does anyone else miss the 2000s


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Jan 1, 2023
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Yeah mann,all is the truth
Is it the getting old,that looking back in time,old days rule?
Ore would the digitalisation fuck up the experiance of life.
In old days you went out,got drunk with people around you,met girls or what ever you looked out for and phisicly met them.
Not like now,make a first impression bij internet photo,in our chair at home...ALONE!!
And the manipulation of tv,that gives you bite size opinions on how to think ,without thinking and making up your own mind.
Fact,its easy to just folow mainstream opinion,but do you think about your own opinion an deare to come out for it ,and chance to get shot or worse.
Fuck the digital adiction to phones your self,....
But how??


Don't buy from me
Mar 1, 2024
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Yeah mann,all is the truth
Is it the getting old,that looking back in time,old days rule?
Ore would the digitalisation fuck up the experiance of life.
In old days you went out,got drunk with people around you,met girls or what ever you looked out for and phisicly met them.
Not like now,make a first impression bij internet photo,in our chair at home...ALONE!!
And the manipulation of tv,that gives you bite size opinions on how to think ,without thinking and making up your own mind.
Fact,its easy to just folow mainstream opinion,but do you think about your own opinion an deare to come out for it ,and chance to get shot or worse.
Fuck the digital adiction to phones your self,....
But how??
edy'si think part of it is the nostalgia but theres scientific evidence that suggests we shouldnt be getting this much screen time. i dont have any links on hand but just look around, theres proof everywhere. i feel even worse for gen alpha and the "ipad kids." i was kind of an ipad kid in my youth but it wasnt as bad as it is now. yes, technology can be beneficial when used in moderation, but no one wants to put limits on their screentime. we practically live online. i have way more fun when i go out with my friends and shit but i tend to shut myself in bc i dont have motivation and im lowkey a lil mentally ill. being around tech all the time just makes it worse. its a vicious cycle and im trying to get out of it ^^;
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Frit Buchner

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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i think part of it is the nostalgia but theres scientific evidence that suggests we shouldnt be getting this much screen time. i dont have any links on hand but just look around, theres proof everywhere. i feel even worse for gen alpha and the "ipad kids." i was kind of an ipad kid in my youth but it wasnt as bad as it is now. yes, technology can be beneficial when used in moderation, but no one wants to put limits on their screentime. we practically live online. i have way more fun when i go out with my friends and shit but i tend to shut myself in bc i dont have motivation and im lowkey a lil mentally ill. being around tech all the time just makes it worse. its a vicious cycle and im trying to get out of it ^^;
fidelisI don't watch TV either. Maybe how-toe but never fiction drama news ect. It's all propaganda designed to enrage you at the wrong people. The whole iPad tablet have to realize that we don't actually know jack shit but the loudest speculators are usually the least qualified. It's something that is individual. Surely every child shouldn't be strapped to a tablet, but I know a few who are ans it has helped them immensely. A child's interest in learning is directly proportionate to their interest in the subject. Kids don't learn their multiplication tables because mom and dad threatened to take something away. They got interested the moment they saw the power rangers or blaze or my Lil pony doing it. I have specific examples but it's too close to doxing myself to say much. How many places past the decimal point do you know pi? I know an 8 yo who knows it to 35 digits past the decimal. HOW many languages do you speak? I know a 6yo that can speak and understand 4. That 8yo can do do multiplication, 4 digits x 4 digits, as fast as you can with a calculator. He gets it right. The government says these are disabled but I think they are differently able. They learned everything they know from tablets. That 8yo programs chatbots you can download from guithub. He has a YouTube channel. He doesn't need any help, he can do it all.


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Mar 1, 2024
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I don't watch TV either. Maybe how-toe but never fiction drama news ect. It's all propaganda designed to enrage you at the wrong people. The whole iPad tablet have to realize that we don't actually know jack shit but the loudest speculators are usually the least qualified. It's something that is individual. Surely every child shouldn't be strapped to a tablet, but I know a few who are ans it has helped them immensely. A child's interest in learning is directly proportionate to their interest in the subject. Kids don't learn their multiplication tables because mom and dad threatened to take something away. They got interested the moment they saw the power rangers or blaze or my Lil pony doing it. I have specific examples but it's too close to doxing myself to say much. How many places past the decimal point do you know pi? I know an 8 yo who knows it to 35 digits past the decimal. HOW many languages do you speak? I know a 6yo that can speak and understand 4. That 8yo can do do multiplication, 4 digits x 4 digits, as fast as you can with a calculator. He gets it right. The government says these are disabled but I think they are differently able. They learned everything they know from tablets. That 8yo programs chatbots you can download from guithub. He has a YouTube channel. He doesn't need any help, he can do it all.
Frit Buchneryou're absolutely right tbh. i've been online from a very young age but when i was in elementary i did about half my learning from physical books so i might be kind of biased. taking away my electronics never helped me, and if anything, it only hindered both my happiness (not that it was dependent on devices but it just sucked not having that as an OPTION) and my learning. the internet can be an amazing education tool, but there's a lot of brainrot content on there as well. kids just need discernment, and a lot of kids i know don't exactly have that. i know there r smart kids out there like the ones u brought up but i don't know them personally (unless you count myself... i don't mean to sound arrogant but i had an interest in biology, more specifically human biology and various diseases when i was super young. like this was my main interest from 4-8 years old lol...)

and i agree, the government just likes to overdiagnose, exaggerate, and sometimes even make up mental illnesses to push medications. there's a bigger agenda behind this. they want to create mindless, homogenous workers and "keep everyone in line" so to speak. very disheartening. even actual mental illnesses have their advantages. i could be diagnosed with schizophrenia (never got an official diagnosis because i don't want meds but i fit the diagnostic criteria and have been in psychotic episodes that negatively impacted my life. a lot of ppl i know seem to think its drug induced but i showed signs far before i started doing any drugs...) and while it definitely has its drawbacks, it kind of helps my art and writing. it's really expressive and more "raw" i guess. plus sometimes my paranoia feels more like intuition. it's correct about 50% of the time... lol


Don't buy from me
Sep 15, 2023
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I don't watch TV either. Maybe how-toe but never fiction drama news ect. It's all propaganda designed to enrage you at the wrong people. The whole iPad tablet have to realize that we don't actually know jack shit but the loudest speculators are usually the least qualified. It's something that is individual. Surely every child shouldn't be strapped to a tablet, but I know a few who are ans it has helped them immensely. A child's interest in learning is directly proportionate to their interest in the subject. Kids don't learn their multiplication tables because mom and dad threatened to take something away. They got interested the moment they saw the power rangers or blaze or my Lil pony doing it. I have specific examples but it's too close to doxing myself to say much. How many places past the decimal point do you know pi? I know an 8 yo who knows it to 35 digits past the decimal. HOW many languages do you speak? I know a 6yo that can speak and understand 4. That 8yo can do do multiplication, 4 digits x 4 digits, as fast as you can with a calculator. He gets it right. The government says these are disabled but I think they are differently able. They learned everything they know from tablets. That 8yo programs chatbots you can download from guithub. He has a YouTube channel. He doesn't need any help, he can do it all.
Frit BuchnerKids are also growing up in a world where they have to be technology literate


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May 14, 2024
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I can't tell if I miss who I was and how I felt and/or if I miss the nicknacks and on boarding of new tech.
A little bit of both, maybe. 😊


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Mar 1, 2024
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I can't tell if I miss who I was and how I felt and/or if I miss the nicknacks and on boarding of new tech.
A little bit of both, maybe. 😊
Pazi dont rlly miss who i was bc i was very young lol, but i definitely miss how i saw the world, and a big part of that was the technology
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Mar 1, 2024
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The possible (healthy) technology was worse "the year before".
It gets better - not worse. You are stuck in the bad past.
visyes, the hardware got better. processing speeds got better. a lot of modern tech is superior, nobody is arguing with that. i just miss the "vibe" of old tech. it felt so much more playful and fun. there was so much more you could customize. old tech had a hopeful, joyful vision of the future; modern tech took that vision and painted it gray and flatter than ever.


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Dec 21, 2023
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yes, the hardware got better. processing speeds got better. a lot of modern tech is superior, nobody is arguing with that. i just miss the "vibe" of old tech. it felt so much more playful and fun. there was so much more you could customize. old tech had a hopeful, joyful vision of the future; modern tech took that vision and painted it gray and flatter than ever.
fidelisDont understand your ground for that major statement.
Todays tech is so much more playful and fun than before.


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Mar 1, 2024
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Dont understand your ground for that major statement.
Todays tech is so much more playful and fun than before.
vislook at the examples in the original post + ik this isnt rlly 2000s but in windows xp u could change the cursor and i miss shit like that...


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Dec 21, 2023
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The technology could do less and worse than today. You like the estetics with bad technology, thats all you refer to. I want better always. You waste time on a bad past ~ but you really like you blobby little mobile pictures. That technology feels so far removed from the "real world" now. i dont like shit like that. I want it easy served so I can do drugdeals fast. You want it worse again. I live only once(yet) so why waste time on retarded nostalgia


Don't buy from me
May 13, 2024
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The technology could do less and worse than today. You like the estetics with bad technology, thats all you refer to. I want better always. You waste time on a bad past ~ but you really like you blobby little mobile pictures. That technology feels so far removed from the "real world" now. i dont like shit like that. I want it easy served so I can do drugdeals fast. You want it worse again. I live only once(yet) so why waste time on retarded nostalgia
visNostalgia can be a warm blanket at times, and some of us like that 'blanket' more than others. Real world is running out of shadowy corners to hide in and I think those of us used to it just being that way are pining for those older, albeit simpler times
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Dec 21, 2023
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Nostalgia can be a warm blanket at times, and some of us like that 'blanket' more than others. Real world is running out of shadowy corners to hide in and I think those of us used to it just being that way are pining for those older, albeit simpler times
KurtV989Technological Singularity is a wealthier refuge all shiny like the stars to reach. Are we alone? At this earthly moment we are still


Don't buy from me
May 13, 2024
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Technological Singularity is a wealthier refuge all shiny like the stars to reach. Are we alone? At this earthly moment we are still
visyou make a good point, why spend so much time pining for old times when they're obviously gone and not coming back?
I think we are caught in the middle between ages: digital infancy-->digital independence, We played in the dirt, when we had a question we needed answered it was off to the library. I remember once my mom ordered a 'guide' to beat an NES game, it took forever to get to us, was just sheets of paper all thrown together, yet we were so excited! where now, our kids are born in to it and it's normal for them to get any answer they need in seconds.

It's two completely different upbringings, I for one envy your very positive view of this age we find ourselves in @vis!


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Dec 21, 2023
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you make a good point, why spend so much time pining for old times when they're obviously gone and not coming back?
I think we are caught in the middle between ages: digital infancy-->digital independence, We played in the dirt, when we had a question we needed answered it was off to the library. I remember once my mom ordered a 'guide' to beat an NES game, it took forever to get to us, was just sheets of paper all thrown together, yet we were so excited! where now, our kids are born in to it and it's normal for them to get any answer they need in seconds.

It's two completely different upbringings, I for one envy your very positive view of this age we find ourselves in @vis!
KurtV989Sure there is history to remember and cherish. It is me that are bitter about my past experience and I have to be in present with all loaded into whats next. It is me that are skewed in this matter. I want to know whats beyond, more than decay and death for me surely. :cry: I am an extreme outsider in cloak and dont want to be a hack on fidelis, she is very outspoken allright but too laid back for my stern stamina. Probably she is above me in life value anyway and I am lost. Damn me. Off I Gooo


Don't buy from me
May 13, 2024
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Sure there is history to remember and cherish. It is me that are bitter about my past experience and I have to be in present with all loaded into whats next. It is me that are skewed in this matter. I want to know whats beyond, more than decay and death for me surely. :cry: I am an extreme outsider in cloak and dont want to be a hack on fidelis, she is very outspoken allright but too laid back for my stern stamina. Probably she is above me in life value anyway and I am lost. Damn me. Off I Gooo
vislol you're too hard on yourself!


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May 14, 2024
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Sure there is history to remember and cherish. It is me that are bitter about my past experience and I have to be in present with all loaded into whats next. It is me that are skewed in this matter. I want to know whats beyond, more than decay and death for me surely. :cry: I am an extreme outsider in cloak and dont want to be a hack on fidelis, she is very outspoken allright but too laid back for my stern stamina. Probably she is above me in life value anyway and I am lost. Damn me. Off I Gooo
visSome smart guy once said something along the lines:
"I don't fear death. I was dead for billions of years before I was born and it didn't bother me at all"

For me, what ever this roller coaster of chills and thrills actually turns out to be.
I'd say it's been a good run. Good fun.
The best of times and the worst of times. ☺️

All of the experiences, from mundane to exciting.
Emotions, strong as can be.
Albeit deafened over the years, but still sharply defined by the sheer contrasts they exert.

TLDR: Everything passes, for better or for worse, it will change. 🤗


Don't buy from me
Dec 21, 2023
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Some smart guy once said something along the lines:
"I don't fear death. I was dead for billions of years before I was born and it didn't bother me at all"

For me, what ever this roller coaster of chills and thrills actually turns out to be.
I'd say it's been a good run. Good fun.
The best of times and the worst of times. ☺️

All of the experiences, from mundane to exciting.
Emotions, strong as can be.
Albeit deafened over the years, but still sharply defined by the sheer contrasts they exert.

TLDR: Everything passes, for better or for worse, it will change. 🤗
PazPaz: Thanks for cheering. I am darksided intellectual. A damn joke I am for real. I will work till the end though. Joyous I am not, never really. It is a front if I seem happy. I have goals that I will reach more or less by foremost Elaborate drugdealing. It is unfortunate bad. life hard. I stern. Dont show me weak whiny like now.

to Kurt: No! In pain I trust. I must reach my slimmed goal or I off finally.


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May 13, 2024
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We all come from different walks of life. My childhood in comparison to the majority of the population I would consider spectacular. My life seemed to get shittier the older I got and the more decisions I made and now here I am!

Point I'm trying to make is, here we all are talking amongst ourselves completely privately about whatever the fuck we want. We have it really good and really bad all at the same time. and @vis your outlook on life must get tiresome, I implore you to camp out in nature or even take a walk out the forest. Remember that you are here now and get to experience whatever may be around you. Let the salve of nature calm your soul!

High as shit right now (if that sounded preachy gay to anyone lol)


Don't buy from me
Dec 21, 2023
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We all come from different walks of life. My childhood in comparison to the majority of the population I would consider spectacular. My life seemed to get shittier the older I got and the more decisions I made and now here I am!

Point I'm trying to make is, here we all are talking amongst ourselves completely privately about whatever the fuck we want. We have it really good and really bad all at the same time. and @vis your outlook on life must get tiresome, I implore you to camp out in nature or even take a walk out the forest. Remember that you are here now and get to experience whatever may be around you. Let the salve of nature calm your soul!

High as shit right now (if that sounded preachy gay to anyone lol)
KurtV989Now my status getting too complicated for showing off. I am narrow focused on heavy goals while urban comfy. Oh I am into women. I rest my case. Talk to the odd nice threadstarter and be moots


Don't buy from me
May 26, 2024
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early 2000s were the most hard partying wild years of my life. those were the X years. so many dance parties.
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