What other methods are out there to make molly, any alternative ways you suggest? What method is more possible and accessible for middle eastern geography. Its difficult to order crude and raw materials form ebay or alibaba here
Hello, I've recently come across a local connection who's able to provide me with [~92%] PMK oil.
I've been reading various PMK -> MDMA synth guides on here and other forums, however I'm finding myself asking more questions than the guides are answering.
Somebody recommended I try Bright...
They have given no IUPAC or CAS does anyone know if this is good?doubt it has Cb1 action because of ban.Its white unlike other new yellow inactive ones but its sketchy.anyone tried it?
Sorry for bombarding the forum with questions for two days even before I started my chemistry education i was interested with organic chemistry and science of drugs.
Here is my question, can I use molecular sieves for drying instead of mercury amalgam?