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Im wondering if more than 10g of P2NP can be added. Seems like a lot of work for such a small amount produced. Theres a shitload of aluminum in there and i cant help but wonder how much more could you react and still have efficient reduction. Could you maybe get away with 50g?
Is there a way to replace the amalgam ? as i cant get nitrid acid to do the process, or if someone knows a recipe with same/similar reagents, thanks
Is it a necessity to rinse the aluminum with mercury ? I see another synth does the same recipe expect no mercury wash and they use nickel and ethanol instead of iso and acid to hold the aluminum during rxn
Can someone explain what the chemical reaction is ? I understand some of what is happening but not enough. Is this a reduction, oxidation ? What is happening lol. The only thing I understand so far is aluminum dissolves in acids. What’s the in depth reaction ?
This tek don’t work, unless it has to be acetic, I used hcl. Nothing dissolves and nothing happens except it gets hot
hello and thank you for this fabulous video. Is it possible to replace mercury (II) nitrate with mercury (II) chloride for amalgamation with aluminum? If so, does the quantity change? if yes in what quantity for the same proportion as in the video please? thank you in advance for your response
Did you add glacial acetic acid (glacial acetic acid is water-free)? Did you add water to the flask when you reduced it with aluminum amalgam?

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Synthesis of Amphetamines (Phenylethylamines)
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