a bit faster I suggest getting a press like a rosin press and get those press club bags and press some morphine cakes or of you do the buchner funnel method or gravity filtration with the hash bags of 25 microns just know your keeping that sludge not the liquid but that grey morphine sludge that is the stuff you want! Now you have a nice bit of morphine base and can feel good you did right with your weid grey sludge of happiness that you now should let dry out a bit into more of a powder consistency..

Morphine Base to white or light brown Heroin:

8. Now that you have dried it out to grey powdery morphine base you can start by putting into a erlenrymer flask and setting that flask on your little hot plate.. Now start adding your acetic anhydride (you can buy an aspirin synthesis kit for some AA) the amount of AA should be three times that of your morphine base... if you don't have a reflux condenser just take a damp rag and stick it in the top of your flask... it worked for me lol... I do have a condenser coming now finally... let this sit while slowly turning up the heat on your hot plate until it starts to react. I know it's hard to tell but you want it steady at 85 Celsius for about 5 hours or longer even I took it off the heat at 4 hour and let it sit a couple of hours...

9. The flask or mixture is now opened the mixture is a solution of water, acetic acid, and diacetylmorphine (heroin)... if you haven't already make sure to cool to room temp.. Add water about three times the amount of solution so however much your solution is add three times the amount of water...

Mix it a big and let it a settle and now add A small amount of chloroform with a dropper as you really don't need a lot I used like 5 to 10ml. Let stand after adding and mixing for a second The chloroform will dissolve impurities and stuff settles to the bottom of the pot as a greasy liquid, it's not really red at least it wasn't for me but there is a clear and obvious separation.. it needs to sit for at least 20 minutes before pouring tbe water off the top bit and be slow you don't want to bother that bottom layer and pipette it out into another flask once you get close to it and make sure you get the whole layer into the other beaker..

10. Add Activated charcoal to the mixture you pipetted out from the bottom which is the chloroform mixture as its heavier than water... the charcoal will absorb the solid impurities, which are filtered out repeatedly until the solution is clear.
You can filter it by gravity by using just a coffee filter in a funnel I would double up the coffee filters and set the funnel over a flask and let the liquid drain into the flask and that thick liquid and little bit of solids in it is what you want..

8. Make a strong solution of sodium carbonate (soda ash) twice the amount per the amount of morphine... heat somr water in a beaker on the hot plate and add about 100ml of water and heat to until steaming and then add you sodium carbonate, i personally just did a like 15 tp 20grams like a lot to the heated water and mixed for a minute until it all dissolved after that i took my newly made and hot sodium carbonate solution and added it slowly to the mixture until effervescence stops, precipitating solid heroin base which isn't the easiest to see at first especially if a really small amount but pipette out the bottom of the beaker and put it in petri dishes depending how much you have you might want a plate or something

9. The Heroin base is dried. It should be a granular, white powder at this point. If still colored (beige or light brown), the base may be re-dissolved in dilute hydrochloric or citric acid, treated with charcoal again, re-precipitated and dried. Also even if you start from morphine base it should still be white or off white like a grey white even and it may not be obvious how much you really have yet until it starts to dry out I put it on a couple of little petri dishes and I put those on my hot plate on like a super super low heat to help evaporation.. you will have your beautiful white ish H base in a couple of hours...

This recipe is put together from the two stickied recipes on the forum already and also has been edited and a lot of detail i felt was missing through my own trial and errors...
I actually wasted a couple bits of Opium and morphine base through my trials... I may start selling seeds too and have my husband write up a how to guide on growing the poppies and which ones produce a high amount of the wanted alkaloids...

Oh one more thing...
How to make chloroform, it's actually easy..

1. Get a gallon of bleach and some 100 percent pure acetone
2. Put the bleach in the freezer overnight and make sure to loosen the cap just a tiny bit to help relieve any pressure or you will end up with quite the bleach mess..
3. Take the bleach out of the freezer the next morning and measure out 60ml of acetone and pour that acetone carefully into your gallon of bleach and if your worried about getting it to fit you can always pour like a little bit of bleach out first like 60mls and then replace it with 60mls of the acetone...
4. Put the cap on your bleach with the acetone in it and give a nice shake for about 20 seconds. Now just slightly loosen the cap like a smidgen or quarter turn and put it in the fridge for about 3 hours occasionally going back to tighten, shaken and loosen just a couple of times is all you need.
5. Take it out of the fridge and just let it sit out overnight a good 16hours actually seems to be ideal even 18 hours...
6. Now that your mixture has been sitting out for like ever lol... go open your bleach container and don't smell it but it should not smell overwhelmingly like bleach anymore... Now start pouring it out into a large container your gonna wanna keep pouring until you reach the last quarter of the container, now get one of your large beakers or flasks and pour the rest slowly out, it should be a cloudy color with an almost weird mint green tint like light tint and at the bottom of that last quarter will be an obvious separation, the bottom will be clear and that is your Chloroform. You can use a separatory funnel for this if you want and just pour the last quarter into that and it'll be a lot easier to separate it...
I just pipetted the chloroform out as much as I could.... I put it into a flask with stopper as my lid and that is how I have been storing with the rest of my stuff...

Last tip... aspirin synthesis kits have small amounts of acetic anhydride and if your not making a lot then it's enough and you can buy about a litre of AA per year before questions get asked...

Anyways, I have done all of this and can confirm it does work! You will be a happy camper!


See my products
Mar 31, 2024
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Sounds like you are getting things figured out! That is awesome, I really look forward to someone out there making laudnum. It is the easiest opium base to make if you have the raw ingredients.

Anarchy Labz

Don't buy from me
Apr 9, 2024
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I made some laudnum from dried poppies for decoration (real papaver somniferum). Worked awesome for my pain!


Don't buy from me
Nov 17, 2024
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well, fuck yeah