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MDA HCl Synthesis from α-Methyl-1,3-benzodixole-5-propanamide.
Recently, it has been very difficult to find sources for MDMA, and this work opens up new possibilities for using helional to produce MDA-MDMA. In addition, this synthesis also passes through two legal precursors, which can be taken note of by Chinese and European suppliers of reagents. Good work.
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Recently, it has been very difficult to find sources for MDMA, and this work opens up new possibilities for using helional to produce MDA-MDMA. In addition, this synthesis also passes through two legal precursors, which can be taken note of by Chinese and European suppliers of reagents. Good work.
i wonder between mda and mdma wich one is stronger?
Novator uwre fuuuckin too awsome im also a chemist but ur work and video production team are both in whole diffrent step .....thiiiiis is a true ART biig fan bro u'r a legend wanna meet yah more then denzel washington after equalizer moviiie ur ana artist bro
Ethanol 88% what is this mix with water ? I have 99 ethanol can I mix 11% water it makes 88% I'm i right 👍
Excellent video, I appreciate you. I was wondering if anyone knew if this could this be scaled down by, for instance, multiplying all quantities by .25 or .5? I know scaling up can be a bitch, but I think scaling down usually isnt an issue. Thanks famo
Excellent video, I appreciate you. I was wondering if anyone knew if this could this be scaled down by, for instance, multiplying all quantities by .25 or .5? I know scaling up can be a bitch, but I think scaling down usually isnt an issue. Thanks famo
This synthesis is scalable

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Synthesis of Amphetamines (Phenylethylamines)
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