Methamphetamine synthesis from Ephedrine or Pseudoephedrine


PR manager
Sep 6, 2022
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There are a lot of good drugs in the world. Our beloved drugs. Cocaine, lsd, mdma, 4mmc, shrooms...
But one has always stood out. From year to year, from century to century.
The drug of choice for the poor and the rich, a personal favorite of Kennedy and Hitler, as well as Jesse Pinkman...

His Majesty Methamphetamine.

The simplest synthesis of Methamphetamine from ephedrine or pseudoephedrine

Ephedrine hydrochloride is currently used mainly for medical purposes, as a sports drug and as a precursor for the synthesis or imitation of amphetamine/methamphetamine on the black market. If you are looking for ephedrine, be aware of which source is more readily available in your area. In many countries, ephedrine is listed as a narcotic or precursor.
In medical preparations, ephedrine hydrochloride comes in an aqueous solution, tablets or syrups.    Nowadays it is almost impossible to get it in vials and ampoules, even though it is pure and easy enough to extract.

It is more difficult to extract ephedrine from tablets or syrups, because the extraction largely depends on the composition of the drug and additional ingredients, we will talk about this separately.    Pseudoephedrine or norephedrine can be used as an alternative to ephedrine for synthesis. Pseudoephedrine (PSE) will give methamphetamine and norephedrine (Phenylpropanolamine, PPA) will give amphetamine. These two ephedrine analogs are often found in veterinary drugs.​

Ephedrine / Pseudoephedrine
*Iodine crystals
*Red phosphorus

*See how to get iodine crystals and red phosphorus quickly and easily in this thread:

Reactor: Standard glass vial from the medication‪: a glass vial of sodium chloride solution for injection is good for this purpose.‬
But be careful: it is usually not made of heat-resistant glass and requires delicate heating, better on a salt/sand bath - a small bowl or can of salt/sand heated directly on the stove. For large quantities, it is recommended to use containers with a flat wide bottom.

Reflux apparatus. It is a cork with a 6 - 12 cm piece of standard glass tube (pipette) inserted into it. It is used as a reverse air cooler for condensing water vapor and flowing it back into the reaction mass.
The use of a ROMIN plug is undesirable because its corrosion by iodine vapors leads to contamination of the reaction mixture.    The ideal reactor is a flat-bottomed conical glass flask with a glass stopper to which a tube has been soldered (by a master glassmaker). If there is nothing suitable, the reflux device can be made from a pipette, for which purpose remove the rubber band from it, make a hole in the rubber cap of the vial to the diameter of the pipette and stick it so that it stood vertically with its thin end down. You can also make the plug from a rubber syringe piston of a suitable diameter. It's just that rubber plugs corrode faster.    Some use two reflux devices in the cook - at the very end of the reaction, when the iodine is already at full strength, change the apparatus, or rather the cap with the reflux, to a wider one.

Heating equipment:
The standard device is an iron.  The sole is up, and that's it. An electric stove and a salt bath (a can of salt put on gas) are also used. When using a salt bath, you must remember that it has a large thermal inertia, i.e. if you reduce the fire, it will not affect the reaction quickly. But all kitchen chemists love irons - the heat is constant and the divisions on the iron (incandescence) are very appropriate to the process.

Also, you will need
Scales in 0.05g increments or less
Different size syringes
Syringe needle 0.8 mm diameter


REMEMBER, you cannot do this by eye, you must follow the exact proportions! When scaling, use a heat resistant glass bottle!
For 1g of ephedrine or analog you need about 10ml of reactor volume, the reactor is adapted to the volume of the reagents.

Weighing and proportions: 
  1g of crystal iodine and 0.35g of red phosphorus per 1g of ephedrine or pseudoephedrine. First, we weigh ephedrine and red phosphorus, pour it on a paper, and with a knife mix the powder and red phosphorus into an even pink mass and pour it into a vial / bottle, seal it with a cork. (not the reflux device!)

Vial with a closed lid with a mixture of powder / red heat a little, sometimes put it to a burning light bulb (desk lamp) - they do not react, and without air and do not oxidize. At this time, weigh the iodine, pour it into heavy paper, quickly crush the crystals with something heavy.

Iodine is a very active reagent with a pungent, specific odor. It leaves traces and burns on the skin and corrodes objects, work with it only with gloves and carefully!

At this point: electric stove on 1 heat, syringe with 0.8 mm needle diameter with water nearby, reflux device clean and dry. You open a warm (not hot!!) vial, pour iodine into it piece by piece: a little bit - shake/stir, a little more, but do it quickly, otherwise the reaction will start earlier than you want it to.    Poured everything out, plugged it up, took a vial in the warm palm of your hand, warm it up with your hand, hold the plug with your thumb, but don't press down hard.    Shake the vial so that the powder inside gathers into a sort of evenly colored dark brownish-burgundy ball. Sometimes the iodine vapors lift the plug under your finger and make a "pfft". Once the ball has rolled - FAST: pour the first drops of water, you can bury the reaction with hydrochloric acid instead of water, it creates an acidic environment and the reaction goes better, putting on the reflux tightly and place on the stove. 
WATER MUST BE dripped from the 8th needle ONE drop per 0.1g of ephedrine or analog! Preferably warm, but NOT hot.

Yay, the reaction is picking up! Warming. You can't take your eyes off the vial.    You need good lighting. No drafts - the windows next to the stove are closed! Pour in water and heat a little - shake, heat some more, shake some more until a uniformly dissolved liquid is formed.

If lumps remain, not soaked, not dissolved - add a little more water.    You heat it. Silver bubbles form. All the time - every 10-15 seconds you lift with your fingers by the edge of the vial and shake. The liquid makes a "shh" sound. After a short time, the fluid should begin to rise sharply (if it doesn't, don't worry, and if it does, keep going).    Lift, shake and add 2-3 drops of water. Continue in the same manner.    About WATER: at any moment you can put a drop on the inner wall of the reflux device (in the tube) - the drop will hang over the liquid, the mixture will take it itself when it is needed. But don't misuse the water. Shake constantly, so that the liquid will slip over the walls, but will not reach the reflux device.    Watch the light for the color of the walls before the liquid sinks in - the orange cast indicates that there is still iodine.    But all the iodine should come out. It may be that the iodine is still visible on the walls, but the reaction has slowed down, the smoke is faint, it feels like it's burning.    In this case, open the reflux sharply, add 0.05 - 0.1 g of red phosphorus per 1 g of iodine, shake, close the reflux, add water drop by drop until the solution is liquid. This rarely happens. Towards the end of the reaction, the iodine may come out more strongly, like a pipe. And the liquid can rise sharply upward. The smell is chemical, but not iodine. The iodine is no longer coming. The liquid has finally gone down. The bubbles are small.   Take the reactor off the heat. Remove the reflux.

You bring the vial to your mouth and blow out the smoke (you can do this under the hood) until it stops.    Sometimes there is no smoke at all. Don't get spit on it!!! Quickly, with a strong jet of water per 1g of ephedrine = 10 ml from a syringe. You close it with a clean cap, clamping it with your finger. Shake it well. The liquid becomes lighter and the spent phosphorus floats to the top. Shake it.

Take a bowl of crushed ice out of the freezer, and once the vial is cold, you put half of it in the ice. Wait three minutes. Wrap a layer of cotton on the 8* needle, a layer of toilet paper (white!) and more cotton (to make a kind of filter).

Choose a solution, pour it into a clean vial, the liquid should be transparent, greenish-yellow fluorescent color (not cloudy, not pink).    If it's a little orange, it's carbide, all the iodine didn't come out. It's not a big deal.


Dip the indicator paper into the liquid - it will turn red - the solution is acidic. In a glass beaker you alkalize with baking soda (or 30% lye solution,) stirring with a syringe piston the solution. It hisses a lot at first, then less…    Don't put a lot of baking soda/lye at once! Slower is better!
When the soda stops fizzing on the surface of the solution. When a grain of soda starts to fall to the bottom of the vial, that's enough.
Indicator is greenish-yellowish, without blue (pH~8-9) (The blue color means too alkaline.)


After the solution has become alkaline, it is necessary to extract the methamphetamine base with 50 ml of toluene. For each 1g ephedrine added to the reaction, measure 5ml toluene. To do this, add toluene to the alkaline solution. Shake well.  Allow the mixture to separate into two fractions. The upper organic layer is carefully withdrawn with a syringe so that not a drop of the lower aqueous fraction did not get into the oil of methamphetamine.  Dehydration of the extract is performed over calcined sodium sulfate.  The calcined sodium sulfate in an amount equal to 5% of the weight of the extract is placed in an airtight container and incubated for 8 hours. The extract (methamphetamine oil) is then filtered.


Methamphetamine hydrochloride is very sensitive to water and will not crystallize if acidified with an aqueous hydrochloric acid solution. Hydrochloric acid forms a layer under the toluene and the methamphetamine dissolves in it. To dry the meth, the water must be removed.  That's why HCL gas is more often used for acidification (to get it, see this link

Start gassing the extract with HCl gas and check the pH with indicators. When pH=6 is reached, acidification is stopped and the product is stored in the freezer until a precipitate falls out. The precipitate is filtered through a paper filter and dried in the air. That's all.

Now you have good quality meth. Are you happy now?
Yeah! Science, bitch!



Lordoftheshard 2

Don't buy from me
Apr 29, 2023
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Hypophosphorous acid iodine route us the easiest way this method is outdated


Don't buy from me
Dec 4, 2022
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Can any of you sell me a video showing how to make crystal meth with iodine and pseudoephedrine? I want it to be a video of a professional person, not like the video that shows a bald person because I see it as not a perfect work.


Don't buy from me
Jul 28, 2023
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Can any of you sell me a video showing how to make crystal meth with iodine and pseudoephedrine? I want it to be a video of a professional person, not like the video that shows a bald person because I see it as not a perfect work.
MarocamoraHey friend, I have a deal for you. I used to manufacture using this technique, and have been thinking of how good that shit was, and decided to do a small batch. I just started pricing chemicals. I was thinking, since you were going to obtain Red phosphorous and iodine crystals for your cook anyway, and since you offered to pay for a quality demonstrative video... If you just supply the red phosphorous and Iodine for the reduction, I will provide the pseudoeffedrine and make you an instructional video of not only the synthesis but also of different ways of extracting the pseudoeffedrine from cold tablets, making iodine crystals from tincture of iodine, completely improvised glassware, etc. What do you think? I could get by with just 3.5 grams of red, and 10 grams of iodine, this would make a 10 gram batch of methamphetamine. What do you think?


Don't buy from me
New Member
Dec 12, 2023
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Hey friend, I have a deal for you. I used to manufacture using this technique, and have been thinking of how good that shit was, and decided to do a small batch. I just started pricing chemicals. I was thinking, since you were going to obtain Red phosphorous and iodine crystals for your cook anyway, and since you offered to pay for a quality demonstrative video... If you just supply the red phosphorous and Iodine for the reduction, I will provide the pseudoeffedrine and make you an instructional video of not only the synthesis but also of different ways of extracting the pseudoeffedrine from cold tablets, making iodine crystals from tincture of iodine, completely improvised glassware, etc. What do you think? I could get by with just 3.5 grams of red, and 10 grams of iodine, this would make a 10 gram batch of methamphetamine. What do you think?
PseudoMicroGravityHey Macrocamora just read your post I am in need a a video as well and I have what you need to d the video. I have iodine crystals and pure red in pocket right now. I have tried for the past year to succesfully cook andeven had friends that told me they could cook try and never suceeded I have spent a lot of $ and got shit from it. How would you want to do this? Are you stateside? I am motivated andam tired of smoking this mexican shit that dont do nothing for me. Get in touch asap I am as rel as they get been in the game since mid 80's and miss the real shit.


Don't buy from me
New Member
Dec 12, 2023
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Hey Macrocamora just read your post I am in need a a video as well and I have what you need to d the video. I have iodine crystals and pure red in pocket right now. I have tried for the past year to succesfully cook andeven had friends that told me they could cook try and never suceeded I have spent a lot of $ and got shit from it. How would you want to do this? Are you stateside? I am motivated andam tired of smoking this mexican shit that dont do nothing for me. Get in touch asap I am as rel as they get been in the game since mid 80's and miss the real shit.
guitargodSorry this was meant for PesudoMicroGravity not Macrocamora

Frit Buchner

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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There's a PDF dx41flatline posted that is lithium batteries and ammonium nitrate from instant cold packs in a pop jug. If someone would update it to use a current ammonium ion, it would be
2. The easiest method

I'll link you if you or someone can work it out. It's downloaded on this site


Don't buy from me
Jul 28, 2023
Reaction score
There's a PDF dx41flatline posted that is lithium batteries and ammonium nitrate from instant cold packs in a pop jug. If someone would update it to use a current ammonium ion, it would be
2. The easiest method

I'll link you if you or someone can work it out. It's downloaded on this site
Frit BuchnerI never got the same quality of meth using a Birch Reduction myself.... Not even close! And why do you think this synthesis is easier than reducing the effedrine with hydriatic acid created in-situ when using the red Phosphorous/iodine route? Because you can basically throw whole pills in the jar together with the other ingredients without refining the effedrine first? Because honestly even when I do a Birch reduction I start with pure effedrine. Putting all those buffers into the reaction just causes you to need more precursors to finish the reduction/reaction in my own experience.

Frit Buchner

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
Reaction score
I never got the same quality of meth using a Birch Reduction myself.... Not even close! And why do you think this synthesis is easier than reducing the effedrine with hydriatic acid created in-situ when using the red Phosphorous/iodine route? Because you can basically throw whole pills in the jar together with the other ingredients without refining the effedrine first? Because honestly even when I do a Birch reduction I start with pure effedrine. Putting all those buffers into the reaction just causes you to need more precursors to finish the reduction/reaction in my own experience.
PseudoMicroGravityMostly because the reactants are easier to get without raising eyebrows. At least where I Am. I have never in my 45 years seen a bottle iodine at someones house. Not a single time, so if I did it would draw my attention. Im sure you know how hard it is to get phos you have to scrape it off of matchbook basically, there are few other places to get it. Lithium is the strongest reducer followed by magnesium Zinc Sodium...lodides Are far down the list


Don't buy from me
Jul 28, 2023
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Hey guitargod, sorry, I haven't been on here in a while. I am Stateside. Maybe we can work something out. By the way, I never cared for the meth I made using a Birch reduction (Shake & Bake method)such as Frit Buchner describes above. You said you wanted the GOOD old stuff right? I can definitely help you with that if you are interested. Hit me up my friend! [email protected]


Don't buy from me
New Member
Dec 12, 2023
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Hey so do I communicate with you through this sight or email or exactly how. I am not up to the latest ways of being discreet online. I tried the address you gave me but it does not seem to work for me that is why I am wondering if there is different way that you contact people other than gmail or whatever. are you using something different that I should be using so I can definitely get in touch with you


Don't buy from me
Dec 28, 2021
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How about the one-pot method? That seems the easiest way to do since we just need to mix the pseudoeffedrine, ammonium nitrate, ether, lithium metal, sodium hydroxide and some water all at once in a bottle and shake it until at certain point where we will then filter out the top layer and finally using hcl acid gas to 'salt out' (as in the video terms) the meth. But i'm not sure about the quality. And perhaps the downside of this process is it can be very hazardly dangerous during the shake process since it involved deadly reduction in the bottle. I has started to make the list from the item i mentioned above, perhaps by next week i should received all ingredients. But still looking forward for any advise since this is not my line of work. Please correct me should there is any missing ingredient.

Sorry as I'm not typing into the details for each step. But willing to share if anyone interested in it.



Don't buy from me
Mar 9, 2023
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Can you do this reaction,hydrogenation under pressure,with mixer or shaker?without heating?i did with shaker,but it works very slowly,does it works with ephedrine also?


Don't buy from me
Nov 11, 2023
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what are the measurements for 5 grams worth for meth


Don't buy from me
Jul 28, 2023
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what are the measurements for 5 grams worth for meth
mortuus1995You mean the ammount of precursors needed? I always used a 1 - 1 - 1/3 ratio. So if you were going to make 10 grams for ease of math, it would take 10 grams Pseudo, 10 grams Iodine, and 3.3 grams Red P. Then for your specific question, it would take 5g Pseudo, 5g Io, and 1.61g Red as a catalyst. If that is I did that quick dirty math in Mt head right! lol


Don't buy from me
Mar 26, 2024
Reaction score
There are a lot of good drugs in the world. Our beloved drugs. Cocaine, lsd, mdma, 4mmc, shrooms...
But one has always stood out. From year to year, from century to century.
The drug of choice for the poor and the rich, a personal favorite of Kennedy and Hitler, as well as Jesse Pinkman...

His Majesty Methamphetamine.

The simplest synthesis of Methamphetamine from ephedrine or pseudoephedrine

Ephedrine hydrochloride is currently used mainly for medical purposes, as a sports drug and as a precursor for the synthesis or imitation of amphetamine/methamphetamine on the black market. If you are looking for ephedrine, be aware of which source is more readily available in your area. In many countries, ephedrine is listed as a narcotic or precursor.
In medical preparations, ephedrine hydrochloride comes in an aqueous solution, tablets or syrups.    Nowadays it is almost impossible to get it in vials and ampoules, even though it is pure and easy enough to extract.

It is more difficult to extract ephedrine from tablets or syrups, because the extraction largely depends on the composition of the drug and additional ingredients, we will talk about this separately.    Pseudoephedrine or norephedrine can be used as an alternative to ephedrine for synthesis. Pseudoephedrine (PSE) will give methamphetamine and norephedrine (Phenylpropanolamine, PPA) will give amphetamine. These two ephedrine analogs are often found in veterinary drugs.​

Ephedrine / Pseudoephedrine
*Iodine crystals
*Red phosphorus

*See how to get iodine crystals and red phosphorus quickly and easily in this thread:

Reactor: Standard glass vial from the medication‪: a glass vial of sodium chloride solution for injection is good for this purpose.‬
But be careful: it is usually not made of heat-resistant glass and requires delicate heating, better on a salt/sand bath - a small bowl or can of salt/sand heated directly on the stove. For large quantities, it is recommended to use containers with a flat wide bottom.

Reflux apparatus. It is a cork with a 6 - 12 cm piece of standard glass tube (pipette) inserted into it. It is used as a reverse air cooler for condensing water vapor and flowing it back into the reaction mass.
The use of a ROMIN plug is undesirable because its corrosion by iodine vapors leads to contamination of the reaction mixture.    The ideal reactor is a flat-bottomed conical glass flask with a glass stopper to which a tube has been soldered (by a master glassmaker). If there is nothing suitable, the reflux device can be made from a pipette, for which purpose remove the rubber band from it, make a hole in the rubber cap of the vial to the diameter of the pipette and stick it so that it stood vertically with its thin end down. You can also make the plug from a rubber syringe piston of a suitable diameter. It's just that rubber plugs corrode faster.    Some use two reflux devices in the cook - at the very end of the reaction, when the iodine is already at full strength, change the apparatus, or rather the cap with the reflux, to a wider one.

Heating equipment:
The standard device is an iron.  The sole is up, and that's it. An electric stove and a salt bath (a can of salt put on gas) are also used. When using a salt bath, you must remember that it has a large thermal inertia, i.e. if you reduce the fire, it will not affect the reaction quickly. But all kitchen chemists love irons - the heat is constant and the divisions on the iron (incandescence) are very appropriate to the process.

Also, you will need
Scales in 0.05g increments or less
Different size syringes
Syringe needle 0.8 mm diameter


REMEMBER, you cannot do this by eye, you must follow the exact proportions! When scaling, use a heat resistant glass bottle!
For 1g of ephedrine or analog you need about 10ml of reactor volume, the reactor is adapted to the volume of the reagents.

Weighing and proportions: 
  1g of crystal iodine and 0.35g of red phosphorus per 1g of ephedrine or pseudoephedrine. First, we weigh ephedrine and red phosphorus, pour it on a paper, and with a knife mix the powder and red phosphorus into an even pink mass and pour it into a vial / bottle, seal it with a cork. (not the reflux device!)

Vial with a closed lid with a mixture of powder / red heat a little, sometimes put it to a burning light bulb (desk lamp) - they do not react, and without air and do not oxidize. At this time, weigh the iodine, pour it into heavy paper, quickly crush the crystals with something heavy.

Iodine is a very active reagent with a pungent, specific odor. It leaves traces and burns on the skin and corrodes objects, work with it only with gloves and carefully!

At this point: electric stove on 1 heat, syringe with 0.8 mm needle diameter with water nearby, reflux device clean and dry. You open a warm (not hot!!) vial, pour iodine into it piece by piece: a little bit - shake/stir, a little more, but do it quickly, otherwise the reaction will start earlier than you want it to.    Poured everything out, plugged it up, took a vial in the warm palm of your hand, warm it up with your hand, hold the plug with your thumb, but don't press down hard.    Shake the vial so that the powder inside gathers into a sort of evenly colored dark brownish-burgundy ball. Sometimes the iodine vapors lift the plug under your finger and make a "pfft". Once the ball has rolled - FAST: pour the first drops of water, you can bury the reaction with hydrochloric acid instead of water, it creates an acidic environment and the reaction goes better, putting on the reflux tightly and place on the stove. 
WATER MUST BE dripped from the 8th needle ONE drop per 0.1g of ephedrine or analog! Preferably warm, but NOT hot.

Yay, the reaction is picking up! Warming. You can't take your eyes off the vial.    You need good lighting. No drafts - the windows next to the stove are closed! Pour in water and heat a little - shake, heat some more, shake some more until a uniformly dissolved liquid is formed.

If lumps remain, not soaked, not dissolved - add a little more water.    You heat it. Silver bubbles form. All the time - every 10-15 seconds you lift with your fingers by the edge of the vial and shake. The liquid makes a "shh" sound. After a short time, the fluid should begin to rise sharply (if it doesn't, don't worry, and if it does, keep going).    Lift, shake and add 2-3 drops of water. Continue in the same manner.    About WATER: at any moment you can put a drop on the inner wall of the reflux device (in the tube) - the drop will hang over the liquid, the mixture will take it itself when it is needed. But don't misuse the water. Shake constantly, so that the liquid will slip over the walls, but will not reach the reflux device.    Watch the light for the color of the walls before the liquid sinks in - the orange cast indicates that there is still iodine.    But all the iodine should come out. It may be that the iodine is still visible on the walls, but the reaction has slowed down, the smoke is faint, it feels like it's burning.    In this case, open the reflux sharply, add 0.05 - 0.1 g of red phosphorus per 1 g of iodine, shake, close the reflux, add water drop by drop until the solution is liquid. This rarely happens. Towards the end of the reaction, the iodine may come out more strongly, like a pipe. And the liquid can rise sharply upward. The smell is chemical, but not iodine. The iodine is no longer coming. The liquid has finally gone down. The bubbles are small.   Take the reactor off the heat. Remove the reflux.

You bring the vial to your mouth and blow out the smoke (you can do this under the hood) until it stops.    Sometimes there is no smoke at all. Don't get spit on it!!! Quickly, with a strong jet of water per 1g of ephedrine = 10 ml from a syringe. You close it with a clean cap, clamping it with your finger. Shake it well. The liquid becomes lighter and the spent phosphorus floats to the top. Shake it.

Take a bowl of crushed ice out of the freezer, and once the vial is cold, you put half of it in the ice. Wait three minutes. Wrap a layer of cotton on the 8* needle, a layer of toilet paper (white!) and more cotton (to make a kind of filter).

Choose a solution, pour it into a clean vial, the liquid should be transparent, greenish-yellow fluorescent color (not cloudy, not pink).    If it's a little orange, it's carbide, all the iodine didn't come out. It's not a big deal.


Dip the indicator paper into the liquid - it will turn red - the solution is acidic. In a glass beaker you alkalize with baking soda (or 30% lye solution,) stirring with a syringe piston the solution. It hisses a lot at first, then less…    Don't put a lot of baking soda/lye at once! Slower is better!
When the soda stops fizzing on the surface of the solution. When a grain of soda starts to fall to the bottom of the vial, that's enough.
Indicator is greenish-yellowish, without blue (pH~8-9) (The blue color means too alkaline.)


After the solution has become alkaline, it is necessary to extract the methamphetamine base with 50 ml of toluene. For each 1g ephedrine added to the reaction, measure 5ml toluene. To do this, add toluene to the alkaline solution. Shake well.  Allow the mixture to separate into two fractions. The upper organic layer is carefully withdrawn with a syringe so that not a drop of the lower aqueous fraction did not get into the oil of methamphetamine.  Dehydration of the extract is performed over calcined sodium sulfate.  The calcined sodium sulfate in an amount equal to 5% of the weight of the extract is placed in an airtight container and incubated for 8 hours. The extract (methamphetamine oil) is then filtered.


Methamphetamine hydrochloride is very sensitive to water and will not crystallize if acidified with an aqueous hydrochloric acid solution. Hydrochloric acid forms a layer under the toluene and the methamphetamine dissolves in it. To dry the meth, the water must be removed.  That's why HCL gas is more often used for acidification (to get it, see this link

Start gassing the extract with HCl gas and check the pH with indicators. When pH=6 is reached, acidification is stopped and the product is stored in the freezer until a precipitate falls out. The precipitate is filtered through a paper filter and dried in the air. That's all.

Now you have good quality meth. Are you happy now?
Yeah! Science, bitch!

View attachment 15306

There are a lot of good drugs in the world. Our beloved drugs. Cocaine, lsd, mdma, 4mmc, shrooms...
But one has always stood out. From year to year, from century to century.
The drug of choice for the poor and the rich, a personal favorite of Kennedy and Hitler, as well as Jesse Pinkman...

His Majesty Methamphetamine.

The simplest synthesis of Methamphetamine from ephedrine or pseudoephedrine

Ephedrine hydrochloride is currently used mainly for medical purposes, as a sports drug and as a precursor for the synthesis or imitation of amphetamine/methamphetamine on the black market. If you are looking for ephedrine, be aware of which source is more readily available in your area. In many countries, ephedrine is listed as a narcotic or precursor.
In medical preparations, ephedrine hydrochloride comes in an aqueous solution, tablets or syrups.    Nowadays it is almost impossible to get it in vials and ampoules, even though it is pure and easy enough to extract.

It is more difficult to extract ephedrine from tablets or syrups, because the extraction largely depends on the composition of the drug and additional ingredients, we will talk about this separately.    Pseudoephedrine or norephedrine can be used as an alternative to ephedrine for synthesis. Pseudoephedrine (PSE) will give methamphetamine and norephedrine (Phenylpropanolamine, PPA) will give amphetamine. These two ephedrine analogs are often found in veterinary drugs.​

Ephedrine / Pseudoephedrine
*Iodine crystals
*Red phosphorus

*See how to get iodine crystals and red phosphorus quickly and easily in this thread:

Reactor: Standard glass vial from the medication‪: a glass vial of sodium chloride solution for injection is good for this purpose.‬
But be careful: it is usually not made of heat-resistant glass and requires delicate heating, better on a salt/sand bath - a small bowl or can of salt/sand heated directly on the stove. For large quantities, it is recommended to use containers with a flat wide bottom.

Reflux apparatus. It is a cork with a 6 - 12 cm piece of standard glass tube (pipette) inserted into it. It is used as a reverse air cooler for condensing water vapor and flowing it back into the reaction mass.
The use of a ROMIN plug is undesirable because its corrosion by iodine vapors leads to contamination of the reaction mixture.    The ideal reactor is a flat-bottomed conical glass flask with a glass stopper to which a tube has been soldered (by a master glassmaker). If there is nothing suitable, the reflux device can be made from a pipette, for which purpose remove the rubber band from it, make a hole in the rubber cap of the vial to the diameter of the pipette and stick it so that it stood vertically with its thin end down. You can also make the plug from a rubber syringe piston of a suitable diameter. It's just that rubber plugs corrode faster.    Some use two reflux devices in the cook - at the very end of the reaction, when the iodine is already at full strength, change the apparatus, or rather the cap with the reflux, to a wider one.

Heating equipment:
The standard device is an iron.  The sole is up, and that's it. An electric stove and a salt bath (a can of salt put on gas) are also used. When using a salt bath, you must remember that it has a large thermal inertia, i.e. if you reduce the fire, it will not affect the reaction quickly. But all kitchen chemists love irons - the heat is constant and the divisions on the iron (incandescence) are very appropriate to the process.

Also, you will need
Scales in 0.05g increments or less
Different size syringes
Syringe needle 0.8 mm diameter


REMEMBER, you cannot do this by eye, you must follow the exact proportions! When scaling, use a heat resistant glass bottle!
For 1g of ephedrine or analog you need about 10ml of reactor volume, the reactor is adapted to the volume of the reagents.

Weighing and proportions: 
  1g of crystal iodine and 0.35g of red phosphorus per 1g of ephedrine or pseudoephedrine. First, we weigh ephedrine and red phosphorus, pour it on a paper, and with a knife mix the powder and red phosphorus into an even pink mass and pour it into a vial / bottle, seal it with a cork. (not the reflux device!)

Vial with a closed lid with a mixture of powder / red heat a little, sometimes put it to a burning light bulb (desk lamp) - they do not react, and without air and do not oxidize. At this time, weigh the iodine, pour it into heavy paper, quickly crush the crystals with something heavy.

Iodine is a very active reagent with a pungent, specific odor. It leaves traces and burns on the skin and corrodes objects, work with it only with gloves and carefully!

At this point: electric stove on 1 heat, syringe with 0.8 mm needle diameter with water nearby, reflux device clean and dry. You open a warm (not hot!!) vial, pour iodine into it piece by piece: a little bit - shake/stir, a little more, but do it quickly, otherwise the reaction will start earlier than you want it to.    Poured everything out, plugged it up, took a vial in the warm palm of your hand, warm it up with your hand, hold the plug with your thumb, but don't press down hard.    Shake the vial so that the powder inside gathers into a sort of evenly colored dark brownish-burgundy ball. Sometimes the iodine vapors lift the plug under your finger and make a "pfft". Once the ball has rolled - FAST: pour the first drops of water, you can bury the reaction with hydrochloric acid instead of water, it creates an acidic environment and the reaction goes better, putting on the reflux tightly and place on the stove. 
WATER MUST BE dripped from the 8th needle ONE drop per 0.1g of ephedrine or analog! Preferably warm, but NOT hot.

Yay, the reaction is picking up! Warming. You can't take your eyes off the vial.    You need good lighting. No drafts - the windows next to the stove are closed! Pour in water and heat a little - shake, heat some more, shake some more until a uniformly dissolved liquid is formed.

If lumps remain, not soaked, not dissolved - add a little more water.    You heat it. Silver bubbles form. All the time - every 10-15 seconds you lift with your fingers by the edge of the vial and shake. The liquid makes a "shh" sound. After a short time, the fluid should begin to rise sharply (if it doesn't, don't worry, and if it does, keep going).    Lift, shake and add 2-3 drops of water. Continue in the same manner.    About WATER: at any moment you can put a drop on the inner wall of the reflux device (in the tube) - the drop will hang over the liquid, the mixture will take it itself when it is needed. But don't misuse the water. Shake constantly, so that the liquid will slip over the walls, but will not reach the reflux device.    Watch the light for the color of the walls before the liquid sinks in - the orange cast indicates that there is still iodine.    But all the iodine should come out. It may be that the iodine is still visible on the walls, but the reaction has slowed down, the smoke is faint, it feels like it's burning.    In this case, open the reflux sharply, add 0.05 - 0.1 g of red phosphorus per 1 g of iodine, shake, close the reflux, add water drop by drop until the solution is liquid. This rarely happens. Towards the end of the reaction, the iodine may come out more strongly, like a pipe. And the liquid can rise sharply upward. The smell is chemical, but not iodine. The iodine is no longer coming. The liquid has finally gone down. The bubbles are small.   Take the reactor off the heat. Remove the reflux.

You bring the vial to your mouth and blow out the smoke (you can do this under the hood) until it stops.    Sometimes there is no smoke at all. Don't get spit on it!!! Quickly, with a strong jet of water per 1g of ephedrine = 10 ml from a syringe. You close it with a clean cap, clamping it with your finger. Shake it well. The liquid becomes lighter and the spent phosphorus floats to the top. Shake it.

Take a bowl of crushed ice out of the freezer, and once the vial is cold, you put half of it in the ice. Wait three minutes. Wrap a layer of cotton on the 8* needle, a layer of toilet paper (white!) and more cotton (to make a kind of filter).

Choose a solution, pour it into a clean vial, the liquid should be transparent, greenish-yellow fluorescent color (not cloudy, not pink).    If it's a little orange, it's carbide, all the iodine didn't come out. It's not a big deal.


Dip the indicator paper into the liquid - it will turn red - the solution is acidic. In a glass beaker you alkalize with baking soda (or 30% lye solution,) stirring with a syringe piston the solution. It hisses a lot at first, then less…    Don't put a lot of baking soda/lye at once! Slower is better!
When the soda stops fizzing on the surface of the solution. When a grain of soda starts to fall to the bottom of the vial, that's enough.
Indicator is greenish-yellowish, without blue (pH~8-9) (The blue color means too alkaline.)


After the solution has become alkaline, it is necessary to extract the methamphetamine base with 50 ml of toluene. For each 1g ephedrine added to the reaction, measure 5ml toluene. To do this, add toluene to the alkaline solution. Shake well.  Allow the mixture to separate into two fractions. The upper organic layer is carefully withdrawn with a syringe so that not a drop of the lower aqueous fraction did not get into the oil of methamphetamine.  Dehydration of the extract is performed over calcined sodium sulfate.  The calcined sodium sulfate in an amount equal to 5% of the weight of the extract is placed in an airtight container and incubated for 8 hours. The extract (methamphetamine oil) is then filtered.


Methamphetamine hydrochloride is very sensitive to water and will not crystallize if acidified with an aqueous hydrochloric acid solution. Hydrochloric acid forms a layer under the toluene and the methamphetamine dissolves in it. To dry the meth, the water must be removed.  That's why HCL gas is more often used for acidification (to get it, see this link

Start gassing the extract with HCl gas and check the pH with indicators. When pH=6 is reached, acidification is stopped and the product is stored in the freezer until a precipitate falls out. The precipitate is filtered through a paper filter and dried in the air. That's all.

Now you have good quality meth. Are you happy now?
Yeah! Science, bitch!

View attachment 15306

Hi, thanks for guide.
Its possible to use white spirit instead of toluene?


Don't buy from me
Jul 28, 2023
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Hi, thanks for guide.
Its possible to use white spirit instead of toluene?
RWG13Any non-polar solvent will work. Depending on whether it is heavier or lighter than water will tell you whether it will be above or below the Aquias layer of your solution when combined. You want to make sure you are extracting the right layer!


Don't buy from me
Jul 28, 2023
Reaction score
Hi, thanks for guide.
Its possible to use white spirit instead of toluene?
RWG13Sorry, I meant to say, "ANY non-polar solvent that doesn't mix well with water will work. I'm not sure what you mean by white spirit, do you mean like "white gas" or Coleman camp fuel, then the answer is yes. Not the best solvent as you want to try to pick one which leaves the least residue, but it will definitely work.
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