Where I can find Diethyl(phenylacetyl)malonate?
Diethyl(phenylacetyl)malonate CAS 20320-59-6 is in demand in amphetamine and methamphetamine synthesis industry by reason that it's alternative source of phenylacetone (P2P). This direct P2P (main methamphetamine precursor) precursor is legal and...
1) Production of Aluminum Amalgam
2) Reductive Amination and Extraction
3) Methamphetamine Free Base Isolation and Hydrochloride Salt Crystallization
Phenylacetone (P2P) is a key-reagent for a methamphetamine synthesis and can be used for an amphetamine manufacturing as well. Our experiments have clearly showed that P2P purity have direct impact on the methamphetamine synthesis yield and its purity [via sodium borohydride (NaBH4)...
After check and test the methods posted in the thread http://bbzzzsvqcrqtki6umym6itiixfhni37ybtt7mkbjyxn2pgllzxf2qgyd.onion/threads/all-in-one-thread-for-ethyl-methyl-pmk-glycidate-conversion-to-pmk.2013/ I decided the post the best method for me:
1. Put 47,5 liters of H2O in the...
p2p synthesis video
phenyl-2-propanone from acetone and benzene
phenyl-2-propanone synthesis
phenyl-2-propanone synthesis video manual
phenylacetone synthesis
video manual
Comments: 15
Category: Synthesis of Amphetamines (Phenylethylamines)
I represent to BB audience Methamphetamine synthesis method of 1-phenyl-2-propanon (P2P) reductive amination by NaBH4. Following method allows obtaining and large batches of product. The hardest problem of this method is the heat generating during exothermic reaction of imine...
Phenyl-2-Propanones from Acetone Mn(III)-Catalyzed Aromatic Acetonylation
Aside from the often amateurish reduction of (pseudo)ephedrine to methamphetamine, the most popular precursor to amphetamine and methamphetamine is phenyl-2-propanone (also called P2P, BMK, Benzyl Methyl...
p2p synthesis video
phenyl-2-propanone from acetone and benzene
phenyl-2-propanone synthesis
phenylacetone synthesis
video manual
Reaction scheme:
Equipment and glassware:
5 L Round bottom flask;
Retort stand and clamp for securing apparatus (optional);
Reflux condenser;
Sieve filter (kitchen grade is ok);
Syringe or Pasteur pipette;
pH indicator papers;
Beakers (500 mL x2, 250 mL x2, 100 mL x2);
Vacuum source...
APAAN is frequently used for BMK (P2P; cas 103-79-7) production by following reasons:
• The APAAN (cas 4468-48-8) price of is relatively low in compare with P2P price;
• APAAN conversion to BMK doesn't require specific chemistry knowledge;
• APAAN conversion to BMK doesn't require complex or...