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thanks men you are awesome chemist. how to make methcathinone with KMno4, will you make a video?
Would like one big video on an entire tutorial on how to cook, starting with every supplies needed, chemistry setup, setting up every thing to itself, start up, then how to put the product onto a plate, crystalize it, I mean everything down to the last detail. This is so one could Download one big video instead of a bunch of small, unclear videos on the how to. Of course, for legal reasons. Thanks
Would like one big video on an entire tutorial on how to cook, starting with every supplies needed, chemistry setup, setting up every thing to itself, start up, then how to put the product onto a plate, crystalize it, I mean everything down to the last detail. This is so one could Download one big video instead of a bunch of small, unclear videos on the how to. Of course, for legal reasons. Thanks
You gotta do a little footwork…. You can’t just expect this all to be put in some video in some comprehensive manner. There are textbooks of info that is needed to these procedures safely and that is something that can’t be translated into a video in any complete manner.

All the info you seek is on the forums here, just take a look around. Chemistry is a vast array of topics and subtopics, you can’t just put that in one video.
You gotta do a little footwork…. You can’t just expect this all to be put in some video in some comprehensive manner. There are textbooks of info that is needed to these procedures safely and that is something that can’t be translated into a video in any complete manner.

All the info you seek is on the forums here, just take a look around. Chemistry is a vast array of topics and subtopics, you can’t just put that in one video.
Not to mention these videos are already hands down the best clandestine chemistry videos ever produced. The commentary animations i love! No un-necessary or unrelated chemicals or labware in the background...

This is Walter White meets Pablo Picasso.

The audacity to be like. I know you give us this amazing site for free and all...but i want more. Make me a step by step video that a child could follow because i want to be able to crank out quality drugs but dont want to do any of the research legwork.
Thank you, sir. I learned from Wikipedia that pure GHB should be colorless and odorless. I prepared several samples according to the video. They are different. Some are light yellow after dissolution, some are dark yellow, and they taste bitter and salty when eaten. Is there any way to remove the color, bitterness and saltiness?
In addition, when I distilled and collected 200 degrees Celsius fractions, sometimes the pH value of the product was almost neutral, and the video showed that it should be acidic. I don’t know where I went wrong. I strictly followed the video to experiment. (I don’t understand English, so I can only use machine translation. I hope you can understand it)

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