The History of Drug Policies and Culture in Poland
Poland's drug policies have evolved in response to both domestic social dynamics and global influences. Initially shaped by Soviet policies, these regulations later aligned with United Nations guidelines and U.S. influences. As a capitalist nation, Poland adopted a strict, paternalistic approach to drug enforcement. Those strict measures were kind of needed, as clandestine drug chemistry and hospitalizations from novel psychoactive substances consumption began to skyrocket around 2015. Additionally, EU membership imposed new controls on precursor chemicals while simultaneously increasing opportunities for drug smuggling.Reasons to Learn About History
Understanding this history is not just academically interesting; it offers valuable insights for marketing and predicting future policy trends.Early Regulations and Soviet Influence
The early 20th century, the coming back of Poland to existence as a country after 123 years of being partitioned, marked the beginning of formal drug regulation in Poland, starting with the 1923 Act which criminalized the production and distribution of narcotic drugs. The legal framework expanded under the influence of the Soviet model during the Polish People's Republic era. Drug addiction was largely ignored by the state until the 1980s, perceived as a problem exclusive to capitalist societies. This neglect changed as political shifts allowed drug issues to surface, particularly highlighting failures of previous governments. In the soviet era it was easy to obtain some drugs, for example amphetamines in a common pharmacy. Amphetamines were commonly taken, by for example medicine students to pass the exams. Other drugs like heroin were not that easy to access, you had to belong to the culture of users.The Advent of the Era of Capitalism and Global Regulations
After the Soviet Union's fall and Poland's shift towards European integration in the 1990s, drug laws became stricter. The 1997 Act increased penalties, including for possession, tightened further in 2000 under President Aleksander Kwaśniewski, leading to very restrictive laws. President Kwaśniewski, who introduced the first strict criminalizing laws, later admitted the failure of punitive measures and supported drug law liberalization, as he had regretted putting so many cannabis smokers in prison due to the policies he signed In the early 2000s. A reevaluation of this approach led to a shift towards more lenient policies, with amendments in 2011 allowing discontinuation of proceedings for minor possession. Still, a lot of people are convicted on the basis of possession, but only because it is a tool to make up for the lack of competence of the police to come up with the evidence for stronger charges.Drug Culture and Public Perception
In contrast to the West, where the 1960s counterculture embraced psychedelics like LSD and marijuana, Polish drug culture was marked by the abuse of legal medications and later, homemade drugs like "kompot" (homemade heroin). Also solvents and glues were popular among youths. Nowadays people have access to “proper” drugs like weed and cathinones everywhere, even in small villages, so the use of solvents is close to non-existent. The Polish media in the 1980s began to recognize and portray drug addiction as a significant social issue, which previously had been hidden from public discourse, as it was supposedly a "capitalist-only" problem. To this day the perception of drug users in the eye of the public is very unfavorable.The Polish Walter White: Professor Ryszard J.
A key figure in Poland's criminal history, Ryszard J., known as "Professor," was a prodigious talent in chemistry who turned to drug synthesis in the 1970s. Despite his potential in chess and science, he opted for the lucrative drug trade, evading serious legal consequences through the 1990s due to legal technicalities. His story highlights the long-standing presence of skilled chemists in the Polish drug market, the ongoing race with legislation, and historically ineffective policing, though recent stricter analogue laws and improved police effectiveness are changing this narrative.Research Methods
This paper provides a wide analysis of the Polish illicit drug market, achieved through qualitative research and desk research. Desk research includes news paper materials and historical internet forums’ content analysis. The findings are of qualitative and explorative nature. For stricter, more quantitative and statistically significant analysis of the communities a study with a wider time-frame would be need to be performed.Analyzed also were official legislation documents and reports from the government agencies. Some independent research has also been added to the mix. Exhaustive keyword search has been the method of choice to find the legal documents and drug-related communities.
Lists of illicit substances are up-to-date and even include a few substances that are not yet prohibited, but will be soon. The number of them was insubstantial thus they were simply included onto the list.
The Covid Gap
Covid has caused a halt to many of the drug monitoring programs managed by the government. They were cut and never reinstated after 2020, so there’s a data cut-off of 2019 in many materials. Costs are not the only reasons for this behavior. The right-wing political party ruling Poland during that time had been aggressively expanding the analogue laws and making the law stricter. Monitoring the effects of their own decisions was not in their interest, because as a conservative party their ideological position is that drugs are bad and heavy punishment is good. Thus most of the data after 2019 is extrapolated to my best estimates. It’s important that numbers mention in this paper are often only estimates and not a proper statistically significant numbers on which quantitative analysis can be made. They are meant to illustrate the drug market nowadays, but not prove its shape exactly.Limitations and Opportunities
Analysis of the feedback the online sellers get is possible. Traffic and volume of sales on the drug markets can also be estimated beased on the amount of feedback each seller gets in a given timeframe.When analyzing marketplaces, the top sellers were analyzed along with a sample of smaller sellers chosen randomly. On request, the analysis can be widened to all sellers or deepened on a select few.
The lists of vendors and marketplaces in this research are NOT exhaustive. The number of active drug sellers at any given moment is likely to be in the hundreds.
Keyword Searches
News.Terms describing drug dealers: dealer dealerzy diler dilerzy dealerów dilerów dealerem dilerem
Terms describing drugs: używki używka narkotyk narkotyki substancja substancje dopalacz dopalacze “środki zastępcze”
Law Documents.
The official government site were legislation gets published:
Keywords used in the name of drug-related legislations: prekursory środki zastępcze, narkotyk, nowe substancje psychoaktywne, substancji, narkotyki
RCL is the site were soon to-be-published legislation gets opinionated:
Two most important legal documents are:
- Ustawa z dnia 29 lipca 2005 r. o przeciwdziałaniu narkomanii. This is the backbone of the law. Specifies all the groups of substances and criminal consequences of drug-related offences. - Rozporządzenie Ministra Zdrowia z dnia 17 sierpnia 2018 r. w sprawie wykazu substancji psychotropowych, środków odurzających oraz nowych substancji psychoaktywnych. Has one unified version and 4 modifying documents with the 5th soon coming into the law. It specifically states which substances are currently illegal. This document has also been used to introduce analogue law. This paper on BBGate offers the only complete list of illegal substances in one file, the official documents are not yet unified as of April 2024.
Drug Dealer Searches. On Telegram, when doing searches you have to use # followed by at least 2 tags to specify what you are looking for.
- Emotes:
- City and district names: Warszawa Warsaw Pruszków Stryków Gdańsk Kraków Łódź Szczecin Rzeszów B-stok Lublin 3city
- Product names: white weed zioło green stuff amfa emka mdma metka meta keta grzyby coco cocolino cocaine koka kokaina towar gra paczka mario minuta piko kamień stone rock mush mushroom recepta recepty dab sterydy buszek
- Extra keywords: LC “legit check” night nocne nocny nocna noc shop store sklep sklepik impreza WTS WTB “wants to sell” “wants to buy” dolot uberpaka H2H InPost DHL DPD Hurt Detal dowóz illegal nielegal przypał
- Tricks used by criminals: M.ef)edr.on 4,M.MC
- Scam-related terms: "Fake PLNs" fraud wyjebka
1. Description of The Legislative Framework
Poland's drug law framework is complex and divided among several institutions. The Police (CBSP) handle illegal substances, the Pharmaceutical Inspectorate (GIF) oversees medical drugs and precursors, and the Sanitary Inspectorate (GIS) manages novel psychoactive substances. While these bodies have distinct roles, there is some overlap, and they occasionally collaborate with other organizations, such as Customs and Border Patrol, and receive assistance from entities like firefighters during lab raids.
Polish drug laws are unique, combining elements similar to those in the UK's or Germany's analogue laws but with distinct differences. Most substances are heavily penalized. However, the approach to drug precursors aligns with EU regulations, categorizing them into three classes.
Substances are further categorized into three groups: psychoactive (P-group), narcotics (N-group), and novel psychoactive substances (NPS-group), with each group having its subcategories. The legislative process for banning NPS is more streamlined than for other substances, allowing quick updates by the Minister of Health.
Despite the robust analogue law, some NPS are in a legal grey zone, because they fall under the analogue law schemes, but are without experimentally proven psychoactive activity ,which can sometimes be defended in court if intended for legitimate scientific research.
Legal penalties vary widely, even for similar offenses. If the prosecutor suspects intent to sell, but has no proof of actual trade ever being made, they charge the manufacturer with the intent to sell and possession of drugs. A judge can’t ultimately convict them just on intent, but the brackets of punishment for possession are quite wide and they can sentence someone to a relatively long imprisonment based only on possession.
Right now, what counts as insignificant amounts of the possessed substance varies mostly between 1 to 10 g case by case, so someone with 10 g of weed can be let free, but another person in another case with only 1 g can be forced to pay a fine. Judges and prosecutors recognize the need for clearer legal definitions and are advocating for less severe penalties for psychedelics compared to highly addictive substances. Current drug enforcement is costly, reportedly ineffective in changing attitudes towards drugs, and has high rates of recidivism.
Additionally, Poland complies with the EU's REACH regulations, which govern the management of chemicals, including drug precursors, imposing strict requirements on businesses handling these substances.
Polish drug laws are unique, combining elements similar to those in the UK's or Germany's analogue laws but with distinct differences. Most substances are heavily penalized. However, the approach to drug precursors aligns with EU regulations, categorizing them into three classes.
Substances are further categorized into three groups: psychoactive (P-group), narcotics (N-group), and novel psychoactive substances (NPS-group), with each group having its subcategories. The legislative process for banning NPS is more streamlined than for other substances, allowing quick updates by the Minister of Health.
Despite the robust analogue law, some NPS are in a legal grey zone, because they fall under the analogue law schemes, but are without experimentally proven psychoactive activity ,which can sometimes be defended in court if intended for legitimate scientific research.
Legal penalties vary widely, even for similar offenses. If the prosecutor suspects intent to sell, but has no proof of actual trade ever being made, they charge the manufacturer with the intent to sell and possession of drugs. A judge can’t ultimately convict them just on intent, but the brackets of punishment for possession are quite wide and they can sentence someone to a relatively long imprisonment based only on possession.
Right now, what counts as insignificant amounts of the possessed substance varies mostly between 1 to 10 g case by case, so someone with 10 g of weed can be let free, but another person in another case with only 1 g can be forced to pay a fine. Judges and prosecutors recognize the need for clearer legal definitions and are advocating for less severe penalties for psychedelics compared to highly addictive substances. Current drug enforcement is costly, reportedly ineffective in changing attitudes towards drugs, and has high rates of recidivism.
Additionally, Poland complies with the EU's REACH regulations, which govern the management of chemicals, including drug precursors, imposing strict requirements on businesses handling these substances.
1.1. The Lists of Illicit Drugs
Psychoactives (P-group)
- I-P. No medical use and significant potential of abuse. Can only be used in scientific research.
- II-P. Little medical use and significant potential of abuse. Can be used in medicine, research and industry.
- III-P. Substantial medical use and medium potential of abuse. Can be used in medicine, research and industry.
- IV-P. Substantial medical use and little potential of abuse. Can be used in medicine, research and industry.
Narcotics (N-group)
- I-N. Significant addictive potential. Can be used in medicine, research and industry.
- II-N. Medium addictive potential. Can be used in medicine, research and industry.
- III-N. Insignificant addictive potential. Can be sold at a pharmacy without prescription.
- IV-N. Significant addictive potential. Can only be used in research and veterinary.
Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS-group)
- Main List. Substances specified on the list, already declared as psychoactive.
- Analogues.Substances with the potential of being abused, acting on Central Nervous System (CNS), not specified on the main list, but with a matching chemistry.
- I-NPS. 2-phenylethylamine derivatives.
- II-NPS. Cathinone derivatives (2-amino-1-phenylpropan-1-one).
- III-NPS. Synthetic cannabinoids (cannabinomimetics).
- IV-NPS. Fentanyl derivatives.
- V-NPS. Benzodiazepines.
- VI-NPS. Tryptamine derivatives.
- VII-NPS. Arylcyclohexylamine derivatives.
- Open List of Identified Analogues.These are substances that got tested and validated that indeed they belong to the NPS-group on the basis of falling under one of the NPS analogue schemes. It’s open, that means it gets regularly updated.
Substitute Substances (S-Group)
Any substance that is not any of the list, nor falls into analogue categories, but still exerts effects on the central nervous system in a human. The only possible penalty for their trade is a fine.P-Group
Lp | Common Name | CAS or IUPAC |
1 | 2A-I, 2-indanoamina | |
2 | 2-AT, 2-aminotetralina | |
3 | 2C-I | |
4 | 2C-T-2 | |
5 | 2C-T-7 | |
6 | ||
7 | 3-chlorometkatynon, klofedron, 3-CMC | |
8 | ||
9 | 3F-MA | |
10 | 25B-NBOMe | |
11 | 25C-NBOMe 2C-C-NBOMe | |
12 | 25D-NBOMe | |
13 | 25E-NBOMe | |
14 | 25G-NBOMe | |
15 | 25H-NBOMe | |
16 | 25I-NBOMe | |
17 | 25I-NBMD NBMD-2C-I | |
18 | 25N-NBOMe | |
19 | 4-bromometkatynon, 4-BMC, 4-BMAP, BREFEDRON | |
21 | α-(metyloamino) butyrofenon, BUFEDRON | |
22 | BUTYLON | |
23 | DET | |
24 | DMA | |
25 | DOET | |
26 | DMHP | |
27 | DMT | |
28 | 3,4-DMMC, 3,4-dimetylometkatynon | |
29 | D2PM, Difenyloprolinol | |
30 | 2-DPMP Dezoksypipradrol | |
31 | DIBUTYLON | |
32 | EUTYLON | |
34 | N-Etylo-MDA, MDEA | |
35 | N-Hydroksy-MDA | |
36 | Metkatynon | |
37 | 4-Metyloaminoreks | |
38 | 4-MTA | |
39 | ||
40 | 4-AcO-DiPT | |
41 | 4-AcO-DMT | |
42 | 4-AcO-MET | |
43 | 4-EMC, 4-etylometkatynon | |
44 | 3-FMC, 3-fluorometkatynon | |
45 | 4-FMC, 4-fluorometkatynon | |
46 | 4-HO-DiPT | |
47 | 4-HO-MET | |
48 | 5-IT | |
49 | ||
50 | 5-MAPB | |
51 | ||
52 | 5-MeO-DALT | |
53 | 5-MeO-DMT | |
54 | 5-MeO-MiPT | |
55 | 5-APB | |
56 | 6-APB | |
57 | 6-APDB | |
58 | ETKATYNON, N-etylokatynon | |
60 | ||
61 | Heksedron | |
62 | Izo-pentedron | |
63 | KATYNON | |
64 | LSD-25 | |
65 | MDMA | |
66 | MDPBP | |
67 | MDPPP | |
68 | MMDA | |
69 | Meskalina | |
70 | MPBP | |
71 | pMPPP | |
72 | Paraheksyl | |
73 | PBP, Alfa-PBP | |
74 | PMA | |
75 | PMMA | |
76 | Psylocyna, 4-HO-DMT | |
77 | ||
78 | METAMFEPRAMON, Dimetylokatynon | |
79 | METEDRON, 4-metoksymetkatynon, PMMC | |
80 | ||
81 | Metylobufedron | |
82 | Etylobufedron, NEB | |
83 | NAFYRON, 0-2482 | |
84 | ||
85 | PENTYLON, bk-Metyl-K, bk-MBDP | |
88 | RH-34 | |
90 | STP, DOM | |
93 | TMA | |
94 | TMA-2 | |
95 | TMA-6 | |
96 | THC, THC isomers | |
97 | ||
98 | DOC | |
99 | HHC | |
100 | HHC-O |
Lp | Common Name | CAS or IUPAC |
1 | 4-BEC, 4-bromoetkatynon | |
2 | 2C-B | |
3 | 2C-C | |
4 | 2C-D | |
5 | 2C-G | |
6 | 2C-N | |
7 | 2C-P | |
8 | 3-MeO-PCE | |
9 | 3-MeO-PCP | |
10 | AMFETAMINA, Psychedryna | |
13 | DBZP, Dibenzylopiperazyna | |
16 | PCP | |
19 | KETAMINA | |
20 | GHB, kwas gamma-hydroksymasłowy | |
23 | 4-MA, 4-metyloamfetamina | |
24 | MBZP | |
25 | mCPP | |
27 | MeOPP, pMPP, 4-MPP | |
32 | MPH, METYLOFENIDAT, Rytalina | |
33 | PENTAZOCYNA, Fortral | |
34 | pFPP | |
37 | delta-9-THC i warianty | |
38 | TFMPP | |
39 | ZIPEPROL | |
40 | ETYLON | |
41 | 4-MEC | |
43 | PENTEDRON | |
44 | AB-PINACA | |
46 | 5F-PB-22 | |
47 | UR-144 | |
48 | MDMB-CHMICA | |
49 | 5F-AKB-48 | |
50 | XLR-11, 5-FUR-144 | |
51 | 5F-MDMB-PINACA | |
52 | 4,4-DMAR | |
57 | Alfa-PVP | |
58 | MEFEDRON, 4-metylokatynon | |
59 | JWH-018 | |
60 | AM-2201 | |
61 | MDPV, MDPK | |
62 | METYLON, br-MDMA | |
63 | ADB-Fubinaca | |
64 | AB-FUBINACA | |
65 | 5F-AMB, 5F-AMB-PINACA | |
66 | 5F-MDMB-PICA | |
67 | 4F-MDMB-BINACA | |
68 | 4-CMC, klefedron | |
69 | HEX-EN | |
70 | Alfa-PHP | |
72 | MDMB-4en-PINACA | |
74 | 4F-MDMB-BICA | |
75 | EUTYLON, bk-EBDB | |
76 | Alfa-PHiP | |
77 | 3-MMC | |
Lp | Common Name | CAS or IUPAC |
1 | AMOBARBITAL, Amytal | |
6 | GLUTETIMID, Glimid | |
7 | KATYNA | |
8 | PENTOBARBITAL, Nembutal |
Lp | Common Name | CAS or IUPAC |
1 | ||
2 | Alfa-PPP | |
3 | ||
8 | BARBITAL | |
13 | 2C-E | |
14 | 4-chloro-alfa-PPP | |
15 | CHLORDIAZEPOKSYD, Elanium | |
17 | DIAZEPAM, Relanium | |
18 | ESTAZOLAM | |
21 | ETYNAMAT | |
29 | HALAZEPAM | |
31 | KAMAZEPAM | |
32 | KETAZOLAM | |
33 | KLOBAZAM | |
41 | LORAZEPAM | |
43 | MAZINDOL | |
44 | MDPEA | |
45 | ||
46 | MEDAZEPAM | |
51 | MEZOKARB | |
52 | MIDAZOLAM | |
53 | MMDPEA | |
57 | OKSAZEPAM | |
58 | OKSAZOLAM | |
59 | PEMOLINA | |
60 | PINAZEPAM | |
61 | PIPRADROL | |
63 | PRAZEPAM | |
66 | TEMAZEPAM | |
68 | TRIAZOLAM | |
70 | ZALEPLON | |
71 | ZOLPIDEM | |
72 | ZOPIKLON | |
73 | FENAZEPAM | |
75 | ETIZOLAM | |
Lp | Common Name | CAS or IUPAC |
1 | ||
2 | ||
3 | ||
4 | A-834,735 | |
5 | AB-001 | |
6 | ||
8 | Acetylo- alfa-metylofentanyl | |
10 | ||
11 | AH-7921 | |
16 | alfa-Metylofentanyl | |
17 | alfa-Metylotiofentanyl | |
21 | AM-694 | |
22 | AM-1220 | |
23 | AM-1248 | |
24 | ||
25 | AM-2233 | |
27 | APICA, SDB-001 | |
28 | APINACA, AKB-48 | |
34 | beta-Hydroksyfentanyl | |
35 | beta-Hydroksy-3-metylofentanyl | |
40 | Butyrfentanyl | |
41 | 4-Fluoro-butyrfentanyl | |
44 | СР 47,497 | |
45 | CP 47.497-C6-Homolog | |
46 | CP 47.497-C8-Homolog | |
47 | CP 47.497-C9-Homolog | |
49 | DEKSTROMORAMID, Palfium | |
61 | DIPIPANON | |
63 | EAM-2201, 5-fluoro-JWH-210 | |
65 | EKGONINA | |
68 | ETORFINA | |
75 | FENTANYL | |
78 | HEROINA | |
79 | HU-210 | |
81 | 3-(4-hydroksymetylobenzoilo)-1-pentyloindol | |
86 | JWH-007 | |
87 | JWH-015 | |
88 | ||
89 | JWH-019 | |
90 | JWH-073 | |
91 | JWH-081 | |
92 | JWH-098 | |
93 | JWH-122 | |
94 | JWH-166 | |
95 | JWH-200 | |
96 | JWH-201 | |
97 | JWH-203 | |
98 | JWH-208 | |
99 | JWH-210 | |
100 | JWH-250 | |
101 | JWH-251 | |
102 | JWH-302 | |
103 | JWH-307 | |
104 | JWH-368 | |
105 | JWH-398 | |
109 | KLONITAZEN | |
110 | KODOKSYM | |
111 | KOKA LIŚCIE | |
112 | KOKAINA | |
113 | KONOPI ZIELE | |
117 | LEWORFANOL | |
121 | MAM-2201 | |
122 | METADON | |
123 | 4-cyjano-2-dimetyloamino-4,4-difenylobutan | |
124 | METAZOCYNA | |
125 | METOPON | |
128 | 3-Metylofentanyl | |
129 | 3-Metylotiofentanyl | |
131 | MIROFINA | |
134 | kwas 1,1-difenylo-2-metylo-3-morfolinomasłowy | |
136 | MORFINA | |
139 | MPPP | |
140 | MT-45 | |
141 | NALBUFINA | |
145 | NORMETADON | |
146 | NORMORFINA | |
147 | NORPIPANON | |
150 | OKSYKODON | |
151 | OKSYMORFON | |
152 | ORIPAWINA | |
154 | Para-fluorofentanyl | |
155 | PEPAP | |
156 | PETYDYNA | |
157 | 4-cyjano-4-fenylo-1-metylopiperydyna | |
158 | ester etylowy kwasu 4-fenylo-4-piperydynokarboksylowego | |
159 | kwas 4-fenylo-1-metylo-4-piperydynokarboksylowy | |
160 | PIMINODYNA | |
161 | PIRYTRAMID | |
164 | PSYCHOTRIA VIRIDIS, Chacruna | |
165 | QUCHIC, BB-22 | |
166 | QUPIC, PB-22 | |
169 | RACEMORFAN | |
170 | RCS-2 | |
171 | RCS-4, BTM-4 | |
175 | STS-135 | |
176 | SUFENTANIL | |
177 | Syntekaina | |
179 | TEBAINA | |
180 | TEBAKON | |
181 | Tiofentanyl | |
182 | THJ-018 | |
185 | TYLIDYNA | |
186 | U-47700 | |
187 | ||
189 | 4F-iBF | |
190 | 4CI-iBF | |
191 | ||
192 | FU-F,2-furanylfentanyl | |
193 | ||
194 | ||
195 | ||
196 | THF-F, tetrahydrofuranylfentanyl | |
197 | OKFENTANYL | |
200 | ||
202 | Ortofluorofentanyl | |
207 | BRORFINA | |
208 | ETAZEN | |
209 | 2-METYLO-AP-237, 2-MAP | |
Lp | Common Name | CAS or IUPAC |
2 | KODEINA | |
Not included in this document, explains potency limits of products sold at pharmacy, for example, codeine syrup.
Lp | Common Name | CAS or IUPAC |
2 | Acetylo-alfa-metylofentanyl | |
3 | alfa-Metylofentanyl | |
4 | 3-Metylotiofentanyl | |
5 | beta-Hydroksyfentanyl | |
6 | beta-hydroksy-3-metylofentanyl | |
8 | ETORFINA | |
9 | HEROINA | |
11 | ||
12 | 3-Metylofentanyl | |
13 | MPPP | |
14 | Para-fluorofentanyl | |
15 | PEPAP | |
16 | Tiofentanyl | |
17 | ||
Lp | Common Name | CAS or IUPAC |
1 | 4-CEC | |
2 | 5-Cl-UR-144 | |
3 | 2-CMC | |
4 | 4-EEC | |
5 | 5F-AB-PINACA | |
6 | ||
7 | 3-Ме-МАРВ | |
8 | 4-metylo-N,N-DMC, 4-MDMC | |
9 | NM-2201 | |
10 | PV8, alfa-PHPP | |
11 | THJ-2201 | |
12 | alfa-PVT | |
13 | NEP | |
14 | 5-DBFPV | |
15 | 4-Cl-alfa-PVP | |
16 | NEMNP, 4-MEAP | |
17 | 5F-AMBICA | |
18 | TH-PVP | |
19 | N-propylopentedron | |
20 | N-izopropylopentedron | |
21 | ||
22 | 3-СEC | |
24 | MDPHP | |
26 | MPHP | |
27 | ||
30 | ||
31 | ||
32 | ||
33 | 3-HYDROKSYFENAZEPAM, 3-hydroxy-BD-98 | |
34 | 4-HO-MiPT | |
35 | ALD-52 | |
36 | ETH-LAD | |
40 | 4-HO-DET | |
41 | DPT | |
42 | DCK | |
43 | AL-LAD | |
44 | 1P-LSD | |
45 | 2-FDCK | |
46 | 4-AcO-DET | |
47 | 4-AcO-MiPT | |
48 | 2-Oxo-PCE | |
49 | 3,4-CFP, kleferein | |
50 | ||
51 | ||
52 | NSI-189 | |
53 | 3-HO-PCP | |
54 | 1cP-LSD | |
55 | 3D-MXE | |
56 | MXPr | |
57 | MXPiPr | |
58 | 1V-LSD |
Machine translation of a document explaining analogue schemes is included in the attachments to this article.
1.2. The Lists of Precursors
Substance | CN designation (if different) | CN code | CAS |
1-phenyl-2-propanone | Phenylacetone | 2914 31 00 | 103-79-7 |
Diethyl (phenylacetyl) propanedioate (DEPAPD) | 2918 30 00 | 20320-59-6 | |
Methyl alpha-phenylacetoacetate (MAPA) | 2918 30 00 | 16648-44-5 | |
Ethyl alpha-phenylacetoacetate (EAPA) | Ex 2918 30 00 | 5413-05-8 | |
Methyl 2-methyl-3-phenyloxirane-2-carboxylate (BMK methyl glycidate) | 2918 99 90 | 80532-66-7 | |
2-methyl-3-phenyloxirane-2-carboxylic acid (BMK glycidic acid) | 2918 99 90 | 25547-51-7 | |
N-acetylanthranilic acid | 2-acetamidobenzoic acid | 2924 23 00 | 89-52-1 |
Alpha-phenylacetoacetamide (APAA) | 2924 29 70 | 4433-77-6 | |
Alpha-phenylacetoacetonitrile (APAAN) | 2926 40 00 | 4468-48-8 | |
Isosafrol (cis + trans) | 2932 91 00 | 120-58-1 | |
3,4-methylenedioxyphenylpropan-2-one | 1-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)propan-2-one | 2932 92 00 | 4676-39-5 |
Piperonal | 2932 93 00 | 120-57-0 | |
Safrole | 2932 94 00 | 94-59-7 | |
Ethyl 3-(2H-1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-methyloxirane-2-carboxylate (PMK ethyl glycidate) | 2932 99 00 | 28578-16-7 | |
Methyl 3-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-methyloxirane-2-carboxylate (PMK methyl glycidate) | 2932 99 00 | 13605-48-6 | |
Methyl 3-oxo-2-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)butanoate (MAMDPA) | Methyl 3-oxo-2-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)butanoate | Ex 2932 99 00 | 1369021-80-6 |
3-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-methyloxirane-2-carboxylic acid (PMK glycidic acid) | 2932 99 00 | 2167189-50-4 | |
N-phenyl-1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-amine | 4-anilino-N- phenethylpiperidine (ANPP) | 2933 36 00 | 21409-26-7 |
1-(2-phenylethyl)piperidin-4-one | N-phenethyl-4-piperidone (NPP) | 2933 37 00 | 39742-60-4 |
N-phenylpiperidin-4-amine (4-AP) | 2933 39 99 | 23056-29-3 | |
Tert-butyl 4-anilinopiperidine-1-carboxylate (1-boc-4-AP) | 2933 39 99 | 125541-22-2 | |
N-phenyl-N-(piperidin-4-yl)propanamide (norfentanyl) | 2933 39 99 | 1609-66-1 | |
Ephedrine | 2939 41 00 | 299-42-3 | |
Pseudoephedrine | 2939 42 00 | 90-82-4 | |
Norephedrine | 2939 44 00 | 14838-15-4 | |
Ergometrine | 2939 61 00 | 60-79-7 | |
Ergotamine | 2939 62 00 | 113-15-5 | |
Lysergic acid | 2939 63 00 | 82-58-6 | |
(1R,2S)-(-)-chloroephedrine | 2939 79 90 | 110925-64-9 | |
(1S,2R)-(+)-chloroephedrine | 2939 79 90 | 1384199-95-4 | |
(1S,2S)-(+)-chloropseudoephedrine | 2939 79 90 | 73393-61-0 | |
(1R,2R)-(-)-chloropseudoephedrine | 2939 79 90 | 771434-80-1 |
The stereoisomeric forms of the substances listed in this category not being cathine, whenever the existence of such forms is possible.
The salts of the substances listed in this category, whenever the existence of such salts is possible and not being the salts of cathine.
The salts of the substances listed in this category, whenever the existence of such salts is possible.
Substance | CN designation (if different) | CN code | CAS No |
Red phosphorus | 2804 70 00 | 7723-14-0 | |
Acetic anhydride | 2915 24 00 | 108-24-7 |
Substance | CN designation (if different) | CN code | CAS No |
Phenylacetic acid | 2916 34 00 | 103-82-2 | |
Anthranilic acid | 2922 43 00 | 118-92-3 | |
Piperidine | 2933 32 00 | 110-89-4 | |
Potassium permanganate | 2841 61 00 | 7722-64-7 |
The salts of the substances listed in this category, whenever the existence of such salts is possible.
Substance | CN designation (if different) | CN code | CAS No |
Hydrochloric acid | Hydrogen chloride | 2806 10 00 | 7647-01-0 |
Sulphuric acid | 2807 00 00 | 7664-93-9 | |
Toluene | 2902 30 00 | 108-88-3 | |
Ethyl ether | Diethyl ether | 2909 11 00 | 60-29-7 |
Acetone | 2914 11 00 | 67-64-1 | |
Methylethylketone | Butanone | 2914 12 00 | 78-93-3 |
The salts of the substances listed in this category, whenever the existence of such salts is possible and not being the salts of hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid.
Name | CAS or IUPAC |
1.3. The Penalties and Sentences for All Drug Related Offences
Manufacture and processing of prohibited plant material, P-group and N-group substances is punishable up to 3 years in prison. Manufacture and processing of NPS-group substances is punishable with a fine, restriction of liberty, or imprisonment for up to 3 years.
If the amount of substance is substantial OR if the manufacture and processing of any amounts were done to achieve personal or financial gain, the punishment is imprisonment between 3 and 20 years.
Trade, production and storage of equipment meant for prohibited manufacture or processing of P, N and NPS substances is subject to a fine, restriction of liberty, or imprisonment for up to 2 years. Modification of equipment to suit drug manufacture needs and general help in facilitating production are punished in the same way, too.
Trade of N-, P- and NPS-group compounds within or export and import to the European Union area is punishable with a fine and imprisonment of up to 5 years. If the scale is small, the punishment is up to 1 year of imprisonment. If the scale is large OR there was an intent of financial or personal gain, the punishment is a fine and between 3 and 20 years of imprisonment.
Trade of N-, P- and NPS-group compounds within Poland is punishable with a fine and imprisonment from 6 months to 8 years. Cases that are insubstantial or small scale are punishable with restriction of liberty, or imprisonment for up to 1 year. Cases that are substantial or large scale are punishable with imprisonment from 2 to 12 years.
Whoever prepares to trade the prohibited compounds within the EU or Poland is subject to a fine, restriction of liberty, or imprisonment for up to 2 years. Large scale preparations are punishable with imprisonment for up to 3 years.
Enabling the access or helping someone to acquire and the prohibited substance is subject to imprisonment for up to 3 years. If the help was given to an underage person or the scale was substantial, it is punishable by imprisonment from 6 months up to 8 years. This part of the law applies both to some acts of advertising, for example giveaways, but also sharing drugs with your close acquaintances. If there was a personal or financial gain, the punishment increases to imprisonment from 1 to 10 years, just for help, enabling or advertising. If it was done with a gain in mind relating to a minor, then the punishment is imprisonment from 3 to 20 years. Insubstantial cases are punished with either restriction of liberty, or imprisonment for up to 2 years.
If you are a club, restaurant or some other service business owner with the knowledge of the above mentioned crimes being done at your property and don’t inform the police, then you are subject to a fine, restriction of liberty, or imprisonment for up to 2 years.
Precursor and NPS trade, storage, import, export, transport, both in Poland or the EU, without a permit is punishable with a fine and imprisonment for up to 5 years. Improper documentation of their handling is punishable with a fine.
Ownership of N- and P-group substances is punishable with imprisonment for up to 3 years. If the amounts are substantial, the person is subject to imprisonment from 1 to 10 years. Insubstantial cases are punished with either restriction of liberty, or imprisonment for up to 1 year. If they are meant for personal use, or the social harm is low, then the investigation can be discontinued, no punishment. Ownership of an NPS-group substance is punishable with a fine. If the scale is large a punishment of a fine, restriction of liberty, or imprisonment for up to 3 years is applied. If there's an insubstantial amount of substance meant for personal use, then the investigation can be discontinued, no punishment.
Growing poppy, excluding low-morphine variety, hemp, excluding low-THC variety or coca plants is punishable with imprisonment of up to 3 years. The same law applies to collecting parts of these plants. If the scale is large, then the imprisonment is from 6 months to 8 years.
Theft of N-, P- and NPS-group substances or poppy material is punishable with imprisonment from 3 months to 5 years. If the stolen substances are in substantial amounts the imprisonment is from 1 to 10 years. Small scale theft is punished with a fine, restriction of liberty, or imprisonment for up to 1 year.
Advertising and promotion of prohibited substances is punishable with a fine, restriction of liberty, or imprisonment for up to 1 year. This law also applies to promotion of legal substances with slogans suggesting they act like the illegal ones. It doesn’t apply to precursor advertisements.
Confiscated drugs get destroyed, unless they were stolen from an owner with a permit to own them. Equipment and tools used for manufacture get confiscated and sold out or destroyed. They don’t go back to their owners.
Whenever mentioned, the fines can vary between PLN 1,000 to PLN 60,000, depending on an individual case and circumstances. Addicts are exempt from paying fines. For companies the fine for production and placement on the market of prohibited substances and plants is from PLN 20,000 to PLN 1,000,000. GIS administers these penalties. GIS penalties apply also to the trade of S-group substances, that is the ones not on any list but with provable psychoactive effects. If someone is a seller of the S-group substance they need to monitor updates to the lists of NPS as the process of including a new substance to a list can take as little as a few months.
If you are an addict and get accused of charges leading to less than 5 years of potential imprisonment, then you can get treated in a facility for up to 2 years instead. Based on the outcome of the treatment, the prosecutor can submit a request to discontinue the proceedings, letting the person live free of charges. If you are already in prison, but have addiction and less than 2 years of imprisonment left, then you also can move from prison to a treatment facility and be free after the treatment.
If there is not enough evidence, prosecutors can get creative and try to charge NPS dealers with the accusation of harming others’ health, an offense punishable with up to 2 years in prison. For that they need testimony of a client who will agree and say that the NPS they bought caused them health issues.
If the amount of substance is substantial OR if the manufacture and processing of any amounts were done to achieve personal or financial gain, the punishment is imprisonment between 3 and 20 years.
Trade, production and storage of equipment meant for prohibited manufacture or processing of P, N and NPS substances is subject to a fine, restriction of liberty, or imprisonment for up to 2 years. Modification of equipment to suit drug manufacture needs and general help in facilitating production are punished in the same way, too.
Trade of N-, P- and NPS-group compounds within or export and import to the European Union area is punishable with a fine and imprisonment of up to 5 years. If the scale is small, the punishment is up to 1 year of imprisonment. If the scale is large OR there was an intent of financial or personal gain, the punishment is a fine and between 3 and 20 years of imprisonment.
Trade of N-, P- and NPS-group compounds within Poland is punishable with a fine and imprisonment from 6 months to 8 years. Cases that are insubstantial or small scale are punishable with restriction of liberty, or imprisonment for up to 1 year. Cases that are substantial or large scale are punishable with imprisonment from 2 to 12 years.
Whoever prepares to trade the prohibited compounds within the EU or Poland is subject to a fine, restriction of liberty, or imprisonment for up to 2 years. Large scale preparations are punishable with imprisonment for up to 3 years.
Enabling the access or helping someone to acquire and the prohibited substance is subject to imprisonment for up to 3 years. If the help was given to an underage person or the scale was substantial, it is punishable by imprisonment from 6 months up to 8 years. This part of the law applies both to some acts of advertising, for example giveaways, but also sharing drugs with your close acquaintances. If there was a personal or financial gain, the punishment increases to imprisonment from 1 to 10 years, just for help, enabling or advertising. If it was done with a gain in mind relating to a minor, then the punishment is imprisonment from 3 to 20 years. Insubstantial cases are punished with either restriction of liberty, or imprisonment for up to 2 years.
If you are a club, restaurant or some other service business owner with the knowledge of the above mentioned crimes being done at your property and don’t inform the police, then you are subject to a fine, restriction of liberty, or imprisonment for up to 2 years.
Precursor and NPS trade, storage, import, export, transport, both in Poland or the EU, without a permit is punishable with a fine and imprisonment for up to 5 years. Improper documentation of their handling is punishable with a fine.
Ownership of N- and P-group substances is punishable with imprisonment for up to 3 years. If the amounts are substantial, the person is subject to imprisonment from 1 to 10 years. Insubstantial cases are punished with either restriction of liberty, or imprisonment for up to 1 year. If they are meant for personal use, or the social harm is low, then the investigation can be discontinued, no punishment. Ownership of an NPS-group substance is punishable with a fine. If the scale is large a punishment of a fine, restriction of liberty, or imprisonment for up to 3 years is applied. If there's an insubstantial amount of substance meant for personal use, then the investigation can be discontinued, no punishment.
Growing poppy, excluding low-morphine variety, hemp, excluding low-THC variety or coca plants is punishable with imprisonment of up to 3 years. The same law applies to collecting parts of these plants. If the scale is large, then the imprisonment is from 6 months to 8 years.
Theft of N-, P- and NPS-group substances or poppy material is punishable with imprisonment from 3 months to 5 years. If the stolen substances are in substantial amounts the imprisonment is from 1 to 10 years. Small scale theft is punished with a fine, restriction of liberty, or imprisonment for up to 1 year.
Advertising and promotion of prohibited substances is punishable with a fine, restriction of liberty, or imprisonment for up to 1 year. This law also applies to promotion of legal substances with slogans suggesting they act like the illegal ones. It doesn’t apply to precursor advertisements.
Confiscated drugs get destroyed, unless they were stolen from an owner with a permit to own them. Equipment and tools used for manufacture get confiscated and sold out or destroyed. They don’t go back to their owners.
Whenever mentioned, the fines can vary between PLN 1,000 to PLN 60,000, depending on an individual case and circumstances. Addicts are exempt from paying fines. For companies the fine for production and placement on the market of prohibited substances and plants is from PLN 20,000 to PLN 1,000,000. GIS administers these penalties. GIS penalties apply also to the trade of S-group substances, that is the ones not on any list but with provable psychoactive effects. If someone is a seller of the S-group substance they need to monitor updates to the lists of NPS as the process of including a new substance to a list can take as little as a few months.
If you are an addict and get accused of charges leading to less than 5 years of potential imprisonment, then you can get treated in a facility for up to 2 years instead. Based on the outcome of the treatment, the prosecutor can submit a request to discontinue the proceedings, letting the person live free of charges. If you are already in prison, but have addiction and less than 2 years of imprisonment left, then you also can move from prison to a treatment facility and be free after the treatment.
If there is not enough evidence, prosecutors can get creative and try to charge NPS dealers with the accusation of harming others’ health, an offense punishable with up to 2 years in prison. For that they need testimony of a client who will agree and say that the NPS they bought caused them health issues.
Source: Ministry of Justice
The red bar shows discontinuation by judges, and the big blue one show dicontionuations by prosecutors based on Article 62a. The context for 2018 is 18,103 total people who got sentenced with a fine, restriction of liberty or imprisoned. Out of that number, 6,558 got sentenced to prison. 3,536 of those sentenced to prison got probation.
"Art. 62a. If the subject of the act is referred to Art. 62 section 1 or 3, are narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances in insignificant amounts, intended for the perpetrator's own use, the proceedings may also be discontinued before the issuance of a decision to initiate an investigation or process, if imposing a penalty on the perpetrator would be pointless due to the circumstances of committing the act as well as the degree of its social harmfulness."
There are opinions by lawyers that the current law already enables not sentencing anyone who is under treatment and growing their own marihuana plants. What is needed is more of a shift in values of representatives of the legal system than updates to the existing laws.
Using dead drops in Poland carries significant risks due to the country's extensive surveillance infrastructure, including CCTV cameras at numerous locations, and severe penalties for drug trafficking. Engaging in such activities can turn sour and potentially lead to a court appearance after months in jail. Despite these challenges, some, like famous Brzeska Street vendors or Telegram dealers, have successfully utilized caches at cellars, gates, graves and other places to hide drugs. This method continues to grow in popularity despite the risks.
Driving after consumption when drug effects have subsided in Poland incurs a fine of PLN 2,500 to PLN 30,000, imprisonment for 5 to 30 days, and a driving license suspension for 6 months to 3 years. Driving under the influence of drugs constitutes a more severe offense, potentially leading to a fine based on 10 to 540 daily rates, up to 3 years in prison (5 years for recidivism or causing an accident), and a license suspension for 3 to 15 years. Using drugs for medical reasons does not lessen these penalties, quite the opposite, as the person taking them has been made aware of all the risks. Awareness and responsibility are crucial, especially when using medically prescribed drugs like cannabis. Legal definitions of 'after consumption' and 'under influence' are subject to interpretation by law enforcement and the judiciary. Employers do not conduct drug tests; only police officers are authorized to do so at workplaces.
1.4. Law in Practice
In a graph below there are numbers of sentenced people. If you add to them the number of discontinued cases you would get a total number of suspects. The structure of total suspects is presented in the next table after the one below.Source: Ministry of Justice
In the graph the line shows the amount of total sentenced people. The bars are showing people sentenced to prison with probation and without. There's clearly a trend to give less prison sentences for drug-related offences, but when they are given they are harsher and often without probation.
Suspects | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
Art. 53 - manufacture | 241 | 163 | 186 |
Art. 54 - possesion or buying of manufacture equipment | 41 | 49 | 58 |
Art. 55 - smuggling | 490 | 389 | 363 |
Art. 56 - placing on the market | 854 | 880 | 942 |
Art. 57 - preparation for smuggling | 12 | 8 | - |
Art. 58 - sharing | 839 | 768 | 781 |
Art. 59 - trade | 1368 | 1145 | 1194 |
Art. 60 - failure to notify about trade | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Art. 61 - precursors | 15 | 15 | 18 |
Art. 62 - possesion of drugs | 25181 | 24224 | 29355 |
Art. 63 - growing | 1069 | 846 | 934 |
Art. 64 - theft of drugs | 9 | 10 | 0 |
Art. 68 - advertisement | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total | 30121 | 28497 | 33831 |
As is clearly seen, the most common suspicion is of the possession. This is mainly because it is the easiest thing to prove. It's also the reason why decrimnalization of personal possesion of drugs might not come too soon in Poland, the ljustice system depends on having this possibility of judging based on possesion when faced with the Police's incompetence to secure evidence properly during a case.
1.5. Commentary on The Analogue Law on The Example of Tryptamine Derivatives (VI-NPS)
The original analogue law intentionally excluded certain psychoactives, with experts recommending not to list psychedelics. However, political pressures to demonstrate progress led to the inclusion of new substances. Once any psychedelic was detected in lab samples, it was reported to GIS, triggering bureaucratic processes that resulted in their addition to the Main List. Over time, this led to the creation of new groups of NPS analogues.
Despite the robustness of analogue laws, there are still substances that evade these regulations, classified under the S-group rather than the NPS-group. To determine a substance's classification, one should consult a researcher. Identified substances such as 4-PrO-DMT, 5-Cl-DMT, 5-Br-DMT, and NB-DMT fall into this category. The trade of S-group substances carries only financial penalties ranging from PLN 20,000 to PLN 1,000,000, with historical data showing that only about 4% of these fines is actually enforced.
There are notable inconsistencies in the law, such as the omission of 4-PrO-DMT, chemically and effectually similar to the banned psilocybin and 4-AcO-DMT. Moreover, the possession of DMT-rich Mimosa Hostilis rootbark is criminalized, whereas Acacia Confusa rootbark, which contains similar DMT levels, is legal.
The tryptamine group's definition is problematic, incorrectly classifying substances like mexamine (precursor to pharmaceuticals or 5-MeO-DMT) as an NPS-group substance on paper. But arguably it doesn’t affect the central nervous system in humans, thus it shouldn’t be considered neither as an NPS-group, nor S-group. It's trade should be legal, although the ambiguity of the law makes such statements less certain.
There is also an untapped market for previously popular NPS-group psychedelic drugs such as 5-MeO-DMT, 4-HO-MET, and 5-MeO-MALT, which are no longer widely available.
Despite the robustness of analogue laws, there are still substances that evade these regulations, classified under the S-group rather than the NPS-group. To determine a substance's classification, one should consult a researcher. Identified substances such as 4-PrO-DMT, 5-Cl-DMT, 5-Br-DMT, and NB-DMT fall into this category. The trade of S-group substances carries only financial penalties ranging from PLN 20,000 to PLN 1,000,000, with historical data showing that only about 4% of these fines is actually enforced.
There are notable inconsistencies in the law, such as the omission of 4-PrO-DMT, chemically and effectually similar to the banned psilocybin and 4-AcO-DMT. Moreover, the possession of DMT-rich Mimosa Hostilis rootbark is criminalized, whereas Acacia Confusa rootbark, which contains similar DMT levels, is legal.
The tryptamine group's definition is problematic, incorrectly classifying substances like mexamine (precursor to pharmaceuticals or 5-MeO-DMT) as an NPS-group substance on paper. But arguably it doesn’t affect the central nervous system in humans, thus it shouldn’t be considered neither as an NPS-group, nor S-group. It's trade should be legal, although the ambiguity of the law makes such statements less certain.
There is also an untapped market for previously popular NPS-group psychedelic drugs such as 5-MeO-DMT, 4-HO-MET, and 5-MeO-MALT, which are no longer widely available.
2. A Characterization of The Drug Business in Poland
Drug business in Poland is strong, active on the streets, clear net and the dark web. The manufacture is also widespread within the country and Polish logistics services are among the best in the EU.2.1. List of Local Online Drug Sellers
PredatorRC #NPS #Psychedelics #Nootropics #Pharmaceuticals
[email protected]
The OG, the oldest research chemicals vendor. Hard to register a new account. Onion site requires JavaScript! Ships legally from NL and illegaly from PL. Lots of promotions. Payment with BTC or wire transfer for trusted users. PLN 300 minimum order value (MOV).
Magic Garden Shop #Psychedelics
Over 2000 members on the Telegram group. Marketing targeted at hippies. Clearnet website. Shipping through InPost or unregistered National Post, only domestic. Crypto payment, with a guide on how to buy Blik with crypto. #NPS
Mail only. For new clients it's hard to get into contact with them. #NPS
[email protected]
Email based vendor. Lots of products are out of stock. For example, the two popular cathinones, 3-CMC and 4-CMC are out of stock.
EnzoChem #NPS
[email protected]
Free shipping. They offer courier service or illegal InPost domestic shipping. They claim to be based in the Netherlands, while selling products not-available legally either in the Netherlands or Poland. They offer payment with BTC, Altcoins and Stablecoins through the Pay4RC payment system. The system serves QR code or “bitcoin:” link for a direct BTC transfer and built-in SideShift, Trocador and FixedFloat services for other coins. Minimum order value of PLN 350. #NPS #Pharmaceuticals #SIMCards
[email protected]
Offers the most popular products and some oddities, for example unknown substance sold as “synthcaine” and mixes of products packaged into colorful pills. Shipping to Poland costs PLN 50, only through InPost. Shipping outside Poland uses standard untracked letter or DPD, UPS, GLS services. Pay4RC. Minimum order value of PLN 300.
Chem-Casino #NPS #Psychedelics #Nootropics #Pharmaceuticals
[email protected]
Uses Pay4RC payment system. Untracked letter, tracked shipping and shipping to a pick-up point. Offers a category of products called “tripstoppers.” Minimum order value of EUR 50.
SandHeavens #NPS
[email protected]
[email protected]
Claims to be a store from the Czech Republic. Free shipping in select countries. Courier or InPost domestic shipping. Uses Pay4RC. The store shows the “bestsellers” category. It’s full of listings of 3-CMC in various quantities and some NEP. One more indicator that for now 3-CMC is indeed the most popular chemical in this part of the EU.
BolChemist #NPS #SIMCards #Pharmaceuticals
[email protected]
Session ID: 0513c29dc13e2fdd86d61cb81c58a86d2581b7a124f5f5480238f7247a6d77bb1f
Uses DPD for shipping, with the option of pick-up points. Uses Woocommerce crypto payment plugin with the option of payment with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero or USDT.
Katys-Candys #NPS, #Pharmaceuticals
[email protected]
Uses Pay4RC payment gateway. Pick-up point delivery or through InPost for PLN 69. #NPS #Pharmaceuticals #Nicotine #SIMCards
[email protected]
xmpp:[email protected]
Relatively new brand. Shipping through courier service or InPost. Uses Pay4RC payment system.
Escobar Store
Rival to many vendors mentioned earlier. They control their own research chemicals discussion foum called They got kicked from other forums for writing fake negative reviews for other sellers.
An interesting vendor as they advertise widely, even on clearnet, and sell both RCs and classic drugs.
[email protected]
The OG, the oldest research chemicals vendor. Hard to register a new account. Onion site requires JavaScript! Ships legally from NL and illegaly from PL. Lots of promotions. Payment with BTC or wire transfer for trusted users. PLN 300 minimum order value (MOV).
Magic Garden Shop #Psychedelics
Over 2000 members on the Telegram group. Marketing targeted at hippies. Clearnet website. Shipping through InPost or unregistered National Post, only domestic. Crypto payment, with a guide on how to buy Blik with crypto. #NPS
Mail only. For new clients it's hard to get into contact with them. #NPS
[email protected]
Email based vendor. Lots of products are out of stock. For example, the two popular cathinones, 3-CMC and 4-CMC are out of stock.
EnzoChem #NPS
[email protected]
Free shipping. They offer courier service or illegal InPost domestic shipping. They claim to be based in the Netherlands, while selling products not-available legally either in the Netherlands or Poland. They offer payment with BTC, Altcoins and Stablecoins through the Pay4RC payment system. The system serves QR code or “bitcoin:” link for a direct BTC transfer and built-in SideShift, Trocador and FixedFloat services for other coins. Minimum order value of PLN 350. #NPS #Pharmaceuticals #SIMCards
[email protected]
Offers the most popular products and some oddities, for example unknown substance sold as “synthcaine” and mixes of products packaged into colorful pills. Shipping to Poland costs PLN 50, only through InPost. Shipping outside Poland uses standard untracked letter or DPD, UPS, GLS services. Pay4RC. Minimum order value of PLN 300.
Chem-Casino #NPS #Psychedelics #Nootropics #Pharmaceuticals
[email protected]
Uses Pay4RC payment system. Untracked letter, tracked shipping and shipping to a pick-up point. Offers a category of products called “tripstoppers.” Minimum order value of EUR 50.
SandHeavens #NPS
[email protected]
[email protected]
Claims to be a store from the Czech Republic. Free shipping in select countries. Courier or InPost domestic shipping. Uses Pay4RC. The store shows the “bestsellers” category. It’s full of listings of 3-CMC in various quantities and some NEP. One more indicator that for now 3-CMC is indeed the most popular chemical in this part of the EU.
BolChemist #NPS #SIMCards #Pharmaceuticals
[email protected]
Session ID: 0513c29dc13e2fdd86d61cb81c58a86d2581b7a124f5f5480238f7247a6d77bb1f
Uses DPD for shipping, with the option of pick-up points. Uses Woocommerce crypto payment plugin with the option of payment with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero or USDT.
Katys-Candys #NPS, #Pharmaceuticals
[email protected]
Uses Pay4RC payment gateway. Pick-up point delivery or through InPost for PLN 69. #NPS #Pharmaceuticals #Nicotine #SIMCards
[email protected]
xmpp:[email protected]
Relatively new brand. Shipping through courier service or InPost. Uses Pay4RC payment system.
Escobar Store
Rival to many vendors mentioned earlier. They control their own research chemicals discussion foum called They got kicked from other forums for writing fake negative reviews for other sellers.
An interesting vendor as they advertise widely, even on clearnet, and sell both RCs and classic drugs.
Session ID (SID): 055465ab9d6719242df561fd21e248afea4b13c64db7ca63cfc61c3f423461c959
Minimum order value PLN 200. Shipping with InPost.
Stock: Weed, 4-MMC
SID: 05046c5e8c38729324241efa78ac08deb95b037b25a9f0e8cdf2d1d041cf7ae327
896 positives in a year and 4 months. Freebies for leaving feedback. InPost shipping.
Stock: 3-CMC, Amphetamine PREMIUM and STANDARD, 4-MMC
SID: 055c8ed96308f4db3e56a2b78ad1256772443d3f734b9ad39a9941770d5254070b
Random giveaways to people leaving feedback. InPost shipping. Minimum order value PLN 400.
Stock: THC Weed, HHC Weed, HHC Oil
SID: 05fee39c684e98c33450fe02117f8a0afbbc289d7e5a9f4e74f9d3fd3c687e8627
Owns Telegram group with 900 users. Gives free samples. Weekly contests with prizes on Telegram. Monthly contest where you win 100 g weed and 50 g 4-CMC. InPost shipping. They are okay with dead drops on Telegram group. Minimum order value PLN 400.
Stock: Spanish Weed Varieties, Cocaine, Amphetamine, 3-CMC, 4-CMC Varieties, 4-MMC
SID: 05fee39c684e98c33450fe02117f8a0afbbc289d7e5a9f4e74f9d3fd3c687e8627
Gives free samples. InPost shipping. Minimum order value PLN 350.
Stock: Craft Weed Varieties, Hash Oil, THC Vape Juice
1312 positives. Contact through Cebulka only. Sells only to whitelisted Cebulka users. 20% discount for old buyers. Free InPost shipping. Minimum order value PLN 300. Requires using PGP keys for contact. Sends product to Energy Control for testing. One of the top vendors at Cebulka. Vendor mentions in comments that they read Breaking Bad forums.
Stock: MDMA Powder, 2C-B Powder, Mescaline, MDA Powder, LSD Blotters and Sugar Cubes, 2C-B Pills, MDMA with MDA Pills, MDMA Pills, Pink Cocaine that is 2C-B Pink Powder, 2C-B Atomizer, Psilocybe Cubensis Mushrooms, Amanita Muscaria Mushrooms, DMT freebase, Changa Varieties
SID: 05d24f6014ddd31c0bad40f840fbe6cec1ecc073cc8753d68b9f8a28629cd14531
Free InPost shipping. Organizes contests where people win weed if they guess the score of a football match correctly.
Stock: THC Vapes, HHC weed
SID: 05b6ae7f4d48ed75e56a902a48abf28bf29e4b594eb3809aaf776d0e401b99d30e
Telegram: @l00ni
PLN 30 for InPost shipping. PLN 250 minimum order.
Stock: Spanish Weed, Canadian Weed, Dry Hash, Psilocybe Cubensis Mushrooms, DMT, Changa, MDMA, Pink Amphetamine, Ecuador Cocaine, Xanax, Alprazolam
SID: 0595fa4604c408bbab9f74d1f09bd3b8467241094a7ce85fae3ff1ec81864be43b
466 positives. Brands as a sea pirate. PLN 20 for InPost shipping. PLN 1200 minimum order.
Stock: Cocaine, 3-CMC, Heroin, Methamphetamine
SID: 05cf2d78f2baa5b5e9666f49bfca9dffd293fb6c7db71e1ae50e4b9f48d0c28923
WIRE: @geszefciarz
500 positive trade feedback. PLN 30 for InPost shipping. PLN 50 for weekend shipping. PLN 800 minimum order.
Stock: Cali Weed, NL Weed, Spanish Weed
SID: 05ce1aaf79aad529a37f13caeb343f36c3e841ed4f7d4b1503cb17c6afa4985716 netruner69
[email protected] (PGP required)
1099 positive trade feedback. Ships worldwide. Free shipping. PLN 500 minimum order.
Stock: Weed, Weed Joints, HHC gummies, THC-P vape carts, Edible RSO THC, MDMA, MDMA Pills, 2C-B, DMT freebase, Changa, Ketamine, LSD, Cocaine
SID: 05725d3d3d7a7d10d80c651be898543f8555592e045cab4815ffc6c909f6bbf50f
Session ONS: thenetherlandfamily
Threema: 5MERFFCX
808 positive trade feedback. 30 PLN InPost shipping. PLN 900 minimum order.
Stock: Tusi Pink Cocaine, Changa, Methamphetamine, Ketamine, 4-MMC, 4-CMC, 3-CMC, Speed, MDMA, 2C-B, LSD, Edible RSO THC, Weed, Hash, Cocaine
[email protected] (PGP only)
SID: 05bc3d2b2446387c6e7f148af8de70412acbf2cf9978a082902f669f9dfebb5f3a
Threema: A8XZCPJH
774 positive trade feedback. Free InPost shipping. PLN 1000 minimum order.
Stock: Cocaine, LSD, Xanax, Ketamine, 2C-B, MDMA, THC-P gummies, HHC gummies, Edible RSO THC, Hash, Weed
[email protected]
SID: 050b4eb3f449d92ab1269c9d6172ffd1192e8b754b193a5af95eabeff4f85e795f
Threema: 32EJJSX
Wire: @rc-bro rcbrobro
585 positive trade feedback. PLN 30 InPost shipping. PLN 2000 minimum order. Gets praised for good stealth.
Stock: Cocaine, Weed, Amphetamine, Speed, Methamphetamine, 3-CMC, 4-CMC, 3-MMC, 2-MMC, NEP, Alpha-PVP, LSD, MDMA, Ketamine, Xanax, Kamagra
holy walker
Telegram: +888 0914 6273 / @GivenchyCA
Threema: 4SN6SWSU
852 positive trade feedback. Free InPost shipping.
Stock: Weed Varieties, Weed Vapes Varieties
835 positive trade feedback. Speaks English. Free InPost shipping based on order value, otherwise PLN 20. Minimum order value PLN 200. Freebies for every PLN 500 spent. They write tutorials on how to consume drugs and use the dark web.
Stock: Weed, LSD, DMT freebase, Changa, MDMA, Ketamine
537 positive trade feedback. PLN 20 InPost shipping. Minimum order value PLN 450. Claims to be an expert on steroid use.
Stock: Various Steroids, SARMS, Peptides, Sildenafil, Cialis, Various Vitamins, Medical Supplies, Xanax, Clonazepam, Tramal, Zolpidem, Pregabalin, Diazepam, Medikinet, Modafinil, Armodafinil, Oxydolor, MST, Oxycontin
SID: 05737e5c147c03d900a040e649cc1a6a52bcb777a962c646f1ccdaa2f17ab5c847
Wire: @ublieats
Telegram: /
644 positive trade feedback. They speak English and Russian. Weed giveaways on Mondays. PLN 30 InPost shipping. Minimum order value PLN 200. Claims people are trying to steal their name on Telegram.
Stock: Weed, Hashish, THC Vape Pen, Cocaine, 3-CMC, 4-MMC, MDMA, NEP, 2C-B, Xanax, Psilocybe Cubensis Mushrooms, LSD, Methamphetamine, Speed, Ketamine
Jabber: [email protected]
437 positive trade feedback. Weed giveaways on Mondays. PLN 20 InPost shipping.
Stock: THC Vapes, D9-THC Syroup, Weed
[email protected]
75 positive trade feedback.
Stock: BASF branded GBL
Session ID (SID): 055465ab9d6719242df561fd21e248afea4b13c64db7ca63cfc61c3f423461c959
Minimum order value PLN 200. Shipping with InPost.
Stock: Weed, 4-MMC
SID: 05046c5e8c38729324241efa78ac08deb95b037b25a9f0e8cdf2d1d041cf7ae327
896 positives in a year and 4 months. Freebies for leaving feedback. InPost shipping.
Stock: 3-CMC, Amphetamine PREMIUM and STANDARD, 4-MMC
SID: 055c8ed96308f4db3e56a2b78ad1256772443d3f734b9ad39a9941770d5254070b
Random giveaways to people leaving feedback. InPost shipping. Minimum order value PLN 400.
Stock: THC Weed, HHC Weed, HHC Oil
SID: 05fee39c684e98c33450fe02117f8a0afbbc289d7e5a9f4e74f9d3fd3c687e8627
Owns Telegram group with 900 users. Gives free samples. Weekly contests with prizes on Telegram. Monthly contest where you win 100 g weed and 50 g 4-CMC. InPost shipping. They are okay with dead drops on Telegram group. Minimum order value PLN 400.
Stock: Spanish Weed Varieties, Cocaine, Amphetamine, 3-CMC, 4-CMC Varieties, 4-MMC
SID: 05fee39c684e98c33450fe02117f8a0afbbc289d7e5a9f4e74f9d3fd3c687e8627
Gives free samples. InPost shipping. Minimum order value PLN 350.
Stock: Craft Weed Varieties, Hash Oil, THC Vape Juice
1312 positives. Contact through Cebulka only. Sells only to whitelisted Cebulka users. 20% discount for old buyers. Free InPost shipping. Minimum order value PLN 300. Requires using PGP keys for contact. Sends product to Energy Control for testing. One of the top vendors at Cebulka. Vendor mentions in comments that they read Breaking Bad forums.
Stock: MDMA Powder, 2C-B Powder, Mescaline, MDA Powder, LSD Blotters and Sugar Cubes, 2C-B Pills, MDMA with MDA Pills, MDMA Pills, Pink Cocaine that is 2C-B Pink Powder, 2C-B Atomizer, Psilocybe Cubensis Mushrooms, Amanita Muscaria Mushrooms, DMT freebase, Changa Varieties
SID: 05d24f6014ddd31c0bad40f840fbe6cec1ecc073cc8753d68b9f8a28629cd14531
Free InPost shipping. Organizes contests where people win weed if they guess the score of a football match correctly.
Stock: THC Vapes, HHC weed
SID: 05b6ae7f4d48ed75e56a902a48abf28bf29e4b594eb3809aaf776d0e401b99d30e
Telegram: @l00ni
PLN 30 for InPost shipping. PLN 250 minimum order.
Stock: Spanish Weed, Canadian Weed, Dry Hash, Psilocybe Cubensis Mushrooms, DMT, Changa, MDMA, Pink Amphetamine, Ecuador Cocaine, Xanax, Alprazolam
SID: 0595fa4604c408bbab9f74d1f09bd3b8467241094a7ce85fae3ff1ec81864be43b
466 positives. Brands as a sea pirate. PLN 20 for InPost shipping. PLN 1200 minimum order.
Stock: Cocaine, 3-CMC, Heroin, Methamphetamine
SID: 05cf2d78f2baa5b5e9666f49bfca9dffd293fb6c7db71e1ae50e4b9f48d0c28923
WIRE: @geszefciarz
500 positive trade feedback. PLN 30 for InPost shipping. PLN 50 for weekend shipping. PLN 800 minimum order.
Stock: Cali Weed, NL Weed, Spanish Weed
SID: 05ce1aaf79aad529a37f13caeb343f36c3e841ed4f7d4b1503cb17c6afa4985716 netruner69
[email protected] (PGP required)
1099 positive trade feedback. Ships worldwide. Free shipping. PLN 500 minimum order.
Stock: Weed, Weed Joints, HHC gummies, THC-P vape carts, Edible RSO THC, MDMA, MDMA Pills, 2C-B, DMT freebase, Changa, Ketamine, LSD, Cocaine
SID: 05725d3d3d7a7d10d80c651be898543f8555592e045cab4815ffc6c909f6bbf50f
Session ONS: thenetherlandfamily
Threema: 5MERFFCX
808 positive trade feedback. 30 PLN InPost shipping. PLN 900 minimum order.
Stock: Tusi Pink Cocaine, Changa, Methamphetamine, Ketamine, 4-MMC, 4-CMC, 3-CMC, Speed, MDMA, 2C-B, LSD, Edible RSO THC, Weed, Hash, Cocaine
[email protected] (PGP only)
SID: 05bc3d2b2446387c6e7f148af8de70412acbf2cf9978a082902f669f9dfebb5f3a
Threema: A8XZCPJH
774 positive trade feedback. Free InPost shipping. PLN 1000 minimum order.
Stock: Cocaine, LSD, Xanax, Ketamine, 2C-B, MDMA, THC-P gummies, HHC gummies, Edible RSO THC, Hash, Weed
[email protected]
SID: 050b4eb3f449d92ab1269c9d6172ffd1192e8b754b193a5af95eabeff4f85e795f
Threema: 32EJJSX
Wire: @rc-bro rcbrobro
585 positive trade feedback. PLN 30 InPost shipping. PLN 2000 minimum order. Gets praised for good stealth.
Stock: Cocaine, Weed, Amphetamine, Speed, Methamphetamine, 3-CMC, 4-CMC, 3-MMC, 2-MMC, NEP, Alpha-PVP, LSD, MDMA, Ketamine, Xanax, Kamagra
holy walker
Telegram: +888 0914 6273 / @GivenchyCA
Threema: 4SN6SWSU
852 positive trade feedback. Free InPost shipping.
Stock: Weed Varieties, Weed Vapes Varieties
835 positive trade feedback. Speaks English. Free InPost shipping based on order value, otherwise PLN 20. Minimum order value PLN 200. Freebies for every PLN 500 spent. They write tutorials on how to consume drugs and use the dark web.
Stock: Weed, LSD, DMT freebase, Changa, MDMA, Ketamine
537 positive trade feedback. PLN 20 InPost shipping. Minimum order value PLN 450. Claims to be an expert on steroid use.
Stock: Various Steroids, SARMS, Peptides, Sildenafil, Cialis, Various Vitamins, Medical Supplies, Xanax, Clonazepam, Tramal, Zolpidem, Pregabalin, Diazepam, Medikinet, Modafinil, Armodafinil, Oxydolor, MST, Oxycontin
SID: 05737e5c147c03d900a040e649cc1a6a52bcb777a962c646f1ccdaa2f17ab5c847
Wire: @ublieats
Telegram: /
644 positive trade feedback. They speak English and Russian. Weed giveaways on Mondays. PLN 30 InPost shipping. Minimum order value PLN 200. Claims people are trying to steal their name on Telegram.
Stock: Weed, Hashish, THC Vape Pen, Cocaine, 3-CMC, 4-MMC, MDMA, NEP, 2C-B, Xanax, Psilocybe Cubensis Mushrooms, LSD, Methamphetamine, Speed, Ketamine
Jabber: [email protected]
437 positive trade feedback. Weed giveaways on Mondays. PLN 20 InPost shipping.
Stock: THC Vapes, D9-THC Syroup, Weed
[email protected]
75 positive trade feedback.
Stock: BASF branded GBL
Nocne Smakołyki LC
Their marketing tactic is SPAM on Wykop under #narkotykizawszespoko. Offers InPost shipping and dead drop delivery. They take BLIK or Crypto as payment. People are not trusting of such vendors, as they can easily turn out to be scammers.
Stock: Fake Money, THC Vapes, Various THC Edibles, Weed, Psilocybe Cubensis Mushrooms, LSD, MDMA, 4-MMC, 4-CMC, 3-CMC, Ketamine, Xanax, Clonazepam
D-Block Market
Spamming on Telegram. The most popular products on the market are on offer.
And many others… Easily found using methods described in the methodological chapter of this report or by searching groups mentioned in the next part of this report.
Their marketing tactic is SPAM on Wykop under #narkotykizawszespoko. Offers InPost shipping and dead drop delivery. They take BLIK or Crypto as payment. People are not trusting of such vendors, as they can easily turn out to be scammers.
Stock: Fake Money, THC Vapes, Various THC Edibles, Weed, Psilocybe Cubensis Mushrooms, LSD, MDMA, 4-MMC, 4-CMC, 3-CMC, Ketamine, Xanax, Clonazepam
D-Block Market
Spamming on Telegram. The most popular products on the market are on offer.

Discussions about Recommended Vendors
Scam Alerts
Hyperreal. Dopek. Dopalajmy. - Forum Dyskusyjne o Używkach i RC - Nieuczciwe sklepy
Największe polskie forum o używkach i dopalaczach bez cenzury gdzie spotkasz ludzi i firmy z branży, przeczytasz opinie, dowiesz się jakie sklepy są uczciwe, a także wymienisz się doświadczeniami na temat research chemicals.

2.2. Popular Marketplaces in Poland
http://cebulka7uxchnbpvmqapg5pfos4ngaxglsktzvha7a5rigndghvadeyd.onion/The most important and the longest standing dark market in Poland. Uses its own escrow. Features various guides. There’s an active community of sellers of various goods and services, among them drugs, banking services, courier accounts, SIM registration and others.
Night Global community with many users that offers escrow services, advertising space and a chat.
Illegal Global
Over 5000 users. Another trusted Telegram escrow service with a chat.
Other Markets
Oglaszamy24 and Its Knock-Offs
For a time local listing websites were popular with drug dealers, as they provided good SEO in local searches, while having close to no moderation. The biggest one had been Oglaszamy24, but it got closed in 2018, when the NPS and Analogue Laws came into power. Lots of knock-offs still exist and some small-scale dealers try to advertise there. Usually they leave a phone number only or Telegram message, but not the Telegram group, which you have to ask for.
Scams may be present. People cut on weight, mislabel products, or simply disappear with money if they are paid upfront. As on Telegram, the term Legit Check (LC) is used for positive feedback, this feedback from private messages on Telegram gets reposted to a group on Telegram as social proof of being trustworthy.
They offer mainly products used by youngsters or people who are stereotypically not technically inclined, like bodybuilders. Also, quite a bit of classical drugs here and there. These websites might serve as an entry point to drug use for naive people who didn’t know about Telegram prior to visiting these sites. There’s many possible dealers on these websites, some of who have stock that seems similar to vendors on Cebulka, they might be their alternative personas, their clients or simply scammers copying listings from others. More intensive research would be needed to come with definitive answers.
Examples of listings:
2.3. Advertising Campaigns Conducted by Drug Dealers
In the interviews giveaways were often mentioned as an advertising tactic. Especially well-remembered were the giveaways by a long-gone vendor called WolfRC, a.k.a. 13rc. Internet forums also do giveaways.
Some vendors hire musicians or make music contests to have songs about them. Some examples below.
Bots are used to spam Telegram. SEO software is used to create ads at various old forums and Web 2.0 sites. Other times, “spam” gets posted by hand on Ogłaszamy-style websites or Wykop.
2.4. Collection of Open Source Data on Official Crime Websites
Year | Eliminated organized crime groups |
2020 | 174 |
2021 | 177 |
2022 | 181 |
2023 | 154 |
Many of the crime groups deal with stuff like tax evasion or illegal import of stuff other than drugs.
Note that the unlicensed tobacco production is also a big industry. In 2023, 340,000,000 cigarettes were intercepted, 317 tonnes of dried tobacco and 22 cigarettte factories closed. Together with that goes a big market for unlicensed nicotine vapes. Cannabis plantations had its time, but nowadays if criminals want to grow something they will grow tobacco.
Source: CBSP
There's a clearly visible shift from domestic cannabis growing towards import from Morocco through Spain and the rising popularity of domestic synthesis of various drugs.
This is a graph of official statistics of the intercepted drugs.
In the graph below every category is individually zommed-in in order to better show year-by-year changes within less popular categories.
Source: CBSP
The most interesting category is the "Other drugs" category. It can be assumed for it to consist of almost exclusively cathinones (other than mephedrone, mainly 3-CMC and 4-CMC) and very little of synthetic or semi-synthetic cannabinoids (such as HHC). As a proof of that statement serves a graph below. It shows amounts of identified cannabinoids (orange line) and cathinones (blue line) out of all substances sent for laboratory testing (grey line). The shape of this graph also indicates that the police started to hit bigger targets instead of small dealers, because the amount of tests done got lower, while the quantity of intercepted drugs grew. Eurostat’s data also support this statement. Apart from stating that the drug business in Europe is worth EUR 11.4 bln, and it has served 22.6 mln Europeans in the last year, they also note that arapid spread of the semi-synthetic cannabinoid HHC throughout Europe.
Source: PolDrugs.
In the graph below every category is individually zommed-in in order to better show year-by-year changes within less popular categories.
Source: CBSP
The most interesting category is the "Other drugs" category. It can be assumed for it to consist of almost exclusively cathinones (other than mephedrone, mainly 3-CMC and 4-CMC) and very little of synthetic or semi-synthetic cannabinoids (such as HHC). As a proof of that statement serves a graph below. It shows amounts of identified cannabinoids (orange line) and cathinones (blue line) out of all substances sent for laboratory testing (grey line). The shape of this graph also indicates that the police started to hit bigger targets instead of small dealers, because the amount of tests done got lower, while the quantity of intercepted drugs grew. Eurostat’s data also support this statement. Apart from stating that the drug business in Europe is worth EUR 11.4 bln, and it has served 22.6 mln Europeans in the last year, they also note that arapid spread of the semi-synthetic cannabinoid HHC throughout Europe.
Source: PolDrugs.
CBSP Official Videos and Photos 2024
2.5. Illegal Popular Drugs in Poland
PolDrugs reports that in Poland, alcohol and cannabis are the most popular drugs, leading both in user numbers and trade volume across legal and illegal categories. Creating a comprehensive list combining both categories is impractical. A detailed list of the most popular illegal drugs by monthly users will be provided later in this paper. An attempt at a combined list is shown below, but it excludes cathinones, which is a big omission, yet available data doesn't allow to put them surely in place.The Top 5 Drugs in Poland (Illegal and Legal Combined Together)
- Alcohol
- Cannabis (medical and illegal)
- Amphetamine
- Diazepam (or other prescription benzodiazepines)
??? Cathinones (3-CMC, 4-CMC, 4-MMC and others) (Possibly even in the Top 3)
People who have used a drug at least once in their life are included in the table below. Numbers of people are estimated for 2024.
Sources: PolDrugs,
For estimations in this table the total population of people aged 15-64 equal to 24,600,000 was assumed.
The table below shows what drugs people had taken in the last 30 days. This table has been used for calculations of average monthly spending on drugs in the “Average Drug User” chapter of this report.
Sources: PolDrugs,
The graph above shows the terrible addictive power of opioids. Over half of people who tried opioids is actievely using them! Very dangerous thing. Harm reduction guides should always contain the warning of their dangers. It's hard to consider ethical any business that deals with opioids and doesn't actively deter people from trying them. They are a big part of the legitmization that the law enforcement system has in going after drug users and manufacturers.
Here’s a similar table built based on other sources. This one deals with the relative popularity of certain substances within the group of active drug users.
Source: SIN (2019)
Warning. Tables above use data from 2019. When projecting into the future based on the data of intercepted drugs, the “other drugs” category has grown 8 times bigger compared to 2019. A lot of that growth is HHC and other cannabinoids canabalizing cannabis and hasish sales, but the rest is mostly cathiniones. Actual growth of that category could be smaller and it’s possible that police had an exceptional year in terms of effectivness as they worked out a large gang of football hooligans in the year the jump happened. Nevertheless, the NPS category is undervalued compared to 2024, the only question without a clear answer is by how much. Another thing to keep in mind is to consider the volume of drugs used, people who used LSD in the last 30 days probably only used it once or twice, while cathinone users could have gone through many grams of goods in the same time period.
Drug name | Men | Women | % of people aged 15-64 | People in total numbers (est.) |
Any drug | 21,90% | 10,30% | 16,10% | 3960085 |
Cannabis | 16,40% | 7,70% | 12,10% | 2976213 |
Any opioid | 1,30% | 0,40% | 0,90% | 221371 |
Heroin | 1,30% | 0,40% | 0,80% | 196774 |
Other opioids | 0,30% | 0,00% | 0,10% | 24597 |
Cocaine | 1,10% | 0,40% | 0,70% | 172178 |
Amphetamine | 3,30% | 1,40% | 2,40% | 590323 |
Extasy | 1,30% | 0,70% | 1,00% | 245968 |
Any hallucinogen | 1,70% | 1,10% | 1,40% | 344355 |
LSD | 1,30% | 0,70% | 1,00% | 245968 |
Other hallucionogens | 0,90% | 0,90% | 0,90% | 221371 |
N2O, glue or solvents | 0,50% | 0,20% | 0,30% | 73790 |
Anabolic steroids | 1,30% | 0,10% | 0,70% | 172178 |
GHB, GBL | 0,30% | 0,00% | 0,10% | 24597 |
NPS | 5,30% | 2,60% | 3,90% | 959275 |
For estimations in this table the total population of people aged 15-64 equal to 24,600,000 was assumed.
The table below shows what drugs people had taken in the last 30 days. This table has been used for calculations of average monthly spending on drugs in the “Average Drug User” chapter of this report.
Substance | Men | Women | % of people aged 15-64 | People in numbers (est.) |
Any drug | 4,10% | 1,90% | 3,00% | 737904 |
Cannabis | 2,70% | 1,30% | 2,00% | 491936 |
Any opioid | 0,70% | 0,30% | 0,50% | 122984 |
Heroin | 0,60% | 0,30% | 0,40% | 98387 |
Other opioids | 0,20% | 0,00% | 0,10% | 24597 |
Cocaine | 0,30% | 0,10% | 0,20% | 49194 |
Amphetamine | 0,50% | 0,50% | 0,50% | 122984 |
Extasy | 0,30% | 0,30% | 0,30% | 73790 |
Any hallucinogen | 0,60% | 0,40% | 0,50% | 122984 |
LSD | 0,50% | 0,40% | 0,40% | 98387 |
Other hallucionogens | 0,10% | 0,10% | 0,10% | 24597 |
N2O, glue or solvent | 0,30% | 0,10% | 0,20% | 49194 |
Anabolic steroids | 0,40% | 0,10% | 0,20% | 49194 |
GHB, GBL | 0,30% | 0,00% | 0,10% | 24597 |
NPS | 0,30% | 0,20% | 0,20% | 49194 |
The graph above shows the terrible addictive power of opioids. Over half of people who tried opioids is actievely using them! Very dangerous thing. Harm reduction guides should always contain the warning of their dangers. It's hard to consider ethical any business that deals with opioids and doesn't actively deter people from trying them. They are a big part of the legitmization that the law enforcement system has in going after drug users and manufacturers.
Here’s a similar table built based on other sources. This one deals with the relative popularity of certain substances within the group of active drug users.
Substance | % of drug users that used it in the last 30 days |
Cannabis, hashish and other similar | 72,9 |
Amphetamine | 19,5 |
Ecstasy/MDMA | 23,1 |
Cocaine | 4,5 |
Crack Cocaine | 0,2 |
Heroin or other opioids | 7,7 |
Hallucinogenic mushrooms | 4,2 |
LSD | 7,9 |
Ketamine | 1,8 |
GHB/GBL | 1,1 |
Stimulant medicines used without prescription (ex. nootropics, Ritalin) | 4,2 |
Relaxing medication used for non-medical reasons (ex. Relanium) | 11,9 |
Inhalation (ex. poppers, ether, glue, etc.) | 3,1 |
Warning. Tables above use data from 2019. When projecting into the future based on the data of intercepted drugs, the “other drugs” category has grown 8 times bigger compared to 2019. A lot of that growth is HHC and other cannabinoids canabalizing cannabis and hasish sales, but the rest is mostly cathiniones. Actual growth of that category could be smaller and it’s possible that police had an exceptional year in terms of effectivness as they worked out a large gang of football hooligans in the year the jump happened. Nevertheless, the NPS category is undervalued compared to 2024, the only question without a clear answer is by how much. Another thing to keep in mind is to consider the volume of drugs used, people who used LSD in the last 30 days probably only used it once or twice, while cathinone users could have gone through many grams of goods in the same time period.
Substance | Units | Average detail prices (2023) (PLN) (Police) | Average wholesale prices (2023) (PLN) (Police) |
Heroin | gram | 170 | 133 (on 1 kg scale) |
Hashish | gram | 54 | 21 (on 1 kg scale) |
Marihuana | gram | 46 | 20 (on 1 kg scale) |
Amphetamine | gram | 37 | 7 (on 1 kg scale) |
Methamphetamine | gram | 112 | 36 (on 1 kg scale) |
Ecstasy | tablet | 23 | 7 (1000 tablets) |
Cocaine | gram | 356 | 170 (on 1 kg scale) |
MDMA | powder/gram | 60 | 22 (on 1 kg scale) |
Mephedrone | gram | 60 | 16 (on 1 kg scale) |
LSD | piece | 29 | 11 |
The table below provides prices for drugs of some importance to the market that the official statistics miss.
Substance | Units | Average detail price (2024) (PLN) | Average wholesale price (2024) |
3-CMC | gram | 60 | 18 |
4-CMC | gram | 60 | 12 |
Mushrooms | gram | 27 | n/a |
Alfa-PHiP | gram | 55 | n/a |
DMT | gram | 220 | n/a |
In the list below are included popular illegal drugs in order that reflects estimations about their relative popularity. For absolutely grounded data you can check the tables above. This one is a result of interpolation of data from the tables above with popularity of threads about a substance posted in communities mentioned in 4. of this report.
Here are the historically most popular NPS of every type of effect (bolded are the ones that have been mentioned in the interviews conducted with Polish dealers):
- Cannabis
- Amphetamine
- Ecstasy
- LSD, Mushrooms, DMT, Changa
- Heroin
- Cocaine
Here are the historically most popular NPS of every type of effect (bolded are the ones that have been mentioned in the interviews conducted with Polish dealers):
- 3-CMC
- 4-CMC
- 4-MMC
- 3-MMC
- 2-MMC
- 2-CMC
- 6-APB
- 5-MAPB
- 4F-MPH
- KU
- Alfa-PIHP
- Alfa-PHP
- Alfa-PVP
- 1P-LSD
- 4-HO-MET
- 2C-B-FLY
- 2-FDCK
- U-47700
- Clonazolam
- Etizolam
3-CMC’s popularity is often not obvious from the data. The problem with the cathinone market is such that vendors sell “mephedrone” or “mephedrone analogue”, when in fact it’s 3-CMC. It is so, because mephedrone is the first very popular cathinone. Another common mislabel is "Cocolino," which usually tests as 3-CMC. As 3-CMC supply dries out, the label “crystal” or “mephedrone analogue” might experience further evolution.
Regarding cannabis, there are some trends that might lead to its legalization in more countries than just Germany, for example Czech Republic is already doing preparations. The use of legal medical cannabis or illegal HHC and other fitocannabinoids is on the rise across all of Europe, including Poland. Looking at the statistics, marijuana has been king for years. Many people believe that it is not a drug. Its popularity is influenced by easy access.
Cocaine. It is getting more and more popular. It stops being a drug only for the high class. This change coincides with the final steps of production moving into Europe from South America.
Opioids. This is not by any means a growing category. General population is quite aware of their dangers. There is one city in Poland that has significant numbers of heroin users. Someone seems keen on distributing heroin in that small city.
Regarding cannabis, there are some trends that might lead to its legalization in more countries than just Germany, for example Czech Republic is already doing preparations. The use of legal medical cannabis or illegal HHC and other fitocannabinoids is on the rise across all of Europe, including Poland. Looking at the statistics, marijuana has been king for years. Many people believe that it is not a drug. Its popularity is influenced by easy access.
Cocaine. It is getting more and more popular. It stops being a drug only for the high class. This change coincides with the final steps of production moving into Europe from South America.
Opioids. This is not by any means a growing category. General population is quite aware of their dangers. There is one city in Poland that has significant numbers of heroin users. Someone seems keen on distributing heroin in that small city.
2.6. Legal Popular Drugs in Poland
Alcohol is the most harmful and popular drug in Poland. According to the latest report of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), covering 52 countries around the world, an average of 11.3 liters of pure alcohol is consumed annually per inhabitant of an EU country. There is an average of 11.7 liters of pure alcohol per person per year in Poland. This is approximately 2.4 bottles of wine or 4.5 liters of beer per week per person aged 15 and over. 35% of people get drunk at least once a month. adults, which means that we drink over 80% on one occasion. bottles of wine or 1.5 liters of beer. Men in Poland consume 18.4 liters of pure alcohol per capita per year, women - 5.6 liters. Among women, those with higher education are more likely to get drunk in a month by 62 percent. 17 percent boys and 21 percent girls aged 15 drank alcohol at least twice in their lives. All those alcohol drinkers can serve as a potential client base for alternatives like GBL or GHB.
Medical cannabis. Requires a special Rpw. prescription. It is still an I-N-group substance, you can’t drive a car after consumption, etc. It is a medicine made by a pharmacist, so not every pharmacy can offer it, the pharmacist creates a blend of certain potency. It is subject to shortages. Specialized websites of companies exist to facilitate giving out these prescriptions, one of them is Giving out your legally bought medical weed to your friends is still a crime, the same as it would be with illegal cannabis. In the table below are sales of medical cannabis.
Source: Ministry of Health
Below is a graph based on that table of medical cannabis sales.
Tramadol. Poland has little problem with opioid users. Fentanyl and other substances are not nearly as popular in Poland as in other countries, particularly the US, even though products like OxyContin are present on the market. Only around 3000 people are on substitute therapy.
Nicotine. In Poland, 8 million people smoke, which is approximately 29%. adult population. Knock-off cigarrettes are popular with dealers. Many of them sell not only drugs but also smuggled nicotine vapes or cigarettes.
Prescription Pharmaceuticals. In Poland, sales of prescription psychotropic drugs have increased by almost 300 percent in the last 20 years. Approximately 11 million packages of psychotropic drugs a year are sold. Observations show that less than 50 percent of patients who use them do so after being prescribed by a doctor. Criminals steal personal data, then use an online panel to generate tens of fake prescriptions for Rpw. medicine. Prescriptions in your name can be checked in an online patient account on the government’s website, The recipes look real at first glance. They contain the number, name of the treatment facility, description of the medicine and the doctor's name.
Medical cannabis. Requires a special Rpw. prescription. It is still an I-N-group substance, you can’t drive a car after consumption, etc. It is a medicine made by a pharmacist, so not every pharmacy can offer it, the pharmacist creates a blend of certain potency. It is subject to shortages. Specialized websites of companies exist to facilitate giving out these prescriptions, one of them is Giving out your legally bought medical weed to your friends is still a crime, the same as it would be with illegal cannabis. In the table below are sales of medical cannabis.
Year | Number of prescriptions | Amount sold | Unit |
2019 | 2 909 | 33 219 | g |
2020 | 7 137 | 94 038 | g |
2021 | 33 147 | 427 017 | g |
2022 | 108 847 | 1 167 752 | g |
2023 | 276 807 | 4 658 759 | g |
Below is a graph based on that table of medical cannabis sales.
Tramadol. Poland has little problem with opioid users. Fentanyl and other substances are not nearly as popular in Poland as in other countries, particularly the US, even though products like OxyContin are present on the market. Only around 3000 people are on substitute therapy.
Nicotine. In Poland, 8 million people smoke, which is approximately 29%. adult population. Knock-off cigarrettes are popular with dealers. Many of them sell not only drugs but also smuggled nicotine vapes or cigarettes.
Prescription Pharmaceuticals. In Poland, sales of prescription psychotropic drugs have increased by almost 300 percent in the last 20 years. Approximately 11 million packages of psychotropic drugs a year are sold. Observations show that less than 50 percent of patients who use them do so after being prescribed by a doctor. Criminals steal personal data, then use an online panel to generate tens of fake prescriptions for Rpw. medicine. Prescriptions in your name can be checked in an online patient account on the government’s website, The recipes look real at first glance. They contain the number, name of the treatment facility, description of the medicine and the doctor's name.
3. Offline Drug Trading in Poland
The default path to get info on drug dealers is to ask one’s friends. From the reports of interviews, it is known some dealers approach their clients themselves, although it’s not a common occurrence. Certain cities have specific spots associated with drug use, although such detailed analysis is out of scope of this simple report. The most known case is Brzeska street in the Praga district of Warsaw. Drug dealers just sit there on little chairs and wait for the clients who get their drugs from caches hidden in gates, cellars, etc. Praga is a stigmatized district. History of Brzeska street reaches back to the communist Poland. Brzeska street is shown in a very famous music video to a song caled “Nie pytaj o Polskę” by Grzegorz Ciechowski. Not much has changed till today.
An exhausted, dirty drug addict who hits his veins in dens is already a thing of the past in Poland. Today, people can take the same amount, but in completely different circumstances: at a party, surrounded by drugged friends or in their own comfortable bed: two or three pills to calm down and sleep better.
Places to party are mainly clubs. Club Luzztro in Warsaw has an especially big reputation for being a place of meetings of drug users and trade of said drugs. But it’s not a phenomenon limited to one club, it is all clubs, and in general, party streets. Criminal hooligan groups have their people on friendly terms with bodyguards in the clubs and the trade happens in them effortlessly.
The Polish climate doesn’t allow for too much outdoor activity. But in the warm months, people gather at concerts or festivals. N2O use is wide-spread on festivals and not popular otherwise. A complete list of festivals in Poland could be made on request.
Drug use is so widespread, it’s not difficult to find a dealer even in a vilage, but the sums of money exchanged in such locations are low. 10 years ago, research chemical stores were present even in small to medium cities. Nowadays they are long-gone and it feels like the marketing niche they were occupying with products like “Mocarz” has not been fully reutilized by current market leaders.
Access to drugs in prison sometimes seems easier than even outside the bars. Lots of corrupt cops in the prison business.
Even though the research chemicals trade was as penalized as classic drugs, it didn’t deter anyone from selling them. Quite the opposite, it seemed to result in making the dealers even more open and arrogant. They just kept doing their business as always, or added classic drugs to offer, since they were risking incarceration anyways. One of the dealers had put out such a motto after changes in the law: “Chuj z nowelizacjami, drużyna Andrzeja jest zawsze z wami” (eng. Fuck law changes, Andrzej’s team is always with you.) And since we are on topic, it’s worthwhile to note that Polish people seem to be keen on funny names and funny rhymes. Example of a clearnet vendor (Duch) who just added illegal drugs to offer below. Offline dealers have done the same.
4. Content Sources Related to Drug Use and Drug Business
Police #News,Archiwum.htmlThe police document every big action on their website with short articles, videos and photos. The database of these news dates back to 2010. It provides hundreds of videos and photos of closed chemistry labs and weed plantations. #News #Forum
All you would ever need. Reposts news from every news site publishing articles about drugs in Polish. Also has the longest active forum, with the biggest user base and decades of content. They also have a few subsites beside the forums. A meme page, a drug wiki, a trip report website. When paired with Cebulka for Escrow, the combo of Hyperreal + Cebulka is arguably better than what BBGate currently offers when looking from the perspective of an average Pole. More content, more established brands.
The forum has hidden vendor review and chemistry subforms that can be fully unlocked after writing 30 approved posts on the forums. This undemocratic hidden nature of the website is a one dimension on which BBGate with its open approach to knowledge and trade can beat it.
An advertisement can be bought in the Vendors+ section. Only for NPS sellers. BBGate’s existence can be quietly communicated in the Darknet and Clearnet subsections of the Sprzedawcy+ subforum. #Forum second oldest active drug forum in Poland. As every forum, has a subsection dedicated to discussion of current news. Also known as the “blue site”, in order to differentiate it from hyperreal or the old when talking about it on any other forum, where it’s prohibited to mention rivals. Dopek’s team doesn’t like the forum, as one of Dopal’s founders, owner of EscobarStore, is known for writing bad fake reviews for its rivals. #Forum of an old site “”, also known as the “pink site.” is green instead. #Forum newest of the research chemicals forums. Another clone offering more or less the same as the blue, pink and green forums. It’s controlled by a different group of vendors, ones that don’t like the people behind #Reddit-like version of Reddit. People post about drugs under the tag #narkotykizawszespoko. Also recommendations of place where to buy modafinil can be found there.
Mestosław/Wiem co Ćpiem. Very popular influencer. Has also a Czech version of one of the YT channels.
Facebook groups
To insginificant to include. Facebook has very strict filters and even completely bening groups often get censored.Instagram profiles
Communities there are insignifcant, although it's a good place to look for news about certain drug-related topics. Some vendors use Instagram's ad system to buy paid ads for their websites.Meme Pages
Meme pages can offer valuable marketing inspiration. In every joke there is also a little bit of truth about the drug market.
Other links
- Psilosophy. An old-school magic mushroom growing forum. - Wolne Konopie. Large activist organization fighting for cannabis decriminalization. For tthe cause, they organize big protests in the most important cities. They offer a guide on how to behave with the police: - Polish Psychedelic Society. Formal organization of scientists doing psychedelic research and fighting for decriminalization. - Krytyka Polityczna’s Narcopolitics. Leftist newspaper’s column focused on narcopolitics.
5. Cryptocurrencies
The easiest and most accessible way to buy cryptocurrency in Poland is Bitomats (Bitcoin ATMs) or physical Bitcoin stores.
Some of the mainstream research chemical vendors instituted a system called Pay4RC on their websites. They offer payment with BTC, Altcoins and Stablecoins through the Pay4RC payment system. The system serves a QR code or a “bitcoin:'' link for direct BTC transfer or built-in SideShift, Trocador and FixedFloat services for other coins.
Binance seems to be the most popular choice of cryptocurrency exchange. Although, it’s not necessarily the best choice.
Kriptomat gets good reviews for never blocking funds and not cooperating eagerly with the tax office.
Transactions in crypto between offline dealers and their clients are by any means not standard, outside of the circle of Telegram traders. Neither do dealers like to trade in crypto between themselves. Most people prefer cash as it’s cheaper to handle than processing crypto to PLN transactions or laundering direct BLIKs or wire transfers to a bank account. The only group that definitely prefers crypto transactions are online vendors, although some RC vendors with their own stores offer the option of wire transfer for their most trusted clients. These bank accounts are usually being opened in the name of a Belarusian or Ukrainian citizen.
BLIK is the most popular payment system in Poland. It’s heavily promoted by banks as it allows them to bypass fees of multinational companies like Mastercard or Visa. BLIK enables transactions directly to a bank account through a phone number. Some dealers who don’t care about safety do take BLIKs as payment for drugs.
There is an option of paying for Crypto with BLIK. Magic Garden Shop offers such service through the Ari10 gateway widget.
BBGate can position itself as a trusted Escrow service for the polish market. But for that it would need to make it as easy to use as possible.
Some of the mainstream research chemical vendors instituted a system called Pay4RC on their websites. They offer payment with BTC, Altcoins and Stablecoins through the Pay4RC payment system. The system serves a QR code or a “bitcoin:'' link for direct BTC transfer or built-in SideShift, Trocador and FixedFloat services for other coins.
Binance seems to be the most popular choice of cryptocurrency exchange. Although, it’s not necessarily the best choice.
Kriptomat gets good reviews for never blocking funds and not cooperating eagerly with the tax office.
Transactions in crypto between offline dealers and their clients are by any means not standard, outside of the circle of Telegram traders. Neither do dealers like to trade in crypto between themselves. Most people prefer cash as it’s cheaper to handle than processing crypto to PLN transactions or laundering direct BLIKs or wire transfers to a bank account. The only group that definitely prefers crypto transactions are online vendors, although some RC vendors with their own stores offer the option of wire transfer for their most trusted clients. These bank accounts are usually being opened in the name of a Belarusian or Ukrainian citizen.
BLIK is the most popular payment system in Poland. It’s heavily promoted by banks as it allows them to bypass fees of multinational companies like Mastercard or Visa. BLIK enables transactions directly to a bank account through a phone number. Some dealers who don’t care about safety do take BLIKs as payment for drugs.
There is an option of paying for Crypto with BLIK. Magic Garden Shop offers such service through the Ari10 gateway widget.
BBGate can position itself as a trusted Escrow service for the polish market. But for that it would need to make it as easy to use as possible.
Links to Crypto Guides
6. Shipping and Deliveries
The dealers usually use InPost service or drive Uber or meet in person. Door2Door deliveries or Hand2Hand exchange of money and drugs seem to be the domain of Telegram vendors. They use Escrow, Blik or Cash. Scammers obviously prefer Blik or Direct Crypto payments. Fee of PLN 20 to PLN 50 can be expected on the delivery. Some use dead drops. Trust in dead drops seems to be low in forum users. Telegram groups users also sometimes doubt if vendors they find on Telegram are honest. The most reliable way to get drugs delivered directly to you is to be on friendly terms with your local offline dealer who offers such service. Otherwise, the most reliable shipping methods are InPost for all quantities of goods and unregistered, untracked mail for tiny qualities. The untracked letters have their use, as the law prohibits opening private correspondence.
How Does Uber Work? offers package delivery service in these cities: Warsaw, Kraków, Poznań, Wrocław, Trójmiasto (Gdańsk, Gdynia, Sopot). Offical info: Same-day delivery upon request - you don't have to wait several days for your shipment. Ordering via the application, with the ability to track the route from the moment the driver picks up the parcel until its collection - you do not have to take the parcel to the collection point, the driver will collect it from you directly. First prepare your package. Open the Uber app and tap the Pack icon on the home screen. Enter your delivery details and order Uber Parcel. Meet the driver at the car and hand over the parcel to him. Track your parcel's route in real time. Ask the recipient to meet the driver at the car and pick up the parcel.
How Does InPost Work? is the biggest package station network in Poland. Works on a similar basis to DPD Pick-up or DHL Express Service Points, but with a standalone machine open 24/7. The machines are called Paczkomaty (eng. package-automat), sometimes jokingly called “Narkomaty,” because of their widespread use in drug trade. Allegro has made its knock-off called Allegro OneBox serviced by the UPS company, it’s not as popular. There are two main ways to use InPost, as a business and the courier picks up you packages, or as a normal person, where you have to leave the packages at a pick-up point or print the labels yourself and pack them into a machine with a phone app.
Package Forwarding
You can order research chemicals from Dutch or Canadian vendors that don’t ship to Poland, but ship to the Czech Republic. Company called Tiptrans offers forwarding of packages sent to its Czech address further to Poland.
7. Portraits of an Average User and an Average Dealer
When it comes to illegal drugs and if you are looking at lifetime statistics then 20% of all men in the country have tried drugs in their lives and only 10% of all women. But if you take a look at statistics of active users and include not only illegal substances but also pharmaceuticals like benzodiazepines prescribed for anxiety then women constitute over 50% of active psychoactive substance users in Poland. The average Pole using psychoactive substances is a woman aged 27, living in a large city, having secondary education and working full-time.
But as it was said, they get that position because of the use of legal pharmaceuticals. They care about how a behavior looks to others. Blister of Xanax on the table looks better than a bottle of vodka. Chemsex is popular and affects both sexes, but obviously it is not the most mainstream use of drugs and doesn’t skew the statistics much. Drug users use both narcotics and NPS. Mainly speaking weed, psychedelics and cathinones (3-CMC, 4-CMC, 4-MMC). If you group togehter “hardcore” drugs like amphetamine or heroin together then they are less popular. So, whether soft or hard drugs are more popular depends solely on whether you cathegorize cathinone emapthogens as soft or hard drugs.
96% of all drug users are aged between 15-34. About 21% of kids aged 16 have tried weed at least once in their lives. This adds as in the total population of people aged 16-65 about 17% of people have tried drugs in their life. The discrepancy is easily explained by the higher tendency of younger generations to experiment with drugs, but only a little bit, and it might be already peaking. The numbers of active drug users are way lower if we exclude alcohol and nicotine from considerations. Statistically, around 3% of the population aged 16-65 have used drugs in the last 30 days. That is about 738,000 people consuming drugs a month
77% of users never control what they consume with the test kits or using any other method. They blindly trust what they are getting.
Most often they take drugs at home with their friends and not too often, less than a few times a month, can be as little as once every month. On the opposite end of thespectrum, 19% of drug users take them more often than 10 times a month.
Source: SIN (2019)
Source: SIN (2019)
Source: SIN (2019)
Other ROAs might include: sublingual, vaginal or plugging into anus (also called per rectum).
Source: SIN (2019), own calculations
Based on this data and projections. Assuming no inflation scenario the transactions made by the end consumers of drugs amount to at least EUR 34,032,870 a month. Including the projected inflation, the most likely monthly spending of users on drugs in 2024 amounts to at least EUR 47,135,524. These are safe assumptions. A pretty grounded, but braver estimation would be to place it at EUR 56,586,138/month. Assuming the brave estimation to be true, that would put Poland as the holder of 6% of the total European drug market.
But as it was said, they get that position because of the use of legal pharmaceuticals. They care about how a behavior looks to others. Blister of Xanax on the table looks better than a bottle of vodka. Chemsex is popular and affects both sexes, but obviously it is not the most mainstream use of drugs and doesn’t skew the statistics much. Drug users use both narcotics and NPS. Mainly speaking weed, psychedelics and cathinones (3-CMC, 4-CMC, 4-MMC). If you group togehter “hardcore” drugs like amphetamine or heroin together then they are less popular. So, whether soft or hard drugs are more popular depends solely on whether you cathegorize cathinone emapthogens as soft or hard drugs.
96% of all drug users are aged between 15-34. About 21% of kids aged 16 have tried weed at least once in their lives. This adds as in the total population of people aged 16-65 about 17% of people have tried drugs in their life. The discrepancy is easily explained by the higher tendency of younger generations to experiment with drugs, but only a little bit, and it might be already peaking. The numbers of active drug users are way lower if we exclude alcohol and nicotine from considerations. Statistically, around 3% of the population aged 16-65 have used drugs in the last 30 days. That is about 738,000 people consuming drugs a month
77% of users never control what they consume with the test kits or using any other method. They blindly trust what they are getting.
Most often they take drugs at home with their friends and not too often, less than a few times a month, can be as little as once every month. On the opposite end of thespectrum, 19% of drug users take them more often than 10 times a month.
Income Sources
Source: SIN (2019)
Consumption Spaces
Source: SIN (2019)
Routes of Administration
Source: SIN (2019)
Other ROAs might include: sublingual, vaginal or plugging into anus (also called per rectum).
Monthly Spending on Drugs per Person
Amount in PLN (2019) | Projection in PLN (2024) | Projection in EUR (2024) | Percentage % of people |
0 | 0 | 0 | 10,8 |
1-99 | 1-140 | 1-32 | 30,1 |
100-199 | 141-280 | 33-64 | 19,9 |
200-299 | 281-415 | 65-96 | 10,8 |
300-399 | 416-555 | 97-127 | 7,4 |
400-499 | 556-690 | 128-159 | 2,7 |
500-599 | 691-830 | 160-191 | 4,1 |
600-699 | 831-970 | 192-223 | 2,7 |
700-799 | 971-1110 | 224-255 | 2,7 |
800+ | 1110+ | 255+ | 8,8 |
Based on this data and projections. Assuming no inflation scenario the transactions made by the end consumers of drugs amount to at least EUR 34,032,870 a month. Including the projected inflation, the most likely monthly spending of users on drugs in 2024 amounts to at least EUR 47,135,524. These are safe assumptions. A pretty grounded, but braver estimation would be to place it at EUR 56,586,138/month. Assuming the brave estimation to be true, that would put Poland as the holder of 6% of the total European drug market.
“Son, do you have any issues with drugs?”
“No, mom. I call and in half an hour the dealer is here.”
The path into drug dealing is full of risks, including violence and coercion. A young man was thrust into dealing after accumulating a large debt from his hooligan suppliers. Faced with threats of violence towards himself and his family, he had little choice but to comply. This narrative is common among dealers who often start as users looking to support their own addictions. They fall into a network of crime with their own structures and solutions. The football hooligans are on friendly terms with bodyguards at parties and let the dealers come without a queue. It’s a common occurrence to be able to find a dealer in a smoking spot or near the toilets at a party.
Drug dealers in Poland often operate within expansive networks, spreading across local and international boundaries. For instance, three young men, aged 22, 25, and 26, from Biała Podlaska, were arrested with small quantities of narcotics but were found to be significant players in the local drug market. Yet, such small city dealers are nothing compared to organized hooligans in the large cities.
BBGate community might be interested in the independent dealers who start their own journeys through the Cebulka community or Research Chemical websites and deal mainly in their circle of aquaintences. BBGate can become a new starting getaway for such people who deal offline. Also, independent online dealers might be interested in using BBGate’s escrow service if it becomes trustworthy, cheap and easy enough to use. Cebulka is a strong rival with an already established position.
Dealers adapt to the changing market; some have shifted from selling in physical locations to arranging deals over the phone and delivering drugs directly to customers in cars or through Uber taxis.
Who do they buy from? The data comes from 2019, so a year after a total ban on NPS physical stores, but as it can be seen physical locations had established position, because even in the light of strict legal consequences some dealers continued to vend in physical locations and 5% of drug users have reported to be continuing to buy drugs in physical stationary locations. Although, it was a small number back then and can be expected to be even lower nowadays, 6 years after the ban on NPS stores.
50% of users buy their drugs sometimes from the internet, 48% buy them sometimes from a dealer and 35% admit to sourcing their drugs from their friends. This data reflects perfectly the structure of the dealers business. The most popular vendors are big online stores and small-scale real-life dealers that you can phone at any hour.
Graph below shows historical strengths of weed on the market in terms of THC content, and amphetmine products in terms of them containing pure amphetamine freebase. Amphetamine gets mixed with all kinds of things, for example caffeine, creatine, aspirin, phenacetin, lidocaine, and even methamphetamine and cocaine, which seem like really weird choices for a substance to cut amphetamine with.
Source: Central Criminal Laboratory of The Police
Source: SIN (2019),
“No, mom. I call and in half an hour the dealer is here.”
General Characteristics
The life of a drug dealer in Poland is marked by socio-economic struggles or dangerous contact with criminal networks, especially footbal clubs’ hooligans. Many of those involved in the Polish drug trade are young adults, as evidenced by the arrest of a 29-year-old from Legnica who was caught with over 61 kilograms of marijuana and nearly 500 doses of amphetamine and many other cases analyzed for the sake of writing this report. Economic instability, scarce job opportunities, and educational challenges are predominant factors pushing these young individuals towards such illegal activities.The path into drug dealing is full of risks, including violence and coercion. A young man was thrust into dealing after accumulating a large debt from his hooligan suppliers. Faced with threats of violence towards himself and his family, he had little choice but to comply. This narrative is common among dealers who often start as users looking to support their own addictions. They fall into a network of crime with their own structures and solutions. The football hooligans are on friendly terms with bodyguards at parties and let the dealers come without a queue. It’s a common occurrence to be able to find a dealer in a smoking spot or near the toilets at a party.
Drug dealers in Poland often operate within expansive networks, spreading across local and international boundaries. For instance, three young men, aged 22, 25, and 26, from Biała Podlaska, were arrested with small quantities of narcotics but were found to be significant players in the local drug market. Yet, such small city dealers are nothing compared to organized hooligans in the large cities.
BBGate community might be interested in the independent dealers who start their own journeys through the Cebulka community or Research Chemical websites and deal mainly in their circle of aquaintences. BBGate can become a new starting getaway for such people who deal offline. Also, independent online dealers might be interested in using BBGate’s escrow service if it becomes trustworthy, cheap and easy enough to use. Cebulka is a strong rival with an already established position.
Dealers adapt to the changing market; some have shifted from selling in physical locations to arranging deals over the phone and delivering drugs directly to customers in cars or through Uber taxis.
Statistics About Dealers
Based on SIN (2019), 41% of clients buy their drugs themselves. 10% gets them for free. Only 1% exchanges things for drugs. 10% of clients have their friends do the purchases for them and 14% choose to purchase drugs together in a group. 24% have said they use different ways to purchase drugs.Who do they buy from? The data comes from 2019, so a year after a total ban on NPS physical stores, but as it can be seen physical locations had established position, because even in the light of strict legal consequences some dealers continued to vend in physical locations and 5% of drug users have reported to be continuing to buy drugs in physical stationary locations. Although, it was a small number back then and can be expected to be even lower nowadays, 6 years after the ban on NPS stores.
50% of users buy their drugs sometimes from the internet, 48% buy them sometimes from a dealer and 35% admit to sourcing their drugs from their friends. This data reflects perfectly the structure of the dealers business. The most popular vendors are big online stores and small-scale real-life dealers that you can phone at any hour.
Mislabeled Goods
Illegal drugs from the N-Group or P-group are often sold mislabeled. In the report from SIN (2019), 46% of buyers reported having been sold mislabeled goods at least once, with 10% saying they don’t know. When it comes to the NPS-group, 28% have said they got sold not what they ordered and 32% admitted to not knowing. The high percentage of people who don’t know in the NPS-group buyers might be caused because of the similarity of different cathinones, both in the effects and results in reagent tests. Some drugs are also commonly dilluted, like amphetamine. One of the interviewed dealers admits to taking for themselves 20% of their amphetamine and adding filler to make up for it. The government’s analytical data shows it’s a common occurrence and presence of pure amphetamine freebase in the product can be as low as 10%. Street dealers are the worst when it comes to that activity, online stores do a better job, but the most accurate in delivering what they claim to sell are long-established sellers in physical locations. They are also the least significant group, so that doesn’t add up to much. From the point of the ease of access and reliability of a seller, the online stores seem to win the competition.Graph below shows historical strengths of weed on the market in terms of THC content, and amphetmine products in terms of them containing pure amphetamine freebase. Amphetamine gets mixed with all kinds of things, for example caffeine, creatine, aspirin, phenacetin, lidocaine, and even methamphetamine and cocaine, which seem like really weird choices for a substance to cut amphetamine with.
Source: Central Criminal Laboratory of The Police
List of Proven Mislabelings
Advertised as: | Actually was: |
5-MeO-MALT | 5-MeO-MALT + 25C-NBOMe ![]() |
4F-MPH | 4-CDC |
FU-F | 3,4-MDO-U-47700 |
3-CMC + 4-CMC | 4-CMC |
4-CMC | 3-CMC + 4-CEC |
4-CMC | 4-CEC |
DCK | 5F-MDMB-PICA ![]() |
2-FA | AMB-FUBINACA ![]() |
4-MMC | 3-CMC |
Cherry Cocolino | 3-CMC |
ABC | Alfa-PHiP |
8. Online and Offline Stores that Sell Equipment and Chemicals
8.1. List of Local Online Equipment, Precursors and Education Products Sellers
Seed Banks
- - Big for cannabis seeds. Uses the same stock for mushroom cultures and growkits as mykozerca, possible connection.
Psilocybe Mushroom Growkits and Syringes
- - has many varieties of mushrooms. Uses Instagram Ads for marketing, has the best positioning in Google Search.
- - InPost shipping. Blik or crypto payment.
- - one of the oldest vendors.
- - offers many other types of medicinal mushrooms aswell.
- - looks like a machine translation.
- - looks like they invested in graphic design.
- - also sells books, adds legitimacy.
- - has fancy packaging. Lots of growing accessories and drug-related t-shirts on offer.
Chemicals, Precursors and Equipment Sellers
Bartosz Madej #Equipment #Precursors #Education
Signal/Telegram/Phone: +48 735 953 115
[email protected]
Vast, really vast supply of precursors. Their most popular product is BDO. Second most popular is P2NP. Payment through wire transfer, any Polish payment system through Przelewy24 and Stripe. Possibly crypto, as BitPay emblem is put on the website, but not mentioned in writing. Offers many products on Allegro without requiring any documentation when buying. Sells educational materials on the website raging on topics of various laboratory techniques. He also works as a private tutor of chemistry in Warsaw or online.
Nitrochemis #Precursors
[email protected]
Also a mainly BDO and P2NP seller. Offers reshipping.
Maciej (mcchemical) #Precursors
Sells some psychedelic precursors.
WarChem #Reagents
They offer lots of solvents and other reagents, and are loose with regulations when it comes to small amounts, as they sell on Allegro, where there is no control over who places an order.
Pol-Aura #Reagents
Large Polish chemical company. They make sourcing rare reagents in small quantities possible. They are fulfilling all the legal requirements of collecting info on who buys what.
Wide assortment of synthesis reagents.
Constanylious777 #Equipment
This vendor is already present at the BBGate forum. Sells various kinds of equipment, full sets, shipping from Poland. Prices are significantly higher than buying directly from Allegro, OLX or specialized stores.
Main Glassware Sellers
8.2. Popular Marketplaces to Buy Equipment and Reagents
Allegro version of Amazon, but better because on Allegro you can order precursors and solvents in 5L bottles straight to the package machine on your street. Anonymously. This store literally has everything, chemicals, new equipment, used equipment, glassware. All in individual quantities with minimum formalities.
It works not only in Poland. Many of the individual sellers offer shipping abroad. To see who offers that option first you need to enter the polish name of what you are looking for and then check the “Dostawa za granicę” box.
How to ship abroad on Allegro?
Step 1.Step 2.
Some of the polish vendors also sell their products on Etsy, for example SYNTHETIKAEU. It’s a website originally dedicated to trade of hand-made products, hijacked by drug chemists in the meantime.
OLX is the biggest ad board in Poland. Lots of potential listings suitable for rent and creation of a laboratory. On top of that good deals on used equipment and sometimes precursors, but it shouldn’t be used as a first place to look for chemicals, rather when other options run out. It’s best for getting a good deal on a used rotovap (pl. wyparka próżniowa) or some other heavy equipment. Doesn’t offer escrow or protection. You buy stuff there from individuals you need to trust first.
Allegro Lokalnie is an OLX knock-off made by Allegro. Serves exactly the same purpose with the difference that it is owned by Allegro Group.
8.3. Discussions About Chemistry
9. How Do Illicit Synthetic Drugs Enter the Country?
Fig. Number of illegal laboratories making synthetic cathinones in Poland. Source: PolDrugs (2021)
Many of the drugs are made domestically, for example amphetamine or cathinones. The manufacturers often rent flats or houses, sometimes a single floor in a house with other occupants, they don’t really care much. Sometimes the easiest camouflage is the best. They switch locations often. They use old farm buildings in the countryside or rent a local in a special economic zone where industry start-ups are located The precursors are mainly sourced from China. Common reagents are sourced domestically, Poland has very easy access to solvents and chemicals. Big quantities of reagents are ordered from abroad. Some synthetic drugs are imported from the Netherlands, for example MDMA and 2C-B. Plant drugs, for example cannabis, get smuggled from Spain. The regions that produce weed are, according to Eurostat, Spain, Marocco, and the West Balkans.
There are some outliers from these tendencies, for example methamphetamine production is well established in the Czech Republic, so it gets imported from there. Unusual psychedelics made by Lizard Labs are available in many stores worldwide, even in Poland they are still sourced from this vendor based in the Netherlands.
Criminals involved in the production of synthetic drugs like amphetamines and cathiniones employ various methods to avoid detection. One common strategy is to divide the production process into several stages, each occurring in different locations. This segmentation reduces the risk of discovery by neighbors, bystanders, or law enforcement. Typically, only the final stages of production, which are more likely to result in criminal charges, are carried out in highly secured environments.
Innovation in production methods, such as the use of mobile laboratories, is another tactic that not only aims for economic gain but also increases the safety of those involved in the operation. These mobile units can quickly relocate, helping to evade police raids and detection.
One case, a laboratory bust, a lab in a village, a big building, two men, 27 and 63 years old. They had divided a warehouse into specialized rooms. They got caught with 66 kgs of mephedrone on hand. Another case, a 45 year old man was caught taking a package out of Paczkomat. It got scanned during a routine check by the Customs and marked as suspicious. Inside was half a kilo of Spanish weed. The guy immediately got arrested and was facing the possibility of 20 years in prison. Or this situation, marihuana in a truck, camouflaged inbetween dried vegetables, 39 kg of cannabis in one truck. Facing 20 years in prison. The weed either is grown in Spain, or comes to it from the North African countries.
There’s quite a bit of cooperation with the Czech criminals on the drug market. Yet, they are equal partners, not dependent on stuff domestically produced in Poland. Polish cathinones fulfil domestic demands, but the production of amphetamines far exceeds it. This amphetamine gets exported to Scandinavia, Germany, the UK, Ireland, and, to a lesser extent, Spain, Italy, and France using road transport.
Cocaine smuggling into Poland primarily serves to transit the drug to Western Europe from South America, with major Polish seaports like Świnoujście, Gdynia, and Gdańsk acting as critical entry points. These ports receive cocaine shipments hidden in container ships, making detection difficult without specific container numbers. From Poland, the cocaine often re-enters the same sea routes to destinations like Rotterdam or Hamburg and then redistributed across Europe, including Scandinavia.
The Central Police Investigation Bureau (CBSP) in Poland handles numerous cases related to the smuggling of cocaine by Polish and international groups, noting a reverse smuggling route where cocaine is moved from Scandinavian countries to Poland and then to Western Europe. Additionally, the Balkan route, known for trafficking heroin and illegal migrants, is also used for smuggling cocaine, hashish, marijuana.
CBSP has been particularly active in intercepting these operations. Last year, an operation to prevent drugs from being smuggled from Egypt through Poland to Ukraine resulted in the seizure of 77 kg of pseudoephedrine and the detention of three women linked to a drug cartel.
In Wadowice, police disrupted a synthetic drug lab set to produce mephedrone before it became operational, seizing nearly a ton of semi-finished products and significant lab equipment. This action likely prevented the production of hundreds of kilograms of illicit drugs.
In 2015, CBSP secured over 3 tons of Khat worth around USD 20,000,000 sent from Angola. Khat is called “czuwaliczka jadalna” in Polish and it’s listed in the P-group. That’s why no-one imports it much nowadays. Importing cathinone precursors from China makes more sense.
All these examples partially show the scale and directions of trade of illicit drugs in the Polish market.
A better methodology to study operations of police forces is needed. A study of all press material yielded little results. Police obfuscates its methods and sources of information on purpose. The only source that was generous in descriptions of ways of how the police got to suspects were the reports of various governmental organizations. Them being neither tholice nor the news, they were free to publish all they knew on the topic with no-one to edit their oversharing of information.More extensive research can be done on NPS popular in the past, but that got pushed out of the market due to legal and practical reasons. With more chemists working on them and with better supply chains from China they can be reintroduced to the market.
Creating Telegram groups for small and medium-sized cities provides a fertile ground for growth. There seems to be untapped marketing potential, because even a few people looking for drugs in that small city can become further down a local seller or chemist if they learn about and get support from the BB Forum.
Government Documents and Scientific Papers
- Dopalamy wiedzę. SIN, 2019. - PolDrugs. 2021. - Hajland. Maria Banaszak
- SPOWIEDŹ WARSZAWSKIEGO DILERA - “Stawiałem, byłem Panem, miałem przyjaciół. Do czasu" - 7 metrów pod ziemią - Diler uzależniony od mefedronu. "Zjadłem 40g w 3 dni". Czego najbardziej żałuje? | Kuba #zMonaru 27
- Spowiedź DILERA i NARKOMANA - Historia Karola
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