Attempts at the one-pot Helional to helionamide process, without successful results.
Issues seem to be the same some people encountered, so if you can give some hindsight it’d be greatly appreciated:
- 13,5g hidroxilamine are added to 175ml DMSO, heating and stirring until it’s dissolved...
good afternoon colleagues
in the sintesis of 4-MCC I have seen in some chat that the posibbility of instead of mixing the 2-metil 4-propiophenone, Diclorometane & Metilamine i go on adding the catalyst (DMSO) Dimetilsulfoxido.
They talk about replacing the diclorometane completely and just...
I was reading the 1st edition of "Advanced Techniques of Clandestine Psychedelic & Amphetamine Manufacture" and I got to the chapter 16 which explains a rather simple method using dimethylsulfoxide, conc. sulfuric acid and NaBr/KBr to obtain bromosafrole in order to synthetize MDA/MDMA